Stop. Persecuting. Stealthy. Survivors.



  • janeromeroismyqueen
    janeromeroismyqueen Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2020

    I don't have a problem with stealthy teammates. Sometimes I play stealthy also. My problem is stealthy teammates who do absolutely nothing. If you can't loop, make sure you're doing gens/totems/going for unhooks/taking hits. And when you loop don't waste a ton of resources for a 5 second chase. People don't like Blendettes because they're notorious for leaving all their teammates on the hook while they self care in the corner. And also, I'm sorry, but if you're a red/purple rank survivor--you should be able to take chase. It doesn't have to be a 5 gen run but if you can't run the killer for a little bit, you shouldn't be in red/purple ranks.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited August 2020

    When I play survivor, I do hate stealth team mates. You waste so much time crawling around the map when you COULD be doing a gen. When I'm hanging on a hook, only to see you crouching on the other side of the map playing peekaboo with a crow, it ticks me off, especially when I'm using Kindred. When we're on a gen, and you slither off the second you hear the terror radius, without even checking if there is already a chase in progress, it frustrates me.

    When I play killer, it doesn't bug me, in the beginning. When a few of you are doing the same thing, and waste twenty minutes of my time without even touching your objective, I report you for holding the game hostage.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    Stop complaining about being mercilessly tunneled. This is also a "legitimate part of the game. Stop acting like it's not. ... Stop. Hating".

    Pot. Kettle. Black.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I think stealth is fine in small uses but at some point you need to take a hook if your team is close to dead. Also in my experience most the stealth players I have had on my teams are so afraid to get caught they wont even do a gen. They will also waste so much time saving fellow teammates that either they die on hook or go right to second phase on first hook.

    I play stealth BUT I also do most the gens and am not afraid to save teammates and even cross paths if a fellow teammate has been hooked once and is currently being chased. I feel as a TEAM we need to spread the hooks so we can all get out. I am not great at chases but the only way to learn is to try. =)

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    One blendette = ivory mori

    2 blendettes = Devour hope

    3+ blendettes = memento mori

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I'm a Stealthy Survivor but i don't use claudette or bloody outfits i also don't hide in a corner heal myself i use SC if needed like when a survivor don't want to heal me

    I unhook when it safe i do gen wow i try do any totem I see i must be a bad player tho i get out most of the time and help other when i can.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And no-one even mentioned using cosmetics to gain an advantage whilst they were justifying tunelling. Impressive.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    i like stealthy survivors,it makes sense in the game. A psycho killer is coming after you, so you can either run or hide.

    What i dont like is body blocking, really breaks my immersion someone just throwing themselves in fron of my blade, rarely ends well for them anyway, but its still lame

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464
    edited August 2020

    I mean going against hiding survivors as a killer is just boring nothing else. They usually don't do gens either so the game extends with me looking in complete silence for some blendette in a bush.

    Especially annoying when I play nurse since if I blink I'll probably miss them so I have to look around as the slowest killer in the game.

    ^ This is only referring to people who hide 24/7 ^

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Look, this game brings out the worst in people with fragile egos. Seriously, think about it. I learned a long time ago that people get triggered in this game for no reason. Below is a list of things I've seen players get triggered over. In some cases, they bring moris, in others they just tunnel and camp like crazy.

    • Bring a key
    • Bring a map
    • More than one healer's kit/toolbox
    • Sent me to X map
    • There's a Claudette in my lobby!
    • There's a X character with all dark clothes! Immersion must die!
    • Your name has Hex in it!
    • Bunny Ear Feng!
    • You used luck offerings!
    • You used (insert offering other than BP)
    • You had a flashlight!
    • You pointed at me!
    • You got on a gen immediately, so you get tunneled...(I had someone face camp me because.....I was on a gen within 40 seconds of the start of a match. Therefore I was a dirty gen-rusher. Can't make this crap up.)
    • You want to body block? Fine, I'll tunnel you
    • I had one guy tunnel me in a match because I ran him for 3 gens in the last match...yep. So his idea was to get run for 3 more then face camp me. Wow

    There are a lot of kids or young adults who have never learned to deal with real life issues/emotions and therefore they act like complete socially handicapped people in this (and other) game.

    My advice....ignore it. Not worth your time. I'm just thankful that I've had the run of the mill when it comes to social interactions. I don't get triggered easy. I see a key a flashlight and a map in the lobby. Whatever, not worth stressing. Maybe I win, maybe I lose, not worth being a tool.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    thats why if its a blebdett swuad i take out my iri hatches and ebony with noed and warden in endgame

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    It's kinda hard not to hate when dweet dies for clauds damm sins of doin nothing

    Then I gotta wait God knows how long til claud either finds the hacth or gives in amd aceppts that she can win or lose instead of alone time in a Bush.

    I'm sick of watching the innocent dweets die because claud just wanna express her sexual identity as a Bush I do not care let's just end the game if I win I win if you win you win

  • deadbybums
    deadbybums Member Posts: 82

    This is also my preferred playstyle, its a shame it seems to earn you zero points for actually successfully avoiding the killer. Running around next to the killer and trying to teabag them gets you more points for those red pips so blame the devs for that crappy behaviour.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Tunneling is also in the game is it not?

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Only time i'll get annoyed with Stealth survivors is when you have the players who when they're on last hook.. suddenly just play "hide in a corner" stealth and refuse to help. Prime example, I had a map on The Game and we were stuck in a 3 Gen that we could have won. I ran the killer, circling 3 gens and ended up getting 2 of them to 30% while juking the killer. After about 4-5 minutes, the killer finally got me and when I was hooked I see not one, but two players urban evasioning around the map not helping at all.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    you try going up against a full team of blendettes on Yamaoka without wanting to kick a puppy, then come back to me

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    There is a difference between playing stealthed and playing immersed.

    • If you hide behind a rock to avoid the killer on patrol: Good
    • If your doing laps around the edge of the map with Urban Evasion: Bad
  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Wait wait wait, hol up. Playing stealthy is ok? But killing people that are stealthy because you dont like that playstyle and wanna 'punish' it isn't? Thats just hypocritical dude. You can play how you want and so can everybody else.

    People hate things they find annoying. You yourself say you like to play in that way to ######### with people and to waste their time. Well if a killer really likes to kill Blendettes, urban evaders, etc then how is that different from you playing how you want to?

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    You can get all the kicks you want from hiding from the killer. Nothing wrong with that.

    And they can get their kicks from not liking that and punishing you six feet into the ground. Nothing wrong with that either.

    Stop crying and start dying.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    funny thing is i'm good at stealth, but not stealth where i hide in a corner. I have in many games playing blendette, done gens with the killer near by, rescuing people off of hooks and then healing them and stealthing off to do more. I once was the one that finished the last gen (and did 2 others as well), got a door to 75% or so, got chased off the door, the other survivor (2 had died) got the door off, i healed myself ran across the map and escaped. other survivor was already out. Funny thing is when I was working the door i hid in places and the killer couldn't find me even though the red light was on. it was a GREAT match! it was fun for the killer, me and the other living survivor. don't know about the first two. but I did more than sit in a corner afraid.

    you should never expect someone to be what you think because they will surprise you. I don't give a damn about perks really if you have them use them is my motto. urban evasion? sure but don't be the one that does it all the time and expect to be lauded as a great player etc. noed? use it! why? because it will help you. If I get downed to noed i take it on myself because I didn't ensure all bones got taken down. Plague? I'm sick and tired of people saying you should never cleanse because it robs the plague of her power. and pushing the cleanses to force power and do the former (no more cleansing) really doesn't do much. I'll cleanse when it seems right as well as when I am fully or almost fully broken. that means people flame me i don't care because i'm playing a game I paid for within the rules, but I'm not one that will take someone else's way of playing unless I see full merit in it.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    K but us high rank survivors who do know the game very well dont want to be grouped with survivors that still play blendette as survivor bc they dont know how to juke without urban. The hate comes from the fact that high level survivors are still forced to play with bad survivors who rely on claudette out of desperation for stealthy self caring.

    It's so infuriating seeing a crouched player when the killer is obviously across the map. That kind of newbie should NEVER be anywhere near my lobby. But it is nearly every game I have to deal with one of these players. It only takes one bad team mate to screw everyone else. It's not fun and gives killers so many free wins bc of it.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Yup. Gotta love killers taking advantage of garbage matchmaking by tunneling the little guys. Ggez killers.

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    Stealth is fine. Sitting in a bush waiting for the hatch is not.

  • VIle
    VIle Member Posts: 167

    I could type more, but this. THIS is why stealth is So. Much. FUN.

    This match was 2+ years ago now. But I'm pretty sure this went on for a good 10 minutes.

    For everyone going to use this as 'an example' Stop. The killer could have hooked the other player at any given time. At which point I either let my friend hang (not likely) or go for a rescue which would have flushed me out. The killer in this case perpetuated his own hell AND IT WAS GLORIOUS!!!!!!!

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Its not about the stealth

    But the blendette herself, its just annoying to have 1 survivor where the char herself can hide anywhere perfectly, and when you know people put on the darkest clothes on her just for this purpose....sorry but killers dont have the time to search 3 times zround the same gen cause shes just blending perfectly with the rest. Even worse on very dark maps.

    Stealth with other survivors is fine tho

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    And now watch as the killers in this section equate stealth to tunneling!!!