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Killer Concept: The Fiend (aka Bray Wyatt)

OneClownMain Member Posts: 16

New Killer

Name: The Fiend (AKA Bray Wyatt)

Realm: Backwater Swamp

Map: Wyatt Swamp Compound

Weapon: A Lantern

Movement Speed: 115% (4.6 m/s)

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Height: Average

Power: Light The Way

That cursed lantern you carry isn't just for show. It's powers are not to be messed with. When you hit a survivor, you gain 1 charge, with you being able to reach a max of 3 charges. When you hold down the power button while you have a single charge, Light The Way activates. While active, survivors within your terror radius will suffer from the Blindness status effect for 20 seconds due to the powerful light emanating from the lantern. On top of that, while Light The Way is active, you cannot be blinded or stunned by flashlights.

However, Light The Way has a few downsides. Firstly, each usage of Light The Way only lasts for 12 seconds and you need to wait 10 seconds between using charges. Secondly, while Flashlights can't stun you, you are not immune to stunning. Finally, using Light The Way's last charge will cause you to be blinded and stunned for 3 seconds after usage.


Messiah Complex

Unfortunately, repeated usage of dark magic has caused you to believe that you are a god among men.

When you down a survivor, you gain a 3/4/5% haste status effect for 15 seconds.

"You will remember me for what I truly am: A God!" - Bray Wyatt

You'll Lose Everything

Those who try to fight back against you will not having anything important to them remaining.

When a survivor stuns you, they become the Obsession. When you down the Obsession while they're holding an item, they will drop the item that they're holding and it will be consumed by the Entity after 125/100/75 seconds. You can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.

"Just are the one with everything to lose." - Bray Wyatt

Hex: Sister Abigail

Thanks to the power of the lantern, you are able to communicate with the mysterious Sister Abigail, who will help you when you need help.

Two trapped Hex Totems spawn in the trial. When the first one is cleansed, the survivor who cleansed it suffers from the Oblivious status effect and the Exposed status effect for 30/40/50 seconds. When the first totem is cleansed, the second one will remain trapped until cleansed.

When the second Totem is cleansed, all survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect for 35 seconds and you can see all of the Survivor's auras for 6 seconds.

"Her touch could save the world, but her kiss burns it to the ground." - Bray Wyatt
