Twisted Chambers (Chapter Concept)

PanPan021 Member Posts: 39
edited August 2020 in Creations

This is my first Concept so please leave helpful feedback below but I really hope that this one does fairly well (probably won't reach a lot of you but eh...) Anyways I also don't use hunter a lot so I don't know what would be considered good and bad perks as well as measurement (like how far ranged attackes should be and stuff) so like I said before, please leave helpful feedback! Also it'd be super cool if someone was willing to draw concept art for them! (Obviously it's whatever but would be cool, and I can't pay you unfortunatley but I mean if you want to please do!) I worked hard, so I hope you all enjoy. Without further ado I give you Twisted Chambers!

New Killer: The Witch

Name: Alice Parker

Realm: Salem, Massachusetts

Power: Book of Spells

Weapon: Polished Broomstick

Movement Speed: 110%/4.4 m/s

Terror Radius: 20 meters

Height: Average

Backstory: As a youngling, Alice was fascinated by the world around her and the ways it could help the world. All she wanted was to help people and as she grew up this passion grew as well. No one wanted a female doctor where she was, but there was news that there was an oppurtunity of freedom in a placed called America! Alice bought a ticket for her and her spouse and packed her things, including her father's book of plants. She used it to create small things such as numbing agents but in this new land, who knew what possibilities were out there! So she set way along with hundreds of other hoping to find a new life. The voyage was long, and devastating. Many died but Alice stayed strong. When she arrived she was told she was now in Salem, Massachusetts. "What a wonderful name" she thought as she danced down the road with her husband John Parker. Everything was going to plan, now all she had to do was create something that would show them woman can be doctors too! She set to work, gathering the wildest of plants, and wrote down everything about them. Little did she know this would come to haunt her. One day while out gathering ingredients she came across a strange plant. A healthy green stem and atop it a beautiful yellow flower with strands of crimson red flowing in each petal... It was as if the plant was alive itself. She brang it home and began to study it. She soon found this plant could bring healing properties never seen before. She turned the flower into a powder and placed it in a small satchel. The next day a woman came barging in. Her son lied in her arms. "Help me please! Somebody!" Alice sprinted over to see the issue. "I dont know what's wrong! save my baby boy." She checked for a pulse... yet nothing. All she had left was to see if her hypothesis was right. She pulled out a small pinch of the powder and blew it towards his face. A minute went by... than a few more... Than his eyes twitched... and than he leaped from the ground from excitememt to see his mother. She though, was not so thrilled. Her eyes filled with terror as she screamed the word "Witch". Alice tried to explain but the woman wouldn't stop. Soon there were 3 large men who took her by the hips and carried her out. That same day she was placed under the hanging tree where everyone gathered. Everyone shouted nasty slurs at Alice. She was confused. She saved a child's life and for that she was to be punished? It didn't make sense. The judge asked if she was guilty of being a witch, but Alice knew she wasn't. She had answers that could solve the world's issues... But they didn't listen. Once asked if she had any last wishes, she replied, "My wish is that the Earth will open up, and swallow me whole. I wish that I will become the very thing you all so wrongly accused me of. And finally that god have mercy all the wretched souls I see before me." With that the platform beneath her gave out but not before a strange fog encumbered everything in sight... and when it was gone the people screamed in horror for Alice Parker was no where to be seen.

Power: Book of Spells

The Witch has magical powers which can be rotated by pressing the secondary action button. To fire the power hold and release the secondary action button (Just like Huntress's Hatchet throwing). The Witch has three powers that she can switch through.

Summer Sun: The witch summons a blazing ball of fire to throw at survivors. If a survivor is hit with Summer Sun they will recieve the burning status effect causing the survivor to release a scream revealing their location to the Witch every 7 seconds for 28 seconds.

Boil and Bubble: The Witch summons a green gasous cloud to wreak havoc on a survivor. Upon contact with an obstacle or Survivor the poison gas will spread out 5 meters. If a Survivor was hit or walks through the gas they will be poisoned. If they do not cleanse themselves before 60 seconds they will lose a health state (Healthy to injured, injured to dying) and recieve the broken status effect.

Witch's Brew: The Witch summons a ball of purple, murky liquid to curse survivors. If a survivor is hit they will be cursed. Until the survivor cleanses themselves they will recieve random, difficult skill checks. If unsuccessful their aura will be revealed to the Witch for 3 seconds.

Cleansing: Much like how survivors mend their deep wounds for killers like the Legion, Survivors would be able to cleanse themselves which takes a total of 5 seconds and in that time they will face an extremely difficult skill check. If failed, they must restart the cleansing process.

