Potential Blight Rework Ideas


As a console player who is going to have to wait several weeks to get this killer, I am disappointed In what I have seen so far. Not only does he seem incredibly weak (although very fun to run around with I'll admit), but he's going to be nearly impossible to play on console with how ridiculously fast you have to flick to get many of his hits. So let's move on to a better, potentially more fitting idea for his power.

Experimental Pustula Steroid:

Perfected over years of testing the nectar of the pustula flowers found in the Entity's realm during the yearly Blight Cycle, this performance enhancing drug allows one to become something greater than human.


Controlled Injection - Through years of trial and error, Talbot has deduced the perfect amount of serum required to improve himself to a level beyond his fragile humanity. Press the power button for a controlled dosage of the pustula steroid. The Blight gains his current super enhanced sprint speed, but is in full control of the ((FIRST)) Rush, meaning full control of left, right, back, and forward movement. The first Rush is also able to rapidly vault windows (this makes faking out a window a viable counterplay for survivors). Upon contact with any surface the Blight is given a choice, to immediately slam and bounce in another direction in an attempt to Lethal Dash (essentially a standard M1 which would also now be considered a basic attack), or to cling to the surface and begin a Lethal Overdose. The Blight can stick to the wall for up to 2.5 seconds in order to make a choice or quickly begin a Lethal Dash in order to pinball like he currently does on the PTB.

Lethal Overdose (secondary power) - while clinging to a surface the Blight has the option to hit the secondary power button and begin a Lethal Overdose. The Blights screen will blur slightly and he will begin to rapidly swing his weapon around himself in a frenzy as the player gains decent control (maybe 60% control over his movement) of the character at the cost of 55% (potentially more or less as I currently don't have the exact speed that Rush grants) of the Blights "Rush" speed. If he is to get pallet stunned while using this power, the stun is reduced by 20% and the pallet is broken. If the Blight hits nothing with this power, neither pallet nor survivor, he enters a 3 second cooldown phase (where he injects himself like in the current PTB). The hit of a Lethal Overdose attack is NOT counted as a basic attack and applies 1 damage state and the Deep Wounds status. A successful hit will trigger a special blood wiping animation, much like the Pig's Ambush (still the standard length of time however.)

TL;DR --- The new power gives more flexibility if the survivor is playing close to a smaller, or safer loop, while also allowing survivors to still counterplay with pallets at the cost of some of their effectiveness. His original power is buffed significantly by giving him massive control over the first Rush that cannot cause damage, allowing good Blight players to more easily control their trajectory of the next Rush, or Lethal Overdose by choosing their first bump or cling spot better. More Flexibility in play for the Blight, and more interesting chase and counterplay by the Survivor.

I see no problem giving Lethal Overdose deep wounds to help prolong the match a little bit, as I don't see it getting THAT many hits throughout the duration of a match, but enough to slow the game down somewhat.

As the creator of this concept I am definitely biased to like it, but if you guys hate it feel free to say so in the comments. I would like to see him reworked into some form of Stealth/Strength transformation character like Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personally.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    As already mentioned, the devs won't give him a rework, since he hasn't even been released to the live version yet. I think people are underestimating his power a bit. But if he does need buffs, with the right amount of tweaks to his power, he'll definitely have the potential to become another viable killer. His map pressure already is quite insane, if they can improve his chase potential a bit he'll probably be a viable killer.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    I understand how unrealistic I'm being. Just throwing ideas into the wind. A lot of my fake rework idea is actually just buffing his base power as you suggested.

  • Chiquito
    Chiquito Member Posts: 27

    new killer's ability should be like infecting a survivor with his nectar while he's running then the survivor would have to heal himself for not dying (like pig's ability) plus he would able to infect some objets at the map with his "mortal nectar" like plague does

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    It's not bad ideas and fun to talk about but if anything I think they will:

    • Make his collision smaller while in rush
    • Remove the double fatigue after hitting someone via rush
    • Give him slightly easier controls
    • Increase his rush attack lunge
  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618
    edited August 2020

    So, I've played a lot of him today and I think there are some minor tweaks that he needs to become pretty decent and easier to learn.

    • Give his rush a visual indicator when it's going to go cooldown (so you know how to better time the next rush)
    • Instead of the 1 1/2 second you get between chain rushes make it 4 seconds and allow him to walk normal speed between the chain rushes. This is the one that I think will be the biggest game changer.There are far too many obstructions on most maps and you need to waste rushes just to make turns far too much and it's too difficult to keep track of survivors in the process of planning your next slam.
    • Work on his hit boxes so he can actually go through doorways using rush.
    • And yes, remove the double cooldown.

    And that's a reasonable starting point. I haven't used all of his addons yet but I can tell Iri blight tag is far too weak. I think if he can chain 3 rushes in a row and connect a hit that should put a survivor in dying state BASE KIT. As he chains his rushes his attack should more powerful. I think it's also reasonable that if he chains 3 he should even break pallets with it. Iri blight tag should take it down to 1 or 2 lethal rushes. The rest of his add-ons look good.

    WIth these changes you could nerf his rushes down to 3 and I think that would still make him a lot more viable.