Why freedy mains are so toxic?

As i huntress main and sometimes myers or even bubba most of the time i play fair(If nobody it's toxic) and i give hatch or farm if there's an early DC but freedy mains are incredible toxic i have almost 1.100h and NEVER saw a good freedy they always does the slowes gen build with slow perks AND tunnel or camp or even do game hostage or bleed out with no reason.
I guess they do that because freedy it's a extremely powerfull killer without weakness and that don't need skill to play so their ego maybe get so high that they play toxic? i don't even try to play against freedy because thoose matchs are so toxic and boring that don't make sense to even give a chance i ratter face a spirit wich is 50/50 on loops because it's just HARD to play against than freedy most of the time spirits are not so toxic(not like freedy) and need some skill to usa phase in a optimum way but freedy mains are terrible i know that the old freedy wans't powerfull and in that time i was hoping that freedy was buffed but keeping the killer essence but they literaly transformed him in completely diferent killer(Completely different from movies) and after him getting so powerfull the toxic freedys started to show up.
Yesterday i was trying to give up to go to another game and freedy literraly blocked me in a corner for 10until i dc and let the other 3 guys escape, the other match i gave up and freedy refused to pick me up and slugged everybody and let us(freedy rank 5, me 3 and the rest were rank 15-20 nice MMR) bleed out to death without a single hook after some normal matchs i got another freedy that literraly brought the best addons to slow gens, best slow gen build, pink mori and facecamped me that gave up on the start of the game(i bring mori sometimes but most of the time i only mori on the last hook or the toxic guy), two matchs later i got another freedy that was tunneling someone with 5 gens even i'm telling him that i gave up she kep tunneling the poor meg.
This post ins't about how powerfull freedy it's this post it's just about the toxicity level that this killer has i never saw other killer being so toxic than him even insidius bubba facecamping it's not toxic like freedys mains i don't know if freedy mains have some hate against survivors so that's why they always play extremely toxic or just because this killer it's easy to play so they got their ego boosted like i said.
Before someone say the classic" you're just a salt survivor" i play both sides if you play well and i die GG for you if i play well and kill you without being a camper/tunneler gg for me right? and i have a lot of discussions in this forum supporting both sides like "NOED it's fine" and "Gen rush exsist" so if you're survivor sided or killer please be kindly and try your best to understand this topic before comment something selfish just because you play one side.
Because they want the match to feel like a nightmare !
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Its the same reason more often than not bubbas are toxic. The easiest killers tend to have the most entitled killers.
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Because freddy is toxic in the movies too.
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Bubba is only easy against bad survivors.
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Bro, if you are not a toxic Freddy, you are not worthy to play that character.
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You could make that claim with literally any killer. On the average he is a low skill killer, compared to other instadown killers his has the least requirements before he can down someone in one shot. The only true counter to him (outside head on) is to not let him get near you as he is fast and can one shot with no prerequisite. Only downsides are his height and terror radius is slightly larger. He can put a ton of pressure simply by existing, just like freddy.
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Cuz the only people that play Freddy are people that know he's OP and want a free win.
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Play Bubba against me see how long it takes to get your chainsaw hit if it's so easy.
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I have nothing to prove to you? Your opinion of me is meaningless. And a free win is a free win, i know why you play him. I found the bubba main though, priding themself on a dunk using a childs net. Not that this convo was about bubba, your pride got hurt so you fixated on him.
Anyways to OP you typically see the easiest killers being the most toxic, because you get two groups of people playing them; those that exclusively play easy killers because they feel entitled to 4k's, or those that lost last game with a skilled killer and shifted to an easy one to heal their ego. Both lead to salty killers
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The people that play Freddy remember all the times that survivors healed right in front of him with impunity and now he poos on them with righteous indignation and vengeance.
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Yeah, thought so. You can't win against Bubba so he's a free win 😂 nice argument. You're new, aren't you?
Also I've been maining Bubba since 2017 so what's your point? Was he a "free win" back then as well? If you can't beat Bubba you're just bad at the game.
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The only time i've ever died to bubba is when im frist down and they camp, but im not here to talk about me or you. This isn't a bubba thread, stop trying to fix your bruised ego and stay on topic, but thank you for solidifying my point that people who main easy killers are just in general toxic people, the "but what about me attitude" is really demonstrating that to a T.
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I'm guessing Freedy mains are toxic because they WANT to be FREDDY mains but their mom decided to buy the generic brand.
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How is Bubba a "free win"?
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You: "he is easy and no skill reee! You're toxic reeee!"
Me: "prove it and play Bubba against me"
You: "I don't have to prove anything! You're toxic reeee!"
