Non-licensed are not original anymore, why?

Past killers that have been put into the game are not original. Like seriously devs, Are you guys not capable of making an original killer with unique powers, then just copying existing power and make it different?
Oni is just Hillbilly, but with 1 extra step, but the power is better then Hillbilly
Demogorgon is just half huntress, because his shred attack basically turns yourself into a hatchet
Deathslinger is just huntress, but with limited range
Pyramid head is just huntress, but with limited range, but can hit through objects
And now the blight, is just Hillbilly but with uncomfortable controls/hitbox with the collision, and legion with unnecessary steps that scream "just run around a wall and I have to be an M1 killer"
The blight, is possibly by far the worst killer, we don't even need more than 2 days to already know that he is a very low tier killer.
Yes his map pressure power is good, but you can't win with only just map pressure. His power is only good for getting around the map quickly and catching survivors who are out of position or off guard, everything else, his power is horrible at. His power is useless almost in every situation that involves survivors being at any type of walls or loops, he is completely forced to be an M1(this is excluding one of his perks and two of his addons, remember, we are talking about The Blight himself, not what makes him better)
Though, can't wait for samination to completely make fun of The Blight by having him head banging everything every second
Nah, it's even worse than that. They're all just the original Trapper but with small tweaks.
Wraith is just Trapper but without the traps and the ability to go invisible
Hillbilly is just Trapper but without the traps and the ability to go fast and insta down
Nurse is just Trapper but without the traps and the ability to teleport through objects.
Huntress is just Trapper but without the traps and a ranged attack
Meh, all killers are the same.
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Idk how they continue to add content when every time they do, gripes and moans come from the peanut gallery before the ptb has had enough time for people to figure it out. It's also kind of a hypocritical post... "All killers are copy n pastes of others, nothing is original" and "this killer feels different and weird to play. He sucks".
Give it time... Nobody becomes efficient with a killer in 2 days.
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Because they're running out of ideas.
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Probably a troll post but I have a ######### ton of time. First of all why do the ideas matter. I enjoy Blight and theres a few things that need to be changed. Even thought he was made in 3 minutes I still enjoy him. Also PH was from Silent Hill. And the last thing, If its so easy come up with a new killer that is fair, fun, oRiGiNaL, and consistent(As in I don't have to 50/50 all the ######### time). Good luck.
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I’m not a game designer but three months doesn’t seem like a lot of time to create/try/balance any killer power, specifically one that is completely brand new and original. Makes sense to me that they would borrow heavily from previous killers and experience.
might be worth to give them a 3 month period after releasing 3 killers and have then end the year with heavy bug fixes and perk changes while really creating/experimenting/polishing a more unique killer. We could start every new year with a bang and build momentum and new bugs and repeat the process at the end of the year.
Gotta make those new chapter bank though~
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while i do agree with you that the blight is weak rn the killers powers idea wise are fine. at a certain point in developing a game like dbd it gets hard to create new characters who are completely different. IE they cant have any other killers with ANY stealth powers without their powers being called "Just" ghostface/wraith/pig
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I agree, it does seem like we're just getting rehashes of existing mechanics. I suggested a completely original killer a while back (at best you could draw some parallels with the Doctor's hallucinations), but it didn't get any traction from the forumgoers.
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I would rather say they are running out of ideas the work with the ramifications set by their game and it's engine.
I can think of several killer concepts but they simply would not work with how the game is designed. For example a spider like monster that can traverse over walls, stones, pallets etc.
Problem, it would be just like nurse but with other animation but same principle. There is only so much they can do with what they have.
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So let's talk about that "disguise" killer shall we? *cries in Legion trailer*
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Really wow u actually like the blight and for A the simple reason he is a high skill killer meaning not may will run him for a while B his entire existence have been dated back to the hallowed blight event and in the times as well this is the first killer that has actively been shown to have been a survivor and fell to the entity's corruption and promises of power
how can anyone say that this is not a Incredible lore connection and not like him for that
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If you think you can do better, please share your ideas for new Killers and powers that aren’t over powered and are fair for Survivors to face.
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I thought Oni was a downer because he was associated with another killer's lore. So there wasn't a fresh, unique feel about him. Then there's the fact that he played like a less effective Hillbilly.
I think it was inevitable for new killers to start becoming less original. As time goes by, ideas run dry. Models and backstories aren't necessarily a problem...but powers and perks will be. That's why it's better to pace youself: improve the current game and then release a new chapter.
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I can't wait for the hallowed blight event to come back.
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And theres the first "If you can do it better then do so" argument, yay!
Even though im not challenging the devs to a "Who can create a more original killer" contest...