To prevent being OP (hopefully she's not) Survivors can only be affected by one power at a time (Example: One survivor can't be Cursed by Witch's brew and than be burning at the same time). Switching Spells has a cooldown of 3 seconds. Using spells has a cooldown of 5 seconds.



-Witch Hazel (An old withered plant, alone in a bag): Boil and Bubble's Time to inflict damage on a survivor is now 45 seconds

-Eye of Newt (A musty but oddly satisfying sphere of glass. Not exactly what one would think): Summer Sun now leaves the burning status effect for 35 seconds instead of 28

-Jasmine (a plant said to have magical healing properties): Cooldown for Switching Spells is now 2 seconds


-Third Eye (The missing eye, which was stolen from the three fates): Witch's Brew Specific. When a survivor fails a cursed skill check, the aura will be revealed a second longer

-Pumkabooms (Small, poison filled pumpkins. Sure to lighten any mood): Boil and Bubble's range upon contact is now 8 meters


-Dream Powder (A Blue and purple powder made from a starstone): Boil and Bubble's chemical makeup has been altered. Not only will it poison but it will cause a hazy, dreamy screen for the survivor for 7 seconds (much like the clowns)

-Salem's Agenda (An old book, torn on one side. Written by the men from the horrid witch's town): Switching Spells Cooldown is now 1 second

-Magic Wand (A long polished ebony stick, entiwned with the most beautiful vines. Looks as almost made of glass): Range of casting spells is increased as well as the speed at which they travel

Very Rare:

-Black Cauldron (A large dark cauldron for brewing the wrost kind of remedies): Cleansing time is now increased to 8 seconds and there are now 2 extremely difficult skill checks.

Ultra Rare:

-Book Of Evil Incantations (A black, polished book that has yet to be open. Its so old yet it looks so new): Switching Spells now has no Cooldown, and casting spells has a 3 second cooldown

-Hero's Heart (The heart of a noble savior who tried to rid the world of the unknown): If a survivor is hit directly by Boil and Bubble they will instantly take damage (Healthy to injured, injured to dying) and be affected by poison which takes 45 seconds to take affect


Love Spell: You become obsessed with a single survivor. Love was a very human thing which was the very thing that destroyed you, so you'll use it against them. If the obsession is injured the Witch's and the Obsession's auras are revealed to eachother till the obsession is healed or downed.

"True Love! You've been tricked my dear. There is no such thing." -The Witch

Hex: I Put A Spell On You: The thrill of the chase is all you live for, and all you ask for is a bit of a headstart. Whenever a survivor fails a generator calibration, any survivor 10/20/30 meters of that generator will have their aura revealed for 3/5/7 seconds

"Mistakes always seem too leave a crimson red stain and haunt out past, present and future." -The Witch

Energy Concoction: Through a mixture of evil ingredients the Witch has created a concotion to speed up the unknown. All skill checks will be 5%/10%/15% faster than usual

"A wretched soul, how sad? Why don't we speed things up a bit." -The Witch

New Survivor: Jessica Granger

Role: Single Mother

Jessica Granger is a Single-Mother who knows how it feels to watch something pass before your very eyes.

Backstory: Jessica was looking for freedom from an abusive man but had nowhere to go for at the time, if she did, she would be greatly shamed. When she heard of boats sailing to a new land, she jumped at the oppurtunity to escape her wretched husband with her son. Late one night she found a sailor who was willing to do the job. She wasn't the only person trying to escape something in Britain illegaly. The journey was rough, but she was still breathing when the ship finally arrived at Salem, Massachusetts. Her son, still sleeping, began to wake as she nudged him saying "Were here." He smiled and they both went on their way in this new foundland. They had houses already built which was nice but she had to keep her distance. No one could know she was raising a boy alone. People, especially the other men get very tempermental when they here of cases like Jessica. So she kept her distance and continued to provide for her child. One day she met a lovely lady named Alice. She was so kind and generous that she even offered her to come by whenever she needed something. Later that day the news came... There was rumor going around of witches. Jessica couldnt believe what she was reading. So she intended to keep her child safe not only from homelessness, but now witches as well. This didn't last long as her child soon grew very ill, to the point where he wasnt moving. Jessica picked her son up and made her way to the only woman she could trust... Alice. "Help me please! Someone!" Alice came out in her tattered maiden oufit. "Please I don't what's wrong." Alice placed a finger on his neck and Jessica watched the lights fade. They both knew that he wasnt coming back. Jessica began to cry but as she did she noticed Alice placing her hand near the child's face. In a quick breath they watched the child slowly come to life. Her son was dead... which could only mean one thing... "Witch" she screamed. Alice tried to calm her but it was no use. Jessica was terrified with what happen. Soon Alice was taken away and was to be hung. Jessica looked at her son, fully healed. She began to cry. She had her son back... But at what cost? Later that day they both went to the trial of Alice Parker. Alice looked Jessica in the eyes as she said "... and all the wretched souls I see before me." Suddenly a strange fog covered the area and once it lifted, the child could not find his mother. All he had was the sunflower she had in her hair.


