will there be a new survivor on the ptb tomorrow?
in a recent tweet dbd said that they would be talking about the upcoming killer on a stream with no mention of a survivor, there is definitely a survivor coming with this chapter right?
No info yet. Take every leak a rumour with a grain of salt.
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There won't be a PTB for a while right? I mean mid chapter was only a little while ago
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Actually, based on my calculations, the PTB should be releasing tomorrow. There is usually approximately 80 days of interval between chapters, and it has been 62 days since the silent hill chapter released, and considering that PTBs release 3 weeks (21 days) before the game hits live servers, it would make sense that it releases tomorrow because we are reaching the 3 weeks before the PTB releases.
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Oh, fair enough. I'd assumed the pandemic might've caused some delays.
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They're all working from home :)
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so can someone actually answer my question.
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What makes you think there wouldn't be a survivor?
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I dont see why there wouldn't be a survivor, especially since its an original chapter. Wont be any restrictions or anything holding them back
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Yeah why would you think a chapter is only going to have a killer without any previous mentions? They announced when it was going to be a paragraph ahead of time. So seeing as how they haven't hinted at that in the slightest I think it's safe to assume a normal chapter of 1 killer 1 survivor.
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they "confirmed" in twitter that there is