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Survivors Getting Stuck in All Large Rock Formations

NinGangsta Member Posts: 3
edited August 2020 in Bug Reporting

I thought this was limited to only one map, but it's this specific rock hill that get players stuck regardless of the map. Please fix this asap.

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  • KF_Dan
    KF_Dan Member Posts: 11

    Same here.

  • VIle
    VIle Member Posts: 167
    edited August 2020
    JPKNIGHT Member Posts: 6

    Yup! This just happened to one of my friends and I on MacMillan Estate. He was on the hill and walked down the slope to the left and got stuck at the corner of it. The killer downed him. I went to go pick him up but got myself stuck as well. I managed to get out of it and went back into it to heal/pick him up. We both got stuck and got downed by the killer and managed to pick me up.

  • Ishtarmie
    Ishtarmie Member Posts: 2

    It also happened to me in the last match.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    Happened to me today in 2 different maps. None of these photos

  • Kelazuris
    Kelazuris Member Posts: 17

    Happened to me as well, on Wretched Shop on two separate matches.

  • BlazePyron2
    BlazePyron2 Member Posts: 145

    Has happened to me multiple times, different survivors and maps but always the large rock hill. The lower right corner can trap two survivors, and the top edge of the hill (near the center) can trap a survivor as well if they're crouching. There's no way to unstick yourself, you have to wait for the killer to down you and pick you up and carry you away

  • darklinks
    darklinks Member Posts: 4

    I just lost a match because of this bug. I was going to quickly save a teammate off the hook, then bam, I'm stuck. A 2 kill game for the killer turned into a 4 kill game.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768
    edited August 2020

    Bug dues to the Ground-0, a hole in the floor, like a gap: nobody neither killer nor survivor can climb it because it is like a bigger step. But is it not an already resolved bug previously ? Is it the 1st time it occurs in the game ? Honestly I have some doubt on it... As we had invisible bodyblocks in the landscape, not reachable places by killers, gaps in the textures, I think this "stuck in the large rocks" bug near the hill, is the same kind of problem.

    Now we should be patient to the next patch if it will be normally "resolved" ! But who knows what the news "already fixed" bugs will come back again ? BEhaviour is a perpetual mythic search with the same problems : they are uploaded new patch with an older basis and they do that pratically for all patches. How can we explain the "stuck in the lockers" bug ? Nothing new, already fixed, but still here.