Playing Killer sucks, so I played survivor and guess what...

Playing survivor also sucks. Unless you have a full group of friends, you just get stuck with the worst players who make the worst decisions.

On top of having crappy teammates without fail, the second you get put on a hook you will be facecamped and tunneled to death. Along with the flashlight blind changes, yeah I'm done.

So to summarize, playing killer sucks, playing survivor sucks, this game sucks. I'm done. I can't believe I spent money on this game, so much money wasted.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Honestly I can't stand survivor nowadays. Killer is better than ever though aside from Billy's annoying new sound effects.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Sucks man, hope we'll see you soon.

  • Funkerlied
    Funkerlied Member Posts: 37

    I can agree with that, after playing mainly killer then switching to survivor, I can understand why people use second chance perks. It's annoying being face camped and tunneled right after.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Funny enough I noticed an increase of bad survivors since the ruin change. It seems no matter what rank your at now you're team will always be full of weenies. :(

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Pretty much.

    I'm rank 6 survivor at this moment, and I just got paired with 2 rank 20s and a rank 17. I ran the killer while 3 gens got done (imagine how long that takes for noobs to do too) and the moment I went down, the game ended. No more generators got done, I got killed in 1 hook because the survivors wouldn't move their asses to come get me, even as the Ghostface that we were going against was chasing, downing, and carrying (yes, the carrying that allows a red aura to be shown of the survivor) the other player. Then all 3 other survivors died in quick succession.

    I don't get how the matchmaking allows me to get paired with players who obviously have like 30 minutes put into the game. I thought they ditched the ######### broken matchmaking system and restored the old ######### matchmaking system, so why am I still getting paired with complete noobs like before?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    DBD gets way better when you let go of winning, especially survivor since it's not even up to you. You can carry the team as much as you want, but it's physically impossible to do the job of 2 survivors

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Sometimes after a bunch of bad games, you just have to let go and go with that. The only problem is that a lot of killers get angry and view it as bullying when in reality... sometimes you know you're NOT making it out... might as well practice a few useful things like pallet saves, flight light blinds and saves, etc. Or run troll perks to see what you can pull off LOL

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Playing killer is a tiny step up from playing solo survivor. Both can be horrible experiences.

  • KillScreen
    KillScreen Member Posts: 166

    You suck at the game you loose at the game. You wanna win at the game you'll need to get good at the game. I don't see anything wrong with that.

    Here's an example on how to win as solo survivor.


  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Why not play survivor for fun? I'm running pebble most of the time and trust me, sometimes it makes my night seeing a killer go for the pebble.

  • IMilkNobody
    IMilkNobody Member Posts: 114

    i just run head on every game cause its a fun perk all i want as survivor is a good chase and some head on stuns and i couldnt care if i die

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    I just wonder how so many people manage to get facecamped and tunneled at the same time.

    But anyway, seeeee yaaa because your addiction won't allow you to stop playing DbD.

  • orangegoblin
    orangegoblin Member Posts: 120

    Idk why, but every plag, without fail, tunnels and camps my ass. They must not like Jeffs. Just means I get more attention. I'm slowly becoming a master at countering the plag

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55


  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Survivor seems like fun for me actually. I just dont depend on my teammates. I do whatever i want. Then again i didnt get the game to play survivor so outside of missions j basically dont play survivor

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    well just get a couple of friends and youll bee ready to go. swf breaks the game? yes. Is fun? only if u are in SWF and not the killer, but it is yes.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    playing killer sucks FOR YOU. if you are even a somewhat decent killer you will win most of your matches.

    I do agree that playing solo sucks tho, and thats why i never do it.

    And also i agree that if you arent that good this game sucks because you are in the weak side, and you are at the mercy of other players and the umbalanceness of this game. That's a copy paste of my answer in another thread that asks "why do you still play the game?":

    i enjoy it because I'm on the power side.

    When i play survivor i always do it with friends, because solo is objectively unplayable. We are all pretty good survivors, so we can do basically whatever we want. we dominate.

    as killer is the same thing. i am quite good, to the point where i rarely lose, and when i lose its almost never because survivors crush me.

    I'm not at the mercy of other players. i dominate. i do whatever i want.

    This may seem a childish answer but its the mere truth, if i were on the weak side i would never play a ridicoulusly umbalanced game as much as i do now.