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Hatch Rework Idea

Hatch can no longer be used if the survivor is...
-Madness 3
-Reverse Bear Trapped

The new hatch...
-Will open when 4 gens are done, not 2
-Can be closed by the killer  which takes 2s

-The killer cannot preform a hatch grab

In addition
-Finishing the last generator will not open the hatch, but it will start both exit gates 30% open
-If the killer has closed the hatch, the survivor cannot open it unles they have a pink or purple key. Otherwise, the hatch will remain closed for the rest of the trial

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  • Member Posts: 149
  • Member Posts: 288
    scerckan said:
    Wow thats really helpful and insightful. Im open to CONSTRUCTIVE critsizim, not that bullshit. Seriously, thats rude.
    I thibk my idea is more fair to the killer and more consistant and less cheap for the survivors.
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I don't like the idea of changing the number of generators required to have the hatch open by itself, nor the idea that both exits must be worked on to have it open (how would that even work if it opens at 4 generators repaired?). Both those things would make it so the hatch will only open when the Survivors have practically won already - at that point, they might as well open the exits and escape normally.

    Furthermore, with the exception of the RBT, the other three states are very easy to cause to a Survivor, since they don't require having to even injure them.

    I like the idea that the Killer can no longer grab the Survivor trying to jump in, if the rest of the changes (besides the aforementioned ones) go through - it should make it so Survivors will just jump in without the need for a standoff.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Killer can grab and kill when survivor when he is less then 16 meters away from the hatch. Killer cannot perform a hatch grab during animation when survivor is jumping in.. After 5 minutes from the last sacrificed survivor, the last one gets exposed status effect, 10 minutes - his aura revealed to the killer.

  • Member Posts: 288
    Well my thinking on that was that if they didnt even get 3 or 4 gens done, then they dont really deserve the hatch.
    I also dint want survivirs complaining about hatch standoffs being unfair because if the killer camps the hatch they may have to do 3 gens. So now if the killer is camping the hatch, the most they will have to do is 1 gen, and if they conplain about that, I dont know how to help them.
    I also want the killer to be able to close it because the standoff has to go
    The RBT, asleep, intoxicated and madness 3 was a killer qol thing because the hatch needs to be harder to get and if the killer has to work to put a trap on them, put them to sleep, ect, then the survivor should have to work to use the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 319

    I'd much prefer the hatch just be removed entirely.

  • Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2018

    Make it so the hatch requires a key, and the key doesn't spawn inside a chest.until all gens are done or there is one survivor remaining. Have the chest make noise but only to the survivor and only within a 1 meter radius of the chest. Have it so there is a time to open the hatch long enough for the killer to get 2 hits in, and make it so the killer can't hatch grab once it is open. Allow partial progress on the hatch just like gens. Have the hatch be invisible until the survivor finds the key. Don't let the hatch make noise until 25% of its completion using the key is made. Give the survivors a directional indicator for the hatch for 5 seconds after obtaining the key, something akin to the killer hit detection after breaking a pallet.

  • Member Posts: 288
    Justicar said:

    I'd much prefer the hatch just be removed entirely.

    Well that would be ideal, but you know how some survivors are..
    "The EnTIty feEEdS oFF hoPe so wHerE is THe hOPe foR SurVivOrs. SuRVivOrs desErVe a ChAnCe to ESCapE beCausE wHat if OnE iF thEm playED realLY wEll anD Has to dO tHreE gEnS by HImseLf. ThE haTch is faiR, FUn anD balAncED fOr kilLerS beCauSE tHey DONt dESerVe a 4k evERy gAme bUt SurviVOrs sTilL deseRVe aCHancE to esCape EverY gAme BecAuse thE enTiTy feEDs oFf hopE anD yoU Cant GO ofF LOre.
  • Member Posts: 1,532
    M2Fream said:
    Justicar said:

    I'd much prefer the hatch just be removed entirely.

