I turned off Crossplay and instantly got better games.

I play console, PS4 to be exact. I tried crossplay for a full week doing nothing but solo Q. The result? I considered dropping the game entirely. I'm not going to blame one platform or the other but, I would say 88% of my games were complete garbage. From the teammates, to the killer, to the chases. Everything was awful.
Now if rank is on your mind then let me clarify by saying yes I'm red rank, consistently rank 2 & 3 but go up and down within it.
Every single game I was tunneled again and again. Other players would deliberately bring the killer to interrupt gens just because they didnt want to die. There was no teamwork. It was everyone for themself. Farming out the ***, people just letting others die on there first hook. Full health players running to the injured person to kill them instead.
The bottom line is with my experience, crossplay is the worst thing to have happened to me. But as soon as I turned it off I had such a better experience. 1000x better, and the ques were still the same speed if crossplay was turned on. I wasn't constantly tunneled, I actually got people in my rank as well. It was miracle. It's only been one day since I switched off Crossplay and I will never, ever turn it back on.
Tldr; If you are a console player I recommend you turn off Crossplay. It was the best decision I ever made.
That's how I felt after the first day of crossplay. Left on hook to die or struggle, usually die, unless I had another ps4 player in my lobby. Gens not getting done. Teammates from other platforms seemed to work more against eachother than with. Only escapes were when my lobby was mostly ps4 players. Also mostly got rainbow rank lobbies after waiting around 10 minutes for a match. Just overall terrible experience as solo.
Turned it off and wait times either side are only a minute or two, my teammates actually work together, escape/die are about 50/50. I'm happy it seems like alot of ps4 players feel the same since the waits aren't long, I'm playing with/against different players each match and the ranks are close to mine.
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I cant believe how awful the games were. Console players have no reason to stay in crossplay. We have the player base to just opt out and have better games for it.
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I haven't seen much change since Crossplay came around. Maybe a bit more 360's, but that's about it and I'm starting to get the hang of hitting those. I've ran into some camping killers, but that's not any different from my usual experience. Shrug I just don't notice much difference. Maybe it's because I came from a different platform.
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Where do you come from traveler?
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Switch originally, changed to PS4 due to performance. Overall, my experience has been about the same. But I'm not red rank yet so we'll see if that changes.
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Well I'm glad you shared that with us, I like having 1 community for the game instead of splitting it so I won't mind you console blendette's too much.
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The games have been so much better since I turned it off. It made me feel better about the decision too because so many have it off on ps4. I'm lower rank as killer since I don't take it seriously and mess around more than anything, had couple random rank 20 with one perk in my lobbies so even new players are opting out.
Post edited by bm33 on2 -
people seem to miss the point of crossplay; its purely to reduce PC queue times, i havent noticed any major difference in my queue times so im good, that crossplay setting its staying off until we get consoles crossplay
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As a ps4 player my experince is the same, my escape and kills rates are still 50/50.
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Dude my survivor queue times are through the roof now because of crossplay. I can only imagine it's because the pool of survs is huge now thanks to killer being ass on console.
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It really is bad. I'm playing with someone tonight, but I'm going to test my games on PC tomorrow without crossplay. Between the lag and just bad gameplay, I'm over it. :/
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That is an absolute lie, que times for PC have always been better than for console. Crossplay helps consoles more than PC by a long shot. I for one do not enjoy playing with people who have attitudes like you. Also in case you are curious, opting out of crossplay prevents you from playing with ANYONE who has crossplay on, including those on your platform.
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how come my queue times havent been affected then? you can make as many stories as you want but at the end of the day pc its the one needing the consoles crowd not the other way
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Dude, I'm over here waiting 10+ minutes for survivor rounds. It was instant before. Killer ques are instant now. What does that say? O.o
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I turned on crossplay and now the ENTIRE WORLD has to deal with me.
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Go a read the explanation on crossplay yourself, it says it when you highlight it.
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I'm enjoying crossplay immensely. Console players seem to be at such a handicap, lmao
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Lol! I literally just read your comment in another post where you complained about having to crossplay with PC and that turning it off will make queue times longer. Now you’re saying this. We’ve been telling you guys, there’s an option to disable it but instead of doing that first you decided to come on the forums and cry about something that has been completely optional from the start. Anyway, hope you’re happy now and you will no longer complain about this anymore.
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Meee toooo!
Turned off Crossplay and DBD life is suuperr peachy! Wait times are pretty good & the matchmaking is much better :)
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Killer games are now extremely easy and solo survivor is a complete nightmare, at least for me.
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Going to turn it off today too. Clear toxicity towards people playing on a different platform plus as a red rank I keep being put into games where everyone else is yellow ranked including the killer.
Not the experience I'm looking for which is a shame since my first day with crossplay was amazing.
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I agree, I took a break from DBD after trying crossplay for a few games.
I will wait to be back until more people on console will opt out so I can go back to the same queue times I was having before.
Right now you have no option, you either play cross play and find matches fast or you turn it off and spend 3-5 minutes looking for a match.
It has been a terrible experience, I don't understand why allowing superior machines vs inferior ones.
It is not harder to play crossplay, my winning rate at red ranks is roughly the same, it is simply wrong.