That's basically our conversation and anyone can see it so let's leave it at that.
As for Bubba he is mechanically one of the most difficult killers in the game (based on the number of mechanics and the punishment if you fail at ANY of the involved mechanics).
You saying otherwise means nothing as you're obviously new to the game AND you refuse to prove it by playing against me AND you refuse to post proper arguments other than "he's a free win reeee!". Out in the open? Your fault (which also applies to any killer). Free pressure for existing? Only if you're too scared to touch gens (typical for new players).
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"bubba mains aren't toxic" Continues to be toxic and scream "what about meee! if we're not talking about me imma cry" like anyone that mains easy killers lmao. You really want to triple down on proving my point and i appreciate it. Its embarrassing for you but i'll take it. *waiting for a reply that continues to scream "but me me me" for the 4th time*
AGAIN, back to op's focus, the only two killers i've ever seen take a game hostage by slugging and forcing people to bleed out are these easy killers op. For freddy's in particular I think it comes from the power trip of his abilities, they give a sense of control over the survivors that most other killers dont. The teleporting and constant pressure of the dream state that requires no action on the part of the killer makes them feel powerful.
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I still want to know why people demand that killers must be difficult to play if they're good, but takes no skill whatsoever to play survivor and still they're the power role.
"All Freddy mains are toxic", you're just salty. By your logic I can say that all SWF are toxic, cause they're really are OP and broken and it's very common that they will harass you during and after the game, regardless of the result of the match. But I know not all of them are like this.
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You think slugging = taking the game hostage. 😂
I think I will let your post speak for itself.
Bye again.
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Freddy is a brain dead killer. To play as and against. It has a low skill ceiling while being one of the top killers in the game. Toxic players aren’t very smart (at looping, mind gaming, applying pressure etc) and they know if they have a bad game they can make survivors games a boring experience with Freddy
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Devs have straight up said slugging everyone and waiting for all 4 to bleed out instead of hooking is taking the game hostage? like its not me the devs confirmed this, idk why you're so insistent on being wrong
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Slugging all 4 and waiting for them to bleed out is NOT taking the game hostage as they will literally - BLEED OUT IN 4 MINUTES.
Show me where the devs literally said it's "taking the game hostage" or is it yet another thing you "don't have to prove"?
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Your right, its bannable but not technically holding the game hostage, its trolling, semantics with the same outcome. Easy killer mains like freddy do this in my experience to, again, help heal their ego, so i get the anger when called out. Hope you learn to chill soon though! Noone deserves that much stress
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as a freddy main i feel personally attacked that you think im toxic. thats the exact opposite of what i play like, unless someone deserves it.
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So slugging is BANNABLE all of a sudden! Gotcha ! 😂 hahahaha I can't 😂 Ok have a good day and thanks for making me laugh again 😂
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To be clear, i've had plenty of really fun and good freddys, its not that every person that plays freddy is toxic, is that the most toxic players i've ever seen are ALWAYS Freddys and Bubbas. I've never had a four slug bleed out with anyone else.
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Took half a second to find 5 separate people on these fourms alone that were banned for it in the past year? It falls under "Griefing/Intentional gameplay abuse." if there's a pattern of doing it with a clear intent of spite. And noone is more spiteful than those who play the easiest and pay to win killers. I am glad you learned to chill though, no rage behind those emjies at all.
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trust me ive faced more SallySlugson's and Spirit's that do that than I have Freddy or Bubba or any other killer. At least when a Freddy wants to be toxic to me they have the decency to use an ebony and let me move on quickly.
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Saying freddy player are toxic is like saying all the survivor are toxic because they use second chance perk that just stupid
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I dont invest enough into the game to get to the level of survivor required for the spirit/nurse/huntress killers so maybe its a leveling thing? Could just be that mid skill killers are toxic with different killers than top skill (if those are who you play with). The only rank one freddy i played against was super toxic, but that's obviously a useless sample size.
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Not even close to the point. What would be closer in analogy is that blendettes tend to be useless because all they do is hide, which is a valid "character to action' correlation. We weren't discussing perks at any point.
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There's 4 I could find in a quick search in these fourms alone of people being banned for upwards of two weeks for four person slugging and letting them bleed out for the greifing section of reporting. Those four are just the ones that weren't removed by mods because you cant post about bans here so there's probably quite a few more. I can see why every day there's threads with people who are afraid the games going to die though, been here two months and its just so many people like you that bully and scream and shriek at anyone who suggests anything they disagree with. It'd probably be agitating if it weren't just fundamentally sad. I am glad you learned to chill though, no rage behind those emjies at all.
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Forum bans have absolutely nothing to do with slugging (or anything else done in-game for that matter).
Slugging is not bannable and I'm glad you finally admit that you're new to the game.
Here's an official list with things that are not bannable:
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Learn to loop, window vaults absolutely kill Bubba as he can't chainsaw through them
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Red Paint brush + Swing chains. Dying Light, Sloppy Butcher and thanatophobia. AKA the ultimate slowdown build. That Constant 8% penalty combined with Thana and Dying light painfully add up.
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Ive played freddy since before rework. This is revenge.
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The servers beg to differ on that lol, been hit two steps past a vault by his chainsaw at least 3 times, but I get your point. I know how to loop as well but with his changes giving him the speed boost i've yet to see anyone successfully loop him.
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Im not talking about fourm bans, im talking about they were banned from the game. How they gunna make forum posts while banned in the forum? They weren't banned because they slugged someone, they were banned because they were greifing, and they utilized slugging to do so. For example, the devs explicitly state that bodyblocking the last person in the basement and not letting them leave nor killing them is considered taking the game hostage. This is one of their three examples for taking the game hostage. But if you looked only at the image you attached it wouldn't count. The issue here is clear intent. Idk why but you insist on being intentionally obtuse but im guessing its because people in your life do the same to you, its tedious to deal with and childish, grow up. You also never asked how long i've been playing, you made assumptions. I've been involved in the game for 6 months, but been playing for two. Surprised i stayed in this long with people like you though, the absolute dregs of the worst, behaving like someone who was bullied in HS so uses forums as an adult to feel they are regaining control.
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I had some quip to respond but its irrelevant, your first point is totally dwarfed by the absurdity of your second. And are you seriously telling me "dont call people out for toxic behavior unless you yourself are toxic first"?? What??? "Dont tell me to stop poisoning your water supply until you yourself have poisoned it." Makes no sense.
Furthermore anyone who cares about any community welcomes new ideas unless they've created a personal echo chamber which, considering how your talking, im guessing is the case. If you care about the game surviving at all you'd listen to new people who say "behavior X is causing me to not want to play" because ignoring it is a sure fire way to get the game to die. Others on the forums seem to grasp this, why cant you? I've gotten 6 friends to start playing in the past month, already because of behavior like this 3 will only play kyf, this isn't an isolated incident.
Yall really need to learn to stay ontopic though, bubba profiles, seems to be a trend.
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Slugging isn't the same as blocking someone in place infinitely (which doesn't even work with the basement anymore due to dynamic hitboxes).
If you are slugged you bleed out and die. It doesn't matter why the killer does it. You will die after 4 minutes (if your teammates don't save you OR if you don't run anti-slug perks that is) so it's not bannable. Simple as that.
Can't believe you take the game so seriously you even pulled the
"you must get bullied in real life if you don't play the way I want"-card.
You tell me to grow up yet you're the one crying and moaning because people don't play the way you want them to play.
So much for being childish.
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Its not toxic to run slowdown builds.
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I've never noticed Freddy's be any more toxic than anyone else.
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I never once claimed anything about your or your life, i made analogues to your behavior and the common causation of that behavior in others. All you've done is directly insult me every single post. No wonder concurrent players are dropping, if the vets of the game behave like you. Bringing in your friends to double down on it too. Its just a silly game, games are for fun, if this game is important to you which is clearly is, then act like it and be a decent human being.
You never explained then how multiple people were banned from the game for griefing by slugging if slugging isn't bannable in any form ever no matter what as you claimed. And I never said slugging and body blocking were the same, i was, again, building an analogue because you (likely intentionally) misunderstood everything i've said. I thought a simple A is to B as C is to D analogy could help, but you cant reason with bullies i guess.
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What are you talking about? Freddy is the most hard Killer to master, even hard than Nurse, thats why every Freddys is toxic, they want to show their dominance to show how much time they've spent on him just to be so good with him.
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I think they, like me, dont play in the top teir ranks. Vs mid level survivors like me freddy is a powerhouse without having to do anything special. His dreamstate scares people at my level so half the time im one of two people on a gen while he's patrolling and his ability to teleport is insane. I know it just requires more practice on my part but i've never once had freddy teleport to a gen i was on that wasn't in a gym and not manage to catch up to me before I found a loop.
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He quote a good build most freddy player use (NEVER saw a good freedy they always does the slowes gen build with slow perks) that why i compare the survivor to freddy but your exanple is great too
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Oh i missed that, i apologize! you're correct. Your analogy was good my bad
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Somebody doesn't play killer.
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Freddy is pay to win
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Why are Dead by Daylight mains so toxic?