Abusive History: Jessica has endured the pain of abuse while needing to stay strong. For every generator finished, it will provide a token up too 5 tokens. When a status effect is applied, a token will be consumed instantly removing the negative status effect. Cannot be applied to status effects from perks.

"We can't let our past hinder our now" -Jessica Granger

Moving Forward: The need to stay strong and move on has always been important to Jessica. Everytime a survivor dies gain a 5% generator repair increase up too 15%

"All you need is hope. Without hope you'll drown in your own pit of darkness." -Jessica Granger

A Mother's Protection: After rescuing a survivor from a hook, A Mother's Protection is activated. If Jessica takes a protection hit the hunter will be stunned for 3/4/5 seconds

"It's a mother's duty to protect her children, even if they aren't her own." -Jessica Granger

Map Concept:

So honestly I think this would be the feeling of the map. It would be dusty but not like the Wild West Map (don't know what that one's called lol) I guess it would be more colonial like. It would have more of a polished, George Washington lived here feel (yes I know he didnt live in Salem but you get it). Anyways... I hope you all enjoyed and if you read through any of it please leave helpful feedback below (both good and constructive)! Please don't be harsh, but be constructive (there is a difference.) Anyways, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my concept, hope you enjoyed. Hopefully I'll make another 👍

Post edited by PanPan021 on


  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    It seems good but a little op.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited August 2020

    I like it, but Energy Concotion is disgustingly broken, like the match is over before it begins broken. Same with Hopeful memories, it would actually be impossible to play. Abusive History and Mothers Protection are also way to strong.

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    okay I see your points and thank you! I understand that and honestly I deeply appreciate the help. I have an issue with balance lol... Anyways I will fix those as best I can now and let me know what you think later 👍

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    Ok so I changed it up. I didn't want to change them completely but hopefully they're more balanced. What are your thoughts now?

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Thank you for listening to feedback, its not something I see often. I think Mothers Protection is better now. I'm still not a big fan of the others, to be able to heavily counter statuses without doing anything just isn't right. I would make it so survivors could gain a token by completing a gen, upon having a status applied to you a token will be consumed and the status won't be applied, They can have 1/3/5 tokens. The other 2 need a complete rework, speed is critical to the game, giving out free speed for the entire match is broken, it doesn't matter if its 1/2/3% or 10/15/20%. I still love the concept and think the backstorys and power is cool.

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    Ofc! I love feedback and am always willing to learn. Any how I did take your recent advice. I changed Abusive history to a token perk like you said. Hopefully its balanced. Energy Concotion now speeds up skill checks for survivors and Hopeful memories was changed to Moving forward which grantors generator repair speed increase for every downed survivor. If you have anymore concerns about strength let me kniw and I'll try to fix up more. I hope its balanced now (obviously no killer/survivor will be perfect but hopefully its as good as it gets!) Also thank you so much! Im glad you like the concept! Thanks for the feedback, it was super helpful and if you haven't already check out my other concept "Broken Smiles!"

  • PoisonAsh
    PoisonAsh Member Posts: 60

    I always appreciate the time and effort someone gives, to conceive of a new character or concept. Hope you can sharply distinguish this character from The Hag and give her a different name to call her. Witch and Hag are synonyms!

    Good luck!

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    I didn't think of that but thanks! Im glad you like it. I'll think of something else that could fit. Any suggestions?

  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    I believe it would be fine because we have The Wraith and The Spirit.

  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    I believe the add-ons should be more related with making herbal remedies like plants, refining materials, and herb guides or town doctrines and maybe some wands.

    If you want i can make a set of add-ons.

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    I agree! I jsmust didnt want to come off rude lmao but yes I do agree with that. Also okay if you'd like go ahead and I'll use some. I'll come up with some as well. I hope you like the concept though and Thanks 👍

  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    Power: Book of Spells

    The Witch has 3 magical Curse which can be rotated with the Active Ability Button and selection is confirmed with the Secondary Action Button which will take 1.5 Seconds. The Witch starts with 3 Curse Charges. Using a spell will consume a Curse Charge. Curse Charges take 4 Seconds to recharge each. To fire the Curse hold and release the Secondary Action Button. Curses gain 5 Meters for every second charged and will go off at this range or at the target location. All Curses have a radius of 3 Meters. All Curse timers will be paused if the survivor is Hooked, Dieing, or in Chase. Survivors can only be affected by one Curse at a time.

    Summer SunThe witch summons a blazing ball of fire to throw at survivors. If a survivor is hit with Summer Sun they will be Cursed and receive the Burning status effect causing the survivor to release a scream revealing their location to the Witch 3 times over 30 Seconds.

    Boil and BubbleThe Witch summons a green gaseous cloud to wreak havoc on a survivor. If a survivor is hit they will be Cursed. If they do not cleanse themselves before 60 Seconds they will lose a health state and receive the Broken status effect.

    Witch's BrewThe Witch summons a ball of purple, murky liquid to curse survivors. If a survivor is hit they will be Cursed. Until the survivor cleanses themselves they will receive difficult skill checks every 10 Seconds. If unsuccessful their Aura will be revealed to the Witch for 3 Seconds.

    CleansingSurvivors can remove these Curses by Cleansing. Cleansing takes a 12 seconds and in that time the survivor will face 1 extremely difficult skill check. If failed, they must restart the cleansing process.


    • Willow Bark - Summer Sun: +1 activation, Boil and Bubble: -5 seconds activation time, and Witch's Brew: -1 seconds activation time
    • Atlas - Cleansing time increased by 3 seconds
    • Willow Wand - Curse range +2.5 Meters
    • Mortar and Pestle - -0.5 seconds Curse Charge recharge time


    • Jasmine - Summer Sun: +2 activation, Boil and Bubble: -10 seconds activation time, and Witch's Brew: -2 seconds activation time
    • Herbiary - Cleansing time increased by 5 seconds
    • Bone Wand - Curse range +5 Meters
    • Cast Iron Bastible - -1 seconds Curse Charge recharge time
    • Empty Satchel - 1 Curse Charge


    • Wolfsbane - Summer Sun: +3 activation, Boil and Bubble: -15 seconds activation time, and Witch's Brew: -3 seconds activation time
    • Father's Book - Cleansing time increased by 3 seconds Adds 1 extremely difficult skill check when cleansing
    • Copper Wand - Curse range +7.5 Meters
    • Black Cauldron - -1.5 seconds Curse Charge recharge time
    • Old Branch - 2 Curse Charge

    Very Rare

    • Nightshade Berries - Summer Sun: +4 activation, Boil and Bubble: -20 seconds activation time, Witch's Brew: -4 seconds activation time
    • Personal Notes - Cleansing time increased by 5 seconds Adds 1 extremely difficult skill check when cleansing
    • Obsidian Wand - Curse range +10 Meters
    • Open Noose - Curses can now spread between survivors

    Ultra Rare

    • Crimson Strand Flower - Summer Sun: +2 activation, Boil and Bubble: -10 seconds activation time, and Witch's Brew: -2 seconds activation time. Increases all Curses diameter by 6 Meters
    • Book Of Evil Incantations - Increases Curse recharge time by 8 seconds Meters All effects are combined Curse charges set to 1* *Overrides all other add-ons

    I had to simplify the power to add certain add-ons

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Why isn't anyone talking about the Abusive Past perk? Its incredibly op. If you just bring a good toolbox and have your team mates do some early game chases, once you get chased you gain chain 6 lithes in a row

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Well done man, Well done.

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    I really like these! I haven't been able to do much do to school starting back up but I really like them! I didn't switch any out because I'd like to make yours an addition to it (meaning both are the add-ons). Obviously we have some of the same but overall its a concept and I like it. I really like the idea of the noose add-on as well as the different wands! Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy it overall though! Thank youuuu 👍

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    true... How about this, I lowered it to a max of 3 tokens and made it unapplicable to status effects caused by survivor perks?

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39
  • tiagoquinas
    tiagoquinas Member Posts: 4

    best concept i saw in my life you have very useful talent i wish i had this in dbd

  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    Why thank youuu! I really appreciate it! I'm glad you like it 💖💖💖 I bet you have some wonderful ideas and if you need help getting one started I'd be happy to help. Once again thank you so much.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    That sounds a lot better! Though hey, why were you lookin' at my Quiet Place power concept? My Boogeyman concept is a lot better