To the DEVS



  • kingoftheirish1992
    kingoftheirish1992 Member Posts: 159

    Your misleading with your numbers of players. You can't lump mobile and the base game together. Fix the base game instead of whiffing on softball questions. Tired of the pretentious attitude from the company as a whole. No negativity can be thrown y'alls way y'all just want to hear how good everything is.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Theres about 50k on steam as of 2019 so with all other platforms id say there is around 100k players via all platforms.

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020

    I don't know if millions of monthly active players is true or not, only the devs can know if that is true or not, but the game is currently the 16th most played game on Xbox One and the 15th most played game on Steam (with 55k peak concurrent players today). No way to see the ranking on Switch and PS4, but I would assume PS4 is comparable to XB1, Switch might be lower.

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    hate to be that guy but just got word that someone was hacked and got 72hr timeout for dc matches. im glad you put it back into the game but they still have a way of getting around it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    then they going have to turn it off again DC not going to work with hackers around should stick to bots or something.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited August 2020

    its impressive that some ppl want to fix while where in lock down xd

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2020

    You've never worked in, or with real programmers have you? (That wasn't me being sarcastic btw - in was an honest to goodness question.)

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    im a programmer and yes i do work at home but theres a difference of programmer and game developers

  • Fraeduu
    Fraeduu Member Posts: 4

    Well no, little one... it's an indication to YOU of how game development works. Developers can not reasonably provide insight into the active development of games except for very particular subjects. This isn't because of any ulterior motives, but because of the nature of developing games.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    Going through your television program doesn't make you a programmer! Jk but let's be honest here, for a programmer home office is a blessing because no one's there to interrupt you while you're focused.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    true on that my friend but sometimes i need to go to work for a reunion etc but meh it is a blessing

  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 171

    You couldn't try and make your point without belittling someone, could you? I just can't imagine what went through your head that you thought being condescending was the right course of action here.

    The devs regularly leave us in the dark. They acknowledged and fixed auras because their player count started dropping. But where are the fixes for flashlights? Plague's camera angle? All of the hundred other bugs that people are contending with? Where are the acknowledgements that these even exist?

    It isn't just about their inability to respond to criticism when they could boast about player count or the money they're making. It's more about their inability to acknowledge all of their issues, not just the ones that are costing them money in the short term. I'm still surprised how much buggy gameplay people will put up with and how little these devs will address it.

  • Fraeduu
    Fraeduu Member Posts: 4

    I'm sorry if you felt demeaned or belittled, that wasn't my initial intent. I've seen so many complaints about things like this and it gets on my nerves as a developer and community manager myself. It wasn't called for, you're correct about that much.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2020

    What I'm about to say is no offence to you - so please don't take it as that.

    I'm not sure what kind of programmer you are, nor do I know you, so I can't speak for your skills, experience, needs, tools etc (and I'm not going to ask you as it's none-of-my-business. We all have our unique talents, skills, experience and so on.) - however, in my own very long career I can tell you that there is absolutely nothing I've not been able to do so long as I had access to my tools, my farm, and and stable connection. I've done so a long, long way from the office on holiday - more than once. Sure some things are more of challenge, took some serious team work and work arounds (they're always fun) but it got done.

    Now if something happens at the farm and I need a swap out of some sort I have to rely on another server / network admin to be there to see it though - however I guarantee you they are near the farm - or there. Even now.

    Without people like that there - your internet might not be so stable. 911 would be an issue etc. ;-)

    So from my POV, and from what I know from friends who work in the games field, really not so drastic that fixes can't be done. Certain things would be more challenging for sure but it can be done.

    Case it point - they broke the auras, they fixed the Auras, they implemented an entire new chapter, conducted (however poorly) the public tests) they implemented the MMR ,they launched new skins, performed hotfixes etc etc etc. The list goes on.

    So to say fixes shouldn't be expected in a lockdown ....

    XO and bless your heart though as you are trying to be kind to them about fixes. I think that's pretty awesome. Unfortunately for someone like me - it's doesn't wash because I know differently from experience.

