I'm Toxic for WHAT now?

Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Ok, so I think the word toxic has really lost all meaning. It may be time to purge it from our vocabularies because it just means "I'm mad at you because you curb-stomped me." Case in point, I just finished a game which finally allowed me to reach Rank-10 with Myers. Halfway to the top, so to speak. I can finally say I'm middle of the pack. Baby steps I suppose; we have to crawl before we walk, and walk before we run.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. The game took place on Cold Farm, a place Michael is not fond of in the least. Corn seems to be the bane of my Stalk ability. My build is not one that most people would consider good; in fact they would say it is bad. I run with: Play With Your Food, Hex: The Third Seal, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, and Hex: Ruin. I use this selection because my options are currently not as wide as I would like.

I find that Thrill of the Hunt helps me find Survivors REALLY fast. I have literally swamped the map with Totems and somebody is going to spawn near one and start cleansing. I get the explosion usually in the first 15 seconds and that cuts down on a lot of time required to find people and start stalking. It also protect all my Totems by making them (at the start anyway) take a LOT longer to cleanse. So to me, Thrill of the Hunt serves a dual purpose, triple if you consider that it is one more lit up Totem that might take the hit for Ruin.

I'm not going to explain why I take Ruin. In the META if one isn't taking Ruin one is pretty much suicidal. I take Hex: The Third Seal because I usually do have the potential to hit Tier-2 and Tier-3. So many people rely on their Aura reading abilities that having a Tier-3 Killer coming at you that you can't see until he is on top of you is quite gratifying. Play With Your Food just lets me juice up the engine. Again, are there better builds? Almost certainly. However, I've gotten a lot of good play out of this one. Today, at the end of the game, I had sacrificed all four of them. They were about one Generator from getting the gates open. I gave them a good game and only got one word from someone, "Toxic." I was like, huh? Pray tell why. "Three Hexes." *As if that alone explained it all. On an interesting note every single person in my game had a Globe next to them, so he must have been a Console Player. He was able to hear and respond to my chat. Is that official now?