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The new survivor perks also all feel like half-assed versions of streetwise, detectives hunch, and we'll make it. I can't imagine anyone will ever use any of them.
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Powers are repetitive mainly because we have 20 Killers, there is so much you can add before running out of options because you reach a limit. Either the engine, or the game mechanics or the balance will act as a limit, or you enter Reddit tier of suggestions where some people suggest such stupidly overpowered stuff that makes you wonder if a 12 year old drunk with Naruto videos made the whole concept.
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"Demogorgon is just half huntress, because his shred attack basically turns yourself into a hatchet"
You are a complete stooge.
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that funny.
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I hope they'll just make the Killers we have that all share the Trapper skeleton to have unique animations. It really feels like a lot of killers are the same when they have the same animations for everything except basic attacks and their power.
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Pig is just trapper but she cuts out the middle man and puts the traps directly on the Survivors
Trapper is just trapper but without the traps except he actually does have 1 trap but he tripped and dropped the rest all over the place and has to go pick them back up but he also may or may not have dropped his bag so that's kinda sad too
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I will say that Demogorgon, Plague and Pyramid head don't play like any other Killer.
Deathslinger and Oni not so much.
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Bad bait lmao
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I accept your challenge in OP's stead. Here's 5:
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There's only a finite number of ideas available for this game in its current state, and likewise with perks. It's not the intention to keep making better, stronger perks and killers, as it will make the variety obsolete.
They're coming up with variations at present which still present differing playstyles. "The Blight" acts like a creature that pounces along the walls, but maybe the animation for that would be too complex. Oddly, I can see this as a power the xenomorph may have had in another universe.
There are other ideas they could try, and I reckon visiting "Identity V" may provide some ideas: For example, one killer there creates a mirror image of itself; another creates little crearures which dot along the landscape; and another possesses husks.
Likewise, adding new effects has helped newer Killers such as The Executioner and The Demogorgon, so more effects in future could be good! Maybe a Killer may have a power where if a survivor looks at its face they those speed (like a Medusa character); or perhaps an enemythat can ressurect sacrificed survivor husks and use them to hunt survivors; or maybe one which could manipulate jungle gyms and borders. Those are rough ideas, but options.
Ultimately though, new Killers and perks don't necessarily have to offer a power completely unique to themselves. They just need to address a current situation found unenjoyable by the players. Maybe if people offered suggestions for powers, rather than just berate existing ones, the community may be able to work with the developers. This goes with many other aspects too.
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not bait but okay
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I didn't really mind the similarities of other Killers.
I also don't mind that Blight is similar to some others.
But i find it a bit disappointing that the Power is to just bump into stuff and run moderately faster.
Could've maybe used those syringes in more creative ways instead of just to self-inject so he can run again.
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I'm sorry but saying Demos shred is just huntresses hatchet makes this seem a lot like bait lmao.
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Relax OP. Content wise they produce a lot of killers and survivors, Perks can sometimes leave us with more to be desired, sure. Constructive feedback is more well heard. I’m definitely not a “dev defender” but come on.
as far as the blight, I’ve played vs Blights who seem pretty damn good so far on the ptb imo. Give it time.
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Not good examples, Street Fighter has a ton of carbon copy characters with little variations like Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Akuma/Sakura/Gouken and the rest of the shotos, grapplers are usually very similar between themselves too, most of them relying on the 360º motion for their moves, yes, I know, they are not exactly the same but they are more similar between themselves than Huntress/Deathslinger.
Mortal Kombat has like how many ninjas and kunoichis?.
Guilty Gear does have more variation and unique characters as trade off its very poorly balanced (even by fighting games standards), it has some SS+ tier characters almost everyone picks and the rest of the cast which is not bad but people rarely play them, when I played GG Xrd I cant remember facing like half the cast, while the other half was non existant.
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That's not how it works. They create and work on multiple chapters at the same time. Judging by what devs have said in posts, at the start of the year they plan out the 4 chapters they're going to release for the year then start working on them, obtaining licences etc. So they usually have plenty of time to plan this stuff out.
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Yeah I see that, but am I wrong?
Yes his portal power is unique to him, but his shred is just another form of huntress power as like I said, instead of throwing something like a hatchet, you throw yourself.
They can put out as much content as they want to, but it won't matter if they all feel the same as well if their powers are just copies of other powers but only slightly different, and in the long run, won't work out well.
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Not really, the mere fact demos actually moves him gives both abilities completely different applications. And theres other stuff, demo has a brief cool down, huntress has 5 and can throw them whenever she wants. Demo always has his, huntress has an ammo system. Demo can break pallets, huntress can't. They are nowhere near the same thing.