Somebody please explain me the big deal with the new killer perks..

xEa Member Posts: 4,105

Just woke up and I suddenly see people talking about those new killer perks who seem to be so strong but i have to admit i dont get why they should be that good. Please tell me why you think they are a good addition to the game.

I can understand Dragons Grip that this might be indeed a good perk, especially on already strong killer like Nurse and Spirit (might be okay on other killer aswell) but those 2 hex perks seem to be not that great. Maybe i am wrong so please enlighten me.

Blood Favour blocks pallets for 16 seconds after a hit.... First of all, this effect is on most killer completly useless since after a hit, it takes at least those 16 seconds to even catch up. Second, if i have to drop a pallet every half a minute, i am doing something wrong. It seems to be only really helpful on Spirit. And the last thing we need is a perk that is really really strong on her. And maybe on some specific maps.

Hex Undying.. i also dont get this one. Whats the point of the aura read. Thrill of the Hunt would be better instead.

Many people claim that breaking totems is now more important then ever. Why?


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited August 2020

    Hex Undying is probably really good with Ruin. Also if it works with Haunted Grounds then it is extremely good. It's really good with NOED also.

    Lastly imagine it with Thrill of the hunt. You can tell when someone touches your totem and you can tell when they commit to it. Also if they finally destroy it then it'll respawn again.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    It's the combination possibilities.

    BF is quite meh imho, but DG and Undying...

    Imagine those two in combo with e.g. Haunted ground and BBQ

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2020

    Hex: Undying allows other hexes to respawn. It's factually the best Hex perk because of this fact.

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    Just a bunch of survivor mains pissed of that killers finally got some useful perks.

    Hex: Unding is RNG based so can be both super OP and let your Ruin Immortal or can be the first totem to break.

    Hex: Blood Favor have a cooldown (as stupid as always).

    Dragon Breath is good, fun and balanced so no complain.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    It has been a while since Killers got to enjoy good perks. They are without a doubt getting nerfed when they hit Live. Its a BHVR tradition.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    For the first time since Plague, killers have a set of good perks. Unfortunately, one of them exists to bandaid Hex perks as a whole, and combo's a little too well with everyone's favourite winmore perk, Ruin, since ruin isn't a stacks-required Hex perk. So in essence, we have an insane trio of perks, a great combo right off the bat, and the death of all of our hopes and dreams that Hex perks might get reworked.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    It might be indeed really good with Haunted Grounds, but i dont see the point with Ruin. As a killer you have to run 3 or 4 perks just for your ruin safety but the problem with ruin is that you have to protect your gens all the time to get value out of it. Protecting gens simply wont allow you to protect your totems. When i use Ruin its a gamble, i simply dont have the time to care for it. It either works or dont - a reason why i never pair it with Thrill of the Hunt.

    Maybe i am totally wrong here, but i dont see myself waste another perk slot for Undying when paired with Ruin. Devour or Hounted Grounds might be a different story tho.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    The big deal?

    That these perks are new.

    Everything that is new it's scary at the start, then It will become normal.

    It's all about first impressions.

    To me they are really ok, not extremely op.

    Remember that we are always talking about a hex mechanic: high risk high reward, RNG based.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Blood favour is any attack that causes blood you could use a special attack it makes them bleed you could spear them in a bad loop and let them break free pallets are blocked hatchet's a sneaky gf poke a big dash hag teleport trapper's traps in a pallet so you get the grab without fear of a pallet stun in fact this affects any pallet using teams

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277