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Console Crossplay

Have any console players disabled crossplay? I'm a console player myself and go against very good console survivors, but I'm struggling against PC players. I've seen a lot of matches where users have TTV in their name and when I go look at their stream they are usually playing on PC with 2 or 3 additional friends. To PC players, are you finding it easier/difficult to play against or with console players?
Why would you ask if they find it better against console, of course it's easier, fps and performance are 2 factors why pc is so much easier then console
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I am on console and I still have it on. Some other console players have turned it off, don't know what that's like.
I know that this is still new and so it feels foreign to many of you but just give it some time and you'll get used to it.
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I turned it off on ps4. Wait for either survivor or killer is only a minute or two. Have yet to play with/against same people so can only think that means a decent amount have turned it off as well.
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I turned it off.. It's pointless until the devs optimize console, which is probably never gonna happen at this point
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I had to turn it off as well. If I could exclude PC players, I would leave it on. My queue as killer loads in minutes anyways. I appreciate others opinions/feedback.
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Leaving it on since I want to see some moonwalks/legacy/flashlight super spam and because it feels nice to play with other consoles.
Killer might be harder but haven’t played much yet and survivor feels the same.
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I only have it turned on to play with my girlfriend and my girlfriends sister who is on switch. Any other time it is off as lobby times are not better and the frame rate and lag is horrible.
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I leave my crossplay on for faster matches. I dont really care about winning i just wanna play.
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I'm keeping it on for ps4. It's still better than waiting 15 mins for a match.
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I agree as I just want to play as well, but I like to have fun too. My queues were already fast before crossplay, so I don't mind playing with my fellow PS4 cohorts.
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I honestly can say that I never had to wait 15 minutes for a match. It is a little longer when me and a few buddies play SWF, but not too bad.
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Im on xbox and have killed several .ttv pc players today. I lost a few, but won plenty.
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I'm leaving it on but not really playing all that much
I'm waiting for a better time
cause: rank reset, new level in the tome, and cross-play all at once is causing me to lag a lot (I don't have the best set up for it right now)
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Haven’t seen you in a while.
Also OP I have it turned off as Killer, simply to support the console players who have it turned off as well, plus my queue times as Killer are instant no matter what. If I leave it on as Killer, I seem to get mostly PC survivors.
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What rank are you?
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I wish there was an option to leave it on, but exclude PC. I enjoy playing on console, but I know the experience on PC is a lot better for most games.
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Right now 4, but I havent been trying to pip. Running a lot of slug builds. R1 when i want to be.
Im not claiming to be a God at the game. Id say slightly above average. What I think is happening is confirmatiin bias. I dont think tge pc survivors are actually better at the game, I think that you all think they are and so everytime you lise to one your brain is focused on that. Ive seen some really good players on cross platform, but ive also seen really great players on xbox. Ive seen nothing to indicate that one platform is better than the other as far as the player base is concerned.
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That's a good possibility. I play on PS4 and I'm a rank 1 (Wraith)... I don't mind losing and like a good challenge. However, since crossplay I'm definitely losing more often, which is fine... just frustrating as I seem to be getting a run in toxic survivors. They happened before, but not this often.
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The player base is bigger now so youll probably get matched up with people in your actual rank more often, and with rank reset the better players move up quicker. It also means players will be less "boosted" because they wont have many games where theyre getting matched against legit lower ranked players.
Think of it this way, the game is designed for 2 kills 2 escapes, thats onky 6 hooks. And they want that sixth hook to occur during egc. I can break down the math if necessary but you can imagine a game where you have to claw and fight for 6 hooks and get that hook during egc. Thats a rough game, and in a game like that one misplay by either side could drastically change the results.
Tldr; with a bigger player base ranked matchmaking is going to work better and youre going to have tougher games because of that
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It's on for me, but I'm getting really fed up with my teammates atm.
The amount of times I've been farmed or left on hook is insane.
Today alone about 90% of my matches I got 1-2 hooked when the killer wasn't even tunnelling/camping. Up until yesterday about every killer had an ebony.
If it doesn't improve I might take a break.
I just want to have fun :(
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It's not about being better, it is optimization. One of the things I have seen is PC survivors are struggling with console killers because you seem to yo-yo back and forth due to poor framerates on console. It makes it hard to time loops, vaults, pallet drops and dodges/jukes. I played a few survivor matches and kept getting hit through walls and solid objects from several meters away.
Console survivors seem to struggle with the optimization speed of PC killers. I noticed they tried to 360 way too much and seem to focus far less on gens and more on self care healing. I have never had easier matches. Thus why I turned it off. It was very boring.
