Unable to opt-out of crossplay

HA now your stuck *evil laugh* just kidding i guess theyre enabling it forcefully to make sure its working. Then theyll allow the opt out. But yeah i can't either.
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Guess I'm not playing for a while.
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I'm on ps4 too. I think they updated the news before actually activating cross play. Or I have only had ps4 players today.
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Not even going to try and see? It's not like you will be forced to uninstall if you have a bad match
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PS4 player here. I can mark and unmark the option for Crossplay.
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Now you will be forced to play against pc players, which are known for having all more than 5000 hours and being nurse mains.
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I haven't the slightest interest in playing with PC players.
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With the current framerate issues on console I have been dreading this day lol
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And? It's not like out of 10 matches you will play against a god nurse, killers in console will still existe.
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Where is it option? I can not find it :(
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At least crossplay opponents won’t be able to send you hate post-match :)
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You're telling me you're scared to face killers who's more playable on PC ?
damn those people are so entilted to win.
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The Cross-Play option is greyed out if you're inside the "Play as Survivor" or "Play as Killer" Menu. Try changing it from the main menu's options.
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Thank you, this worked.
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Please see my comment above regarding framerate issues.
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People think that everyone who plays on pc is a god, the majority of the killers will feel the same, the only one who will feel a bit different Will be Nurse, Deathslinger mas huntress mas it's not like you will see them every match.
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I'm on xbox and kinda looking forward to experiencing a god tier nurse lol. Maybe even get lucky and an otz trapper/monto jake!
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Or they don't want to play against someone with a considerable advantage. Add in the prevalence of hacking on PC and I think it's pretty easy to see why people don't want to deal with this.
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Is the console FPS going to be an issue going against pc? I have enough issues with it as is.
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Good huntresses, billy, nurse, and spirits are rare as hell on pc. You'll be lucky (or unlucky) to come across them.
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Yes, a Killer with 5-10 FPS should totally go up against a team who's got 50-60 FPS. Sorry, but I'm not putting myself through that BS. Crossplay will be off for me until consoles are optimized.
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Ok, I've seen a couple of your responses on this post and I reckon I have no hope of changing your mind
Hope you don't mind having longer queue times because of your stubborness 🤷♂️
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It's stubborn to not want to play at a disadvantage?
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It's stubborn to assume that you would be at a disadvantage without having tried playing with the cross play enabled, and refusing to do that because "PC more powerful than PS4, game unfair"
Have you considered that PCs come in different performances? Even mid-end PCs have framedrops, it's not something that makes the game unplayable against someone who has a better PC, and for sure it is not something that is worth disabling cross-play for in my opinion, but you do you
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And it's not like it's going to be a pc killer in every match.
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Come on, at least try it for a day. 🤗
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I guess he's a killer main, since I feel killer mains are the ones having more issues with the cross-play rolling out for some reason, but yes, you are entirely correct, you only MIGHT find people from a different platform
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Mouse And keyboard are just flat out better. Even a lower end PC will out perform a console. So, it's not assuming there will be a disadvantage. It's a fact. And as I said above, add in hackers and I'm good.
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What kinda of console are you using then? I play on ps4 and only have issues in Lerys.
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PS4. And the issues compared to PC are very pronounced.
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Survivors are actually easier to control with a controller since the main movement you have to do is "run in a circle"
Some killer are not but that should not matter since you don't compete with other killers in the same match.
Ah yes, the hacker argument, would you trust me if I were to say that the whole thing is a lot exaggerated? No way? 100% hacker population on PC?
Ok, as I said, no hope of changing your mind I see, enjoy your time in the Fog 🤷♂️
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We can't see the chat box you know :p
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I know, it was for the screenshot :p
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Understandable. I'm actually pretty excited to go against a pc nurse
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It's the height of entitlement to think you deserve faster queues at the expense of someone else's. You can turn it off. There isn't anything else to be said about it, and I hope BHVR ignores the console crybaby crowd openly advocating for segregation from ONE platform.
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I must have missed the part where I asked for segregation.
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okay so what you need to do is be in the main menu and click on options don't press the three lines press the options button you should be able to do it from there
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sorry i'm on xbox! not the three lines the start button on the right side
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I'm having the opposite problem. I play on PC and plan to opt out of playing with console players. Not because they're 'Gods' but because they all seem to face camp. That was my experience last night, anyway. 8 out of 10 matches I was camped to death. I would run into that sporadically before but now it's every game. I would rather play against a 'god' like killer and die anyway than against a ######### one who ruins everyone else's game because they're selfish and have no real skill. Not attacking anyone personally but that's just been my experience so far. Oh, and also queue times are worse than before.
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I also have this problem. I cannot opt out of Crossplay. The box won’t uncheck no matter how many times I try.
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This worked for me too! Thanks guys!
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i'm on ps4 and i had no trouble facing people as killer or survivor I don't alway get a 3k or 4k or get out but i got that before crossplay.
also I'm more comfortable with a controller as killer or survivor it's why i use it when i play the steam ver still no trouble.
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(I’m on ps4) I’m rank 9 about to be rank 8 and I keep playing agains red ranked (usually 1 and 2) pc played and getting slugged. I like the challenge of versing good killers but this is just annoying I’ve versed 3 pc red ranked players in a row and got slugged everytime lol even with good teammates around rank 4 to 8 we can’t handle it. (I was rank 5 in the past after rank resets)
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I must be blind, but I have no idea where the option is, and I'd like to use said option.
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So, as the dev said, you can back out to the main menu and go to settings to opt out.
I would say try it out though! I have an original PS4, not a pro, and the survivors on PS4 take advantage of FPS a lot more than cross play survivors do. The ones on ps4 know exactly how to move to make it stutter, but the ones on pc seem to be used to juking a different way that may work for pc killers but doesn't throw me off on ps4. I think because they juke sooner. Just give it a shot, I've been smashing the PC teams
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But have you thought about how the pc survivors are used to juking pc killers? they still have to figure out the best way to move to make your ps4 frames stutter, regardless of the clear precision that mouse and keyboard bring. Its not about equipment, its about the movement and timing, which they don't seem to have figured out yet
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I don't know why would you say that this is a crossplay issue..
A killer of higher rank than you slugged your team and you losto. How do you know they were a PC player and not an xbox or even a switch player? Are console players unable to win by slugging? Just because someone from another platform behaves like a dick it doesn't mean it's a crossplay issue..
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I opted out and was punished with a 20 minute wait for a match with my wife as survivor. As killer, I still get matches in less than 5 minutes.
Cross play is a train wreck.
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May I ask why you can't unmark in inside of the "Play as Survive" or "Play as Killer" Menus?