General Discussions

General Discussions

The Blight is bad. Here are change ideas

Member Posts: 45
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

His power doesn't work unless you're in the open and you have to hit someone twice IN THE OPEN for it to get you a single down. Pallets just cut you off and for some reason he is listed as tall, but he is the height of a dwarf. Looping is the main defense of a survivor so why is this a killer that has to M1 in chase instead of actually being useful. If you use the rush for mobility the cooldown means you lose most of the distance and if you try to hit people with your power you will more than likely end up frustrated with hitboxes. BHVR feel free to take these ideas without paying me:

  1. Give us more control while rushing so we can steer into things and cause our own collisions instead of just running in a straight line. I'm thinking more like feral frenzy levels of control
  2. Make the slam window larger so that I can actually look around and know where the hell I am before having to rush again
  3. Actually make him tall so I can see where people are. At the moment he is the height of a fire barrel.
  4. Change the noise when he hits someone with the cane. It is so weak and unsatisfying
  5. Fix hitboxes on the maps for ALL obstacles (i.e. hills don't have collision and jungle gyms have extra wide ones)
  6. Rushing into a pallet should break it but not count towards your collisions for a lethal rush (edit)
  7. Remove the cooldown for successful Lethal Rush hits (edit)
  8. make breakable walls and pallets break with his Rush (edit)
Post edited by Sir_WAFFLZ on

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  • Member Posts: 180

    He looks terrible... Well, his power, looks terrible.

    Watching videos so far of people playing him, It feels like a poor man's Legion.

    Which, isn't a good thing, considering Legion is one of the worst killers in the game as is..


    Y'all running out of power ideas for these killers... Or????

  • Member Posts: 20

    I know right! His design made him seem like a unique killer but hes just kinda lame and pretty weak, devs should take community advice for new killer powers and ideas or something because creativity is kinda lackin

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I feel there is soo much you could do with this killer. I want them to use the serum in some way. I was thinking of when he is running he could possibly leave pools of serum that if the survivor walked in it the would have serum all over them that would make them easier to see and to get rid of it they would have to wipe themselves off for a few seconds. (maybe also if they don't and get on a gen then it could possibly slow down the gen repair speed). That could give him more variety as well

  • Member Posts: 128

    Can we at least wait till someone's had enough time to actually learn how to use his ability, before we determine whether it's any good or not?

    Also, survivors not seeing you when in a Loop is a GOOD thing.

  • Member Posts: 180

    It's not like something magical is going to happen here at this point. The power is #########. It's obvious.

    You didn't have to play long with Nurse, Hillbilly, etc... To know they were strong.

    This game has been around long enough and people have been playing the game long enough to understand when something is #########, has potential, or is good.

    Hopefully I eat my words here but, seriously, if we're honest, what potential in his current state of being, is there?

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