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If youre between tiles why wouldnt you try and juke the killer?
People do self care way to much we can agree on that
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How do you know they're PC players and not just on one of the other consoles?
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Didn't say I was between tiles. When you are looping and you have a tile of boxes between you and the killer and he swings through said tile and hits you because his framerate communication is way lower, thus on his screen he is right behind you and on yours he is on the other side. It only happens at that extreme level vs console survivors (barring the ever-tracking huntress hatchet hits from around corners).
Once PC survivors adapt to that lack of optimization on the console side, they should be fine. It means dropping pallets a bit earlier than normal or timing dead hard a bit earlier when you realize it is a console killer. I was watching a few streamers talk about that last night.
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One of the Mods responded in another thread I read a day or two ago that they were looking into the fps drops with the most recent patch that came out for consoles.
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Huh? I was referring to your "they try and 360 to much" comment. If youre chasing me and were in between tiles and youre about to swing why wouldnt i try and juke you?
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I have pretty much abandon the forum. I only check in when something big happens in the game to see what is up.
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I wished their was a Way to Exclude PC players from Consoles and just Make it PS4/Xbox/Switch Just Keep PC to their Own little Worlds
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Console survivors try it when there are other options. Instead of attempting a window juke, they will start trying to 360. Instead of trying to fake the pallet, they will try to 360. 360's don't work well on PC due to optimization and hit boxes. I usually see one or two 360 attempts in a match, usually in open field or in corn. With console survivors, I'm seeing it at least half a dozen times or more. Ever single one of them try it, and get hit. It's sort of funny to watch.
Based on what I've been seeing on other forums, it is because 360s work well on console vs console killers due to lack of optimization. So, they are somewhat accustomed to this tactic. It will take time for many of them to figure out it is better to try other options.
Sure, if you are in an open field, what's the harm? None. Better than a straight run. But I see it when window jukes and pallet fakes are possible and they choose the good ole 360.
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Well you know why they dont try the window, pallet fakes i agree with.
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You can fake the window. It works more than it fails. That is what I mean by a window juke.
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Underscores, period icons, backslashes, etc.
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You can have stuff like that in your name on switch though
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I’ve never seen a red rank switch player, the movement and skill seems too good to be from a Switch platform as well.
I have the Switch version, it’s almost impossible to mimic that movement at 10-15 fps.
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This is exaclty why I'm turning it off. The teammates are somehow worse than before and the killers just tunnel every single game. It wasnt like this before cross play and I'm so sick of it. I just want to play the game and chill.
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And now I'm finding myself paying closer attention when I watch youtube videos. I'm not sure what the naming rules are for xbox and PS4, but if ya check this'll see that dashes and such was actually pretty common among the console players here.
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People who turned crossplay off, can still be matched with other players on their platform who have it ON I believe. It just won't place you with any other players who are not on your platform?
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You only get matched with others that have it turned off. It's how they discourage you from turning off crossplay, you have to hope there's enough players from your platform with it turned off also so the wait times aren't bad.
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Crossplay should be deleted from the game, even if i turn it off it makes the game worst because of the time waiting for a lobby... 40 minutes is not good at all
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PS4 currently have it disabled. If they offered console-only cross-play I would enable. Assuming they optimize the game for PS5 in November, then I will enable it again.
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on ps4 I still have it on i playing fine for the most part.
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It really sounds like you are all playing a different game than me. It's incredible. Crossplay has been amazing. Instant matches on PS4 for both killer and survivor. All this talk that PC players are this and consoles players are that is on your head. I played probably more than 50 matches this weekend my escape and 4k ratio has been the same as before. Red rank in both. There isn't a single action/playstyle that defines either players. In fact if you could not see that a certain player is from a different plataform I bet people wouldn't guess which is which. The only exception is probably flashlight/macro use. People make the silliest excuses to belittle other plataforms. 75%+ of the matches were all similar ranks, great competitive matches, survs playing as a team, killer pressuring and so on. Every once in a while you get that surv that plays really badly, that killer that camps the first hook, that match that ends very fast to either side, the same as before crossplay. Console players do not use 360 more. PC players do not loop better. The game plays nice in the PS4 and if you play well, chasing survs and evading killers is just as doable as in the PC. Do not blame how the game runs on PS4 if you lost a chase, the so called advantage is minimal and irrelevant in almost all cases. That has been my experience so far. I really enjoy this game and its community is known for 24/7 complaining about every possible thing. Do not buy into that. Console players: leave crossplay on and enjoy the bigger player base, there isn't any noticeable difference in skill/gameplay between plataforms.
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Got it disable for now.
Hoping in the neat future they implement crossplay with the 3 consoles only.