I just hope console players will turn it off so that the devs will do console only crossplay, PC is unfair
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Due to the framerate issues on PlayStation 4, I have chosen to opt out of cross-play when I play killer. I have much for more enjoyable games as we are all on the same playing field. Hopefully, BHVR try and optimize the game on consoles across the board but they have yet to fulfill their promise after a year.
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I believe you made a mistake, if you have 50000 Survivors and 50000 Killers the ones who get queue are Killers since you need 4 Survivors for 1 Killer.
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I've been saying they have a message to discourage people from turning off crossplay by saying they will have longer queues but for me, since I'm on ps4, my waits have only been 1-2 minutes since turning it off. I also said my waits were longer when I had crossplay on. I said making a console only crossplay would make pc queues longer which is why pc players are against it. I'm guessing you must of confused those comments to think I contradicted myself.
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Its not just ps4. I’m on switch. I feel like its as soon as players see the little crossplay symbol all bets are off. I played a match last night where David was hooked in the basement and kindred showed the other two running around and sticking together being stupid. I was in chase and these two let him die from first hook. They didn’t do gens and then when I finally lost the Trapper, my teammates wouldn’t heal me. Thank my lucky stars I brought a med kit. They teabagged me and then when homeboy’s friend got down he kept pointing at me and then in his friends direction, I am assuming so he could work on a gen. I said screw that. Kept on the gen. He ran away. I got three gens done while they just kept trading downs and hooks. They died. It was annoying. Then my dumbass ran into a very out in the open trap. I thought I was slick and I could fit around it. I couldn’t. I died. I think crossplay has invited more toxicity and makes it a them vs us vs the killer mentality. Idk why when we are all playing the same game. I turned off crossplay and queue time decreased, game was a lot more fun, killer was fun (no tunneling, no camping) but all in all I liked the lack of crossplay better. I am thoroughly disappointed as I have wanted crossplay for awhile. God forbid you do solo crossplay queue...good luck.
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This just sounds like terrible luck, my games have been pretty great.
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I have not noticed much difference. Besides the occasional good nurse or huntress most pc players are equally inept as their console counterparts. I will say the proxy and tunnel is much, much, much more of a strat for PC gamers it seems.
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It might have been terrible luck but regardless, opting out of crossplay gave me much better games. I have no incentive to go back into the horrible experience of crossplay and rainbow ranks every match.
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Really keep it what you like best! Just trying to point out it might not be from that alone, but the dirtbags you did happen to come across.
As long as you keep playing period my friend :D
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This is probably the nicest comment I've seen when it comes to crossplay opting in/out.
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I'm on PS4 i like crossplay i can finally play with my steam friend on ps4 I got this game on steam but my PC sucks so i mainly on ps4 now.
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You turned off crossplay and still got games?
Must be nice.
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Thanks for the post. I’m a PS4 player Rank 4 and my experience has been far from good as well. I’m going to try turning it off. It wouldn’t let me turn it off at first.
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Lol. I opted out on PS4 and the queue times are as normal as they can get. From the comments and from my experience I can safely say that the majority of PS4 players already opted out of this crossplay mess. And with good reason. I also play on PC and I know the handicap that console players have to deal with all too well.
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PC killers are the worst. If you're on console, stay there honestly.
Although the trade off seems to be that console teammates have been utter garbage for me
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I do have to agree from where I’m at my games on PS4 would take anywhere from 4-8 minutes. Now with cross play my wait times are literally under a minute. It’s the primary reason I don’t care if I have a terrible game cause then I’m in a new one in less than 2 minutes lol ALSO I didn’t know that about opting out of cross play so that’s good to know just in case!
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I main Xbox, but have it on PC. Before crossplay, there was no difference in queue times between the two. Only have a hard time after 9pm but again that's for both. As for potatoes I'll say they are everywhere. Played with plenty on both PC and Xbox. I enjoy crossplay and I'm glad you're having better games, but I enjoy playing against more variety
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I’m a PC player and have experienced the opposite: console killers have been the more likely to camp/tunnel. Had a game today where I was the second one hooked, and for reasons I genuinely don’t know (usually I can find SOMETHING in my play that the killer found scummy since I play 50/50) I got hard camped until Dead. I wasn’t even mad, just wanted to know what I did to deserve it since the first person didn’t get camped, and no one else did, but they were a console player and therefore I was unable to ask.
I’m not saying every console killer camp’s and tunnels, just like I’m not saying every PC killer is all roses, but I’ve had more memorable games in that direction with the crossolay symbol over the killer than not since crossplay turned on.
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The clear difference in control between a PC and console makes crossplay unbalanced. When skill levels are based on the tools used to play, rather than actual skill, it basically becomes like F1 racing - it's not the driver, it's the vehicle.
Since I disabled crossplay it's been much better and fairer. I'd strongly recommend it.
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I'm ps4 also. I wish we could choose to just play with xbox users or something. Lol. I have recently turned cross play off myself.
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it true for all platforms.
I'm used to how PC games go, so when console players pop in, I'm like "Wt* are you doing?", and then they all die. The only reason I turn crossplay on is to get survivor games more quickly so I can do my rift challenges and then sacrifice myself.
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so keep crossplay off, confused why you made a thread about this
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Have your wait times changed at all? I'm ps4 as well, killer mainly and I've avoided turning it off because I don't want to wait 10 mins per match. Are que times ok?