    Well that would be ideal, but you know how some survivors are..
    "The EnTIty feEEdS oFF hoPe so wHerE is THe hOPe foR SurVivOrs. SuRVivOrs desErVe a ChAnCe to ESCapE beCausE wHat if OnE iF thEm playED realLY wEll anD Has to dO tHreE gEnS by HImseLf. ThE haTch is faiR, FUn anD balAncED fOr kilLerS beCauSE tHey DONt dESerVe a 4k evERy gAme bUt SurviVOrs sTilL deseRVe aCHancE to esCape EverY gAme BecAuse thE enTiTy feEDs oFf hopE anD yoU Cant GO ofF LOre.
  • Member Posts: 4,061
    What if the hatch never opens and it just spawns on 3 gens left and the survivor has to open it by filling a progress bar with skill checks. 
  • Member Posts: 994

    If the last survivor gets the hatch, good for them. Hell, I’ll walk a survivor to it, if I think they played well. This proposed change is beyond ridiculous, and fortunately will never see the light of day (yes, a pun). The changes that the devs have been talking about are fair, end the hatch stand-off issue, and end the ability of survivors to take the game hostage.

  • Member Posts: 288
    @Kaelum whats rediculous about it? Could you be more specific.
  • Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2018
    AshleyWB said:
    What if the hatch never opens and it just spawns on 3 gens left and the survivor has to open it by filling a progress bar with skill checks. 
    This honestly seems like the best course. Gives the killer an actual chance and stops the hatch from being an undeserved free win.

    That said, the hatch doesn't spawn on 3 gens left .It spawns when the number of completed gens is greater than the number of living survivors
  • Member Posts: 2,270

    @M2Fream I just have to ask: why? 4K is significantly more difficult than 3K, as it should be. It's intended. How does the hatch in its current state make the game experience worse? It's so intense, sneaking around map, avoiding killer and desperately trying to find it before he does. And on the other side too, it's fun to hunt down that last survivors.
    If you have an issue with the hatch standoff, here's my advice: let the survivor go if it's a hatch standoff, or if you're playing survivor, let the killer grab you. Problem solved, no time wasted standing idly, we can all move to our next game. That's how I see it anyways.

  • Member Posts: 288
    1k to 4k should be linear. 1k to 3k is linear, but 3k to 4k is exponentialy harder because of the hatch. 
    What you described might have been the hatch closer to release, but now its not any kind of fun. If the killer wants a good chance at 4k he has to kill everyone before 2 gens are done because after that the hatch can be used by 1 survivor.... How is that fair to the killer? The hatch stand off is completely survivor sided in the fact that if the killer finds it first all he can do is look at it. And no survivor is going to try to do 3 gens when the hatch is there because survivirs have a history of refusing to work for anything. At the very LEAST, the killer should be able to close the hatch with no way to reopen it unless they use a pink or purple key. Survivirs always say they need a chance to survive which is why they get the hatch. Well guess what. If the killer finds the hatch and closes it, that WAS your, oh so deserved chance of escape, and you blew it. Survivirs need to start understanding that they are not entitled to a free +7000 bp escape every time
  • Member Posts: 149
    ok sure lets change the hatch mechanics when the killers lit totems at least make a burning noise. or let me guess you just want killers to be buffed and fck survivors
  • Member Posts: 994
    edited October 2018

    @M2Fream said:
    @Kaelum whats rediculous about it? Could you be more specific.

    I'm going to be very nice here, as I can tell that you are a noobie. Just telling you to learn to play would not help you. You should watch some YouTube videos from well known players, and of course the dev stream videos. If you are such a try hard that you absolutely must have that 4th kill every single time, why do you hook that 3rd person before you find the 4th? For YOU, if you left the 3rd person slugged, guess what? The hatch doesn't spawn. I know that this is probably blowing your mind, but you have a lot to learn.

    The hatch is not the issue, it is the end game as a whole, which the devs are fully aware of and are working to rectify. If you were to watch the dev streams for the past 3 months, you would know that, and you would know what they are looking at. They have decided to not make any changes to the hatch, especially closing it. During their testing of the closing of the hatch, they learned that it placed such an extreme burden on the survivor that it was virtually impossible to reopen, so they said that it is not going to happen. Watch the streams, YouTube videos, perhaps some Twitch streams, and learn.

    @M2Fream said:
    1k to 4k should be linear. 1k to 3k is linear...

    WRONG! No part of the above statement is in any way accurate. Again, you are a noobie, and you obviously are still learning the mechanics of the game. Learn the mechanics completely, not just the extremely small subset that you currently know, and you'll have a better experience.

