Stop. Persecuting. Stealthy. Survivors.

Blendette's get mercilessly tunneled. People mention it in their profiles how they tunnel em. People hate on Urban Ev. users.
I'm sorry we're not all blessed with an algorithmic god-like knowledge of the maps, every hitbox, every trick, running the dirtiest perks imaginable as a nigh untouchable SWF team.
Some of us get our kicks watching a Killer search every bush in the map, because you a blendette, did so one time, and now he's convinced you're ALWAYS hiding in a bush.
Some of us get our kicks seeing just how hard we can fuNk with the Killer and waste their time entirely.
It's a legitimate part of the game. Stop acting like it's not.
If the makers were THAT concerned they'd stop making super dark blendy cosmetics.
Stop. Hating.
Killers get mad when they can't find you. Then they get mad if you loop them. There's honestly no pleasing them.
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I don't hate it I just bring in noed devour warden and nurses for a endgame build and a mori
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Stealthy is my preferred way of playing survivor. It's a shame they've continously nerfed it as a playstyle over the years. I get why. They want interaction. But I get a bigger boost of adrenaline narrowly stealthing past a killer than I ever do from chases.
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"Some of us get our kicks seeing just how hard we can fuNk with the Killer and waste their time entirely."
Yeah, I can't imagine why killers might specifically go after the hiding survivors. I guess it's a unsolvable mystery!
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You're saying stealthing around is part of the game but so is getting "mercilessly tunneled" so I don't get your point.
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My last few games I escaped without even being chased, I still did gens, saved hooks, sabo, searched chests, noise spammed to lure killer. I'm better and hiding and spotting the killer than i am at juking and looping, so i play to my strengths, as do others.
10 -
The thing's just hurting yourself and teammates in the long run. I have Nvidia filters, balancers, and brightness cranked way up. Blendettes stick out like a sore thumb and often cause snowballs rather than cause me to waste time. Because when I catch stealth players in that bush, they're often so ridiculously out of position that they go down within 10 seconds. They'd have been better off at least attempting the chase.
12 -
Facing at least 2 blendettes in the game is boring as a killer.
You have to kill 1 one of Them because if these 2 survivors are the last one to survive they are going to hold the game hostage.
Because they are going to refuse to do Gens and they Will just hide forever. Unless you play doctor there isnt much the killer can do.
This is my reason I hate blendettes. But i hate claudettes in general with that smart ass face.
17 -
"Some of us get our kicks seeing just how hard we can fuNk with the Killer and waste their time entirely." - One of the reasons survivors get tunneled.
"It's a legitimate part of the game. Stop acting like it's not." - So is tunneling stealthy survivors.
Congratulations on making the case for Killers to tunnel survivors in your anti-tunnel post.
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To clarify I meant 4 man blenddetts of it's just a normal game and they just like to avoid then gg but if it's obviously gonna be a stealth team then I show them how fun it is to go against a killer determined to kill you
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Sorry, but if I wanted to wander around an empty map for fifteen minutes I'd go play Minecraft.
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Stealthing is not an issue until you go overboard with it and don't help the team because you're too busy trying not to be seen.
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It's not just Killers. Survivors sabotage you too. Alllllllllllllll the time
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I don’t mind stealth when it’s used effectively (I.e. sparingly). I hate stealth players when they refuse to take any aggro or hook states, forcing other survivors to take chases and hooks while they haven’t even been hooked once. It’s selfish and annoying.
Stealth play is also extremely boring from a killer point of view. There’s nothing more boring than wandering around the map looking for a glimpse of a survivor crouching in a bush. If you want to play like that don’t be surprised if you get camped and/or tunnelled because once you are found, you’re not getting away.
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See. Everyone is saying the exact things.
Just because someone uses a cosmetic does not mean they play that certain way. Quit pre-judging.
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Right. Because pure intentful tunneling is something we all love to see. That's totally why there's like 8 perks to prevent tunneling. Right. Totally.
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Stealth is an important part of the game, but I lose my mind when blendettes are scared to do objectives because it makes noise. It's sad that I often have teammates crouch in a bush next to me while I'm doing a generator. It's not going to speed up the progress and it's not going to make the generator make less sound.
I also hate it when those blendettes crouch in the corner of the map while I'm on hook and someone else is being chased. People should stealth when the killer is near them, not when the killer is 10000 kilometers away and doing other stuff.
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You're not helping the case for stealthy survivors by equating them with the blendette playstyle. I can evade the killer while doing objectives while wearing neon cosmetics. Playing as a black character with dark clothes, crouching in corners and bushes and being generally useless is brainless and you should be moried every match for doing so.
8 -
Maybe if you helped your team that wouldn't happen. You do know when 3 ppl are on deathhook, there's one gen left and you've been hiding all game and haven't been hooked guess what? It's YOUR turn to take agro! So the WHOL team might get out not just u! It is a team game! When I'm survivor I will " accidentally " run the killer to you, and when I'm killer I will Mori u. I play both sides 50/50 and it's angering on both sides. I bet you are the same person that unhooks then immediately hides when the killer comes back hence getting that person downed again or at the least chased again. Once again it's a team game for survivors play like it
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Fine then dont interact and be toxic, dont be upset when you get tunnelled for being toxic and for being a weak link in your team. Also dont be surprised if one of your survivors gets tired of you running away and then points you out, thats the best part.
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I've got no issue with survivors using stealth to avoid me as killer, but when the said stealther is spending 10 minutes locker hopping hoping that the other survivor dies so they can have hatch, no. I will happily tunnel and facecamp the stealther. Why should the other player, who is legit trying to do a Gen but has me constantly arriving be punished when the locker camper just sits by and waits for their free escape? In this scenario, the camper gets killed and the legit survivor gets hatch.
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I play what I hate. I'm a killer main who mains pig and hates when a survivor goes stealth immersion mode and either ghost saves their team ghosts gens or ghosts in general......
So when I do play a survivor.... I play blendette. Its a system that works and can be extremely frustrating for the killer're damn right I'm gonna play that way when I pick up a survivor game.
That being said, I don't hate the players who play stealthy, but I will react in a way that insures you can't use that power against me. Is it persecution? Sure.....but I'd rather react then let the guy escape who has the equivalent of a silenced pistol to shoot me in the back later.
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On a side note excessive stealthing forces the killer to go after the same survivors multiple times as the killer literally has no other target if someone stealthes around all game.
Everyone has to pull their weights (including chases).
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when I play killer if there is a survivor I haven't seen after having hooked everyone else at least once I will definitely take any chance to down and hook them. same if I find the looping pro out in the middle of a dead zone. It's just good sense to take any chance to get those hard to kill/find out as soon as possible
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Exactly, if someone is being chased on their death hook and you haven't been touched yet, you're holding the team back. You taking the heat can keep it a 4 v 1 vs letting that person die and making it a 3 v 1
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Yet again, don't assume a playstyle juat by cosmetic.
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What does this have to do with the topic at hand?
Ask yourself this; Do YOU sell smelly, slimy slugs?
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Alright lets.....this is not reality. I know theres 2 camps of survivors in this whole issue but I wanna just...inform you guys that, the neon green skin that you have.....I CAN LITERALLY SEE YOU FROM A FULL MAP AWAY!
I know you guys think, "well I can be in stealth mode even with this neon" but dude, the first thing a killer thinks of when we see a neon outfit is "oh....this person wants the attention" usually they wanna show off some fancy moves and juke the killer etc <----IE the bait of the team.
So while you may think "oh look he didn't see me at all!! ahahaha" <-----nope, some killers will actually dodge you if they see a bright neon in their game just to avoid a god pallet or people who abuse infinites. The psychology is, I can always go back and find you after I've killed the weaker links on the team instead of the bright flashy guy. And usually it works.
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Stealth has it's place in this game to be sure. Sometimes it is very smart to be stealthy (Oni just used Blood Fury, etc) but when people are playing P3 claudette and hiding in bushes all game it becomes extremely boring.
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The killer can see you, they're just ignoring you. No killer is gonna chase the neon survivor because 9 times out of 10 they WANT to be chased because they're a god looper.
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I don't like Blendettes because they are hard to see. Same reason I don't like Ghostfaces. If you're being tunneled for blending, it's because they aren't sure they will find you again.
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There will be a point in the game when you most likely won't be able to avoid a chase. If you blend but you try and learn to loop at the same time it's fine by me. But if you completely rely on blending chances are you will get the rest of your teammates, and sometimes even yourself! killed. Because you won't last two seconds in chase, thus not buying time to your teammates to do the objectives. And don't even get me started on blendies who go and hide the very second they hear a single heartbeat. It pretty much becomes a 3 vs 1 game.
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I highly recommend survivors play stealthy, cause if not, you gonna get a taste of bubbas chainsaw sweep hehe
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Stealth is the most boring playstyle not to mention boring looking for a blendette. But as a claudette main I have a bias so I don't mori. Also if you spent time learning loops you would have map knowledge you chose not to.
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I can get behind this post because you don't need DS, unbreakable, Dead Hard or No mither to be an aggressive player, you just need to play your strengths out to the best of your ability. I'm a stealthy-agro survivor and a very downright aggressive killer, life goes on.
I run a stealth build Nea, with UB imo, but i'm still a very aggressive player too. I don't loop, mostly because I can't loop successfully, but i'm not afraid of luring the killer over if it gives us all a chance to escape. That being said, people who use UB to walk the entire map are a bit annoying, and they add to the "stealthy immersion ub players" that everyone hates. myself included.
as for cosmetics, I gotta agree with the others. Blendettes are not the same as stealthy survivors, and neon cosmetics will either get you tunneled or the killer will ignore you on purpose. I just use whatever cosmetics I like. With the exception of Dwight who is dressed in the most flashy clothes I can get my hands on, just because the killers usually assume i'll hide in lockers, but little do they know i'm sitting in the bushes prepared to drop pallet as soon as they turn around, especially on Yamaoka Est. >:D
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I love stealthy survivors when I'm the Killer. The truth of the matter is that if I spot a Wallflower (my nickname for them) and it is clear they aren't doing much, I will pretend I didn't see them. They are dead weight for their team. Also, if they think I'm stupid and miss them 2-3 times earlier in the game, they do the same thing when I walk up at Tier-3 Myers and down or Mori them (depends on my mood and build). The stealthy Survivor is only as good to the team as they give back to it.
If they aren't giving back to it, that is just a 3-Person team trying to gen-rush me and I'm all for that. Hell, I've even let the stealthy survivor through to unhook the proactive players before because they set them up to get hit again. Again, why would I go out of my way to down someone who is, in effect, working for me?
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Stealth survivors tend to be worse at chases and harder to find so if you ever play killer you'd know its definitely smarter to prioritize them. As who knows when you will ever find them again...
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I just assume that Blendettes don't want to interact with the killer. I rarely play to kill, anyway, so I don't need to find them; I won't look for them and I'll turn and walk in the opposite direction if I do see them. I want to give them what they want, which is obviously to work on gens uninterrupted.
For players who prefer to play stealthy and not be found, a surprising number will chase me around the map trying to get my attention and even disconnect. It leaves me very confused; why would they play as Blendette if they want me to see them?
(If I am playing to kill, then Blendettes basically force me to tunnel them out. Why? Because once I've caught them, who knows when I'll next see them? I can't risk never finding them again. That's just smart playing. Blendettes force the killer's hand in that way. More than any other player, Blendettes will go immersed and stop working on gens, crouching around the edges of the map, never to be seen again. You can't imagine how absolutely pissed I was last week, after an early hook suicide, when a Blendette left the other two survivors remaining to do all the gens while she did nothing but hide. Not. Cool.)
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This. I just had a game today with 3 Blendettes wasting my time by hiding in bushes and taking the game hostage. Stealth is part of the game and I like trying to not be seen by the killer if I can but its an entierly different story when you just stealth around to troll, waste peoples time and taking games hostage. I am equiping a mori every time I see a Blendette from now on.
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Being stealthy is one thing, but the issue arises when the Stealthdette gets found and then instantly goes down because she lacks the ability to prolong a chase.
Stealth should be used in conjunction with aggression not passivity.
The stealth players are using their cosmetics and urban evasion as a crutch to avoid getting better at a crucial part of the game, the chase. It forces your teammates to take the brunt of the killer's aggression and actually hinders your team's longevity in the game. Ideally every survivor will be 3 hooked in close matches where the killer actually applies pressure. If a teammate is playing stealth all game, that forces the other 3 survivors to be hooked first ensuring the killer faster kills and your team is now down a player.
This is why stealth MUST be used with aggression. Learn how to prolong chases, when stealth is the best option, and how to win a chase using stealth. Understanding those 3 situations incorporates stealth properly into the game without becoming a dreaded Stealthdette.
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Stealthy Survivors are worse than ebony mori iri head infintry belt huntress
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I'm aware of how visible neon survivors are, I play killer. It's just more fun being stealthy with it - I don't mean I'm crouching in a corner with my raver jake outfit trying to blend into the wall, obviously, I keep moving around a tile when they come over to check to look for who's been doing a gen there and utilising walls, windows, etc until they either think I've left or they don't want to waste more time. Or until I get bored of stealth and just announce my presence anyway
Also as you said I do occasionally just get left alone because people assume my stylish yet affordable cosmetics means I'm a god looper 😄 but I leave them off a lot as well so I don't get dodged 5 times in a row and can just...begin the game
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It is just boring to play stealthy. You will not have chases you will just be hiding the entire game. Ruining the experience for your teammates and the killer. A killer will try to get you out of the game and just tunnel you because after he finds you once he will probably not find you again. Its just boring if the killer has to search for ages. And there are pallets windows everything on maps that are helping you in chases. So playing survivor is not designed to actually stealth. It might've been in 2016, but the state of the game and the meta changes. Some cosmetics are really hard to see but others are also really easy to see. That has nothing to do with stealthing its just a coincidence that some cosmetics for survivors like claudette are harder to see than for other survivors. And even claudette has bright cosmetics. I mean of course you can play stealthy. But others can of course also punish you for playing like that and tunnel or camp you, you shouldn't be surprised if other players hate people like you that play that way (including me). Just play the game like everyone else and stop being boring.
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I'm sure it's been said but I can't read every reply, the issue isn't just being stealthy and smart about hiding. The issue is when you spend the entirety of the match hiding while everyone else is dying. Sure you may emerge from the Shadows to rescue someone but then you return to hiding. This is a big problem because it creates an imbalance in the match where everyone is on last hook and that one person has never been hooked. And then finally that last person gets hooked for the first time, there's no incentive for anyone else to go rescue them during EGC because everyone is on death hook. So in some cases they end up dying. So it's this cycle, the people that hide a lot sometimes end up dying and then they become even more selfish because no one rescued them and the people who are on death hook feel that the person who is hiding a lot wasn't ultimately helping.
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I personally tunnel (and sometimes camp) blendettes and whatnot because of my experience as a survivor. While my teammates and i work on a generator, there is always that one wannabe vietcong soldier that camps in a bush the entire game, effectively making it a 1v3. Getting tunneled by me when i play killer is how these people repent for their sins.
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If you play lame, expect to get lamed back. Sorry not sorry. I will still mori every Claudette I see. IDGAF what cosmetic they run or what rank they are. If you are Claudette in my game you are the top of the hit list. NO MERCY.
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This is way more gross to me than anything about stealth or tunneling. This kinda ######### is basically officially sanctioned cheating. Games where darkness is a major gameplay element really need a way to make it so if you just slap on filters and crank the brightness up you don't get to play baby mode.