    Post edited by MaybeShesCrazy on
  • 90bubbel
    90bubbel Member Posts: 97

    of all the critiscism and discussions this is what you devs respond to? proving player numbers? are you ######### kidding me? maybe communicate about the errors (111 error and rank update error) and how blatantly you lied about the matchmaking instead of going radio silent except when its about your damn numbers

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,570

    @90bubbel When Almo answers questions or responds to any thread on this forum, he's doing it on his own time, and he answers the question that he's able to. He's not able to discuss what's being worked on and what is being added/changed etc.

    Nobody lied about matchmaking in the slightest, we've communicated everything that we have had to communicate. We even put a thread answering questions with regards to the new Matchmaking.

    I addressed the 111 error earlier and said it's something that's being looked at internally, as yet there is no fix available. It's obviously only happening to a portion of the Community and that is always going to be more difficult to establish the cause and then fix.

    Also want to remind you, that all this is being done during a Pandemic where everyone is working from their homes.

  • 90bubbel
    90bubbel Member Posts: 97

    fine thats understandable but lets move on then

    not lied about the matchmaking? how come, literally nothing is working as you said, you guys also said you had been collecting months of data which is obviously not the case, for example look at otzdarva which got matched with 3 yellow ranks.

    and about error 111, if you mentioned it somewhere i apoligize but i assume its in the depth of some kind of thread and not in a actuall anouncment that you know about it, and how is this still something you guys fixed, its been in the game for years, same with the rank update error.

    sure its being done during a pandemic and its understandable that its harder but why the hell would you release such a important patch, not to mention the aura changes if its so hard to manage at the current situation? it makes no sense

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Assuming you're referring to the aura system being reworked:

    If the old system is what's causing the issues, then reworking the system fixes those issues, does it not? Maybe you don't think auras are important, but that's a different matter altogether.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,570

    As I've said previously on this forum, the MMR has been running in the background for a little while (I don't know how long), it's not been used for matchmaking at this time though - so it was working on the previous matchmaking which as we all know, was not indicative of skill but of time spent in the game. So it was always expected to take some matches to even out - we expected around 10 matches or so to start to accurately predict people's rank (that's 10 matches for every player, and 10 matches on each individual killer) - that's a lot of matches.

    That's an awful lot of data that has to be gone through before any error can be found and sadly this has taken a few days. But nobody has lied about this - this is the information that we've been given and I've done my best to communicate this effectively as possible as we did with the news post we made about MMR. It's something we will continue to monitor and adjust as we move forward if need be.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    wonder when crossplay come will the mmr be better or worse.

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    i havent been playing this game long but i do have fun sometimes and think this could be a game i play a lot.

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    I get what you are saying first yes lets not bash each other lets make valid points here please. Sec the devs cant answer some question cause they are trying to run or work in a business. If they said what they were trying to do before they do it someone else may use the idea before they could and that would be fair game. thats just one reason im sure they have their own. the point of me making this post was to say hey this game is fun and sometime when you fix or focus on different things the game becomes unfun for me. Also devs i know you need to make money to pay the people working on the game. Im glad your working to make the game better and in time knowing your seeing what we are saying we are happy. At least i am

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Difference between who’s downloaded and who’s playing. Just saying

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    i think what they are trying to say is give people time to play matches and it should work it self out. in a month or 2 maybe a little longer with everyone not being able to play as much as the next. I cant speak for everyone but for me and the killer i do play it seem to have worked itself out

  • 90bubbel
    90bubbel Member Posts: 97

    they have said themselves that they have been collecting data for several months though?

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2020

    That is not an excuse...

    Video conferences are there... Also devs just need a pc do code, not a place...

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    "Long term health of the game" implies bug fixes and balance changes. Not cosmetics and licensed dlc...

    I dont know why you couldnt talk about your plans to improve the games health...

    Secrecy of upcoming content is one thing, but secrecy of acknowledging and fixing issues is absurd.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    This was like weeks ago, my opinion has since changed

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    hey devs mods i wanted to talk about something that might be better in a DM if one of you will have the time to listen i would be grateful. Its about a play state i guess is a way to call it. that already in play.

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    something wrong with joining party. maybe its just me and the people trying to join the groups i was trying to join.

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    still having trouble joining party

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    check my account im trying to join right now

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41
    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    restarted the game then pc still not working

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    then while in game it always says someone has left party

    FOOTS Member Posts: 41

    its seems to be working

This discussion has been closed.