  • Member Posts: 187

    @M2Fream said:
    Hatch can no longer be used if the survivor is...
    -Madness 3
    -Reverse Bear Trapped

    The new hatch...
    -Will open when 4 gens are done, not 2
    -Can be closed by the killer  which takes 2s

    -The killer cannot preform a hatch grab

    In addition
    -Finishing the last generator will not open the hatch, but it will start both exit gates 30% open
    -If the killer has closed the hatch, the survivor cannot open it unles they have a pink or purple key. Otherwise, the hatch will remain closed for the rest of the trial

    Here are my criticisms of this, while we all agree that the hatch is broken, this in no way helps the game.

    As a killer main, instead of a hatch standoff, I LET THE SURVIVORS TAKE THE HATCH! Problem solved. Really, it is simple. I may hit them to get a few extra points, kinda like the exit gate, but why make it an issue. Hell, many times I reward a survivor with the hatch if they played well or had good sportsmanship or had a really bad team.

    The thing is the hatch should never open once a gate is open. SImple and easy. It can open with a key or if everyone but the last survivor is dead.

    The thing is that anything more than 2K for a killer is a win. So 3K great! Just let them try and find the hatch or kill them before they get there. Otherwise, just let them have it and move on.

    "But why? They don't deserve it?" Maybe they do, did you think of that? Maybe they were the only one working on generators as their team farmed each other or all were standing around you the killer. Maybe they had a great few outplays that they lost/juked you.

    The thing is it is a game. No real life or death scenario here, just a game. So what if 1 survivor escapes, just let them have the hatch and move on. You can earn more points by jumping into the next game asap than you can fighting over the damned hatch.

  • Member Posts: 498

    honestly i wouldnt care about the hatch if it took 3 gens done for the last survivor to get it and the killer could close it.

  • Member Posts: 194

    @M2Fream said:

    And no survivor is going to try to do 3 gens when the hatch is there because survivirs have a history of refusing to work for anything.

    It takes 4 mins for one survivor to do 3 gens, and that's only if the killer isn't kicking them to make them regress. Do you really want to be in a match where the last survivor is sneaking around for 10 mins so they can do all 3 gens then open the gates? And some of us do try to finish the gens, twice I've been the last surv with one gen to finish and I done it because the killers camped the hatch. One of those times I got the hatch and one of those times I got out the exit gate.

    @M2Fream said:

    At the very LEAST, the killer should be able to close the hatch with no way to reopen it unless they use a pink or purple key. Survivirs always say they need a chance to survive which is why they get the hatch. Well guess what. If the killer finds the hatch and closes it, that WAS your, oh so deserved chance of escape, and you blew it. Survivirs need to start understanding that they are not entitled to a free +7000 bp escape every time

    And where are they getting the key from? Killing the survivor BEFORE they got to the hatch was also your last chance. Just like survivors aren't entitled to escape every time, killers aren't entitled to 4k.

    While I appreciate your ideas on a hatch rework I don't think some of them would be balanced. Just my opinion.

    Hatch standoffs are stupid, I don't do them as a surv or killer as I'd rather just move on to the next game. If the killer gets to the hatch same time I did I didn't move fast enough. While I know you don't like the hatch the truth is if there was no hatch a large percentage of last-standing survivors would dc or creep around holding you in the match.

  • Member Posts: 288
    Naiad said:

    @M2Fream said:

    And no survivor is going to try to do 3 gens when the hatch is there because survivirs have a history of refusing to work for anything.

    It takes 4 mins for one survivor to do 3 gens, and that's only if the killer isn't kicking them to make them regress. Do you really want to be in a match where the last survivor is sneaking around for 10 mins so they can do all 3 gens then open the gates? And some of us do try to finish the gens, twice I've been the last surv with one gen to finish and I done it because the killers camped the hatch. One of those times I got the hatch and one of those times I got out the exit gate.

    @M2Fream said:

    At the very LEAST, the killer should be able to close the hatch with no way to reopen it unless they use a pink or purple key. Survivirs always say they need a chance to survive which is why they get the hatch. Well guess what. If the killer finds the hatch and closes it, that WAS your, oh so deserved chance of escape, and you blew cit. Survivirs need to start understanding that they are not entitled to a free +7000 bp escape every time

    And where are they getting the key from? Killing the survivor BEFORE they got to the hatch was also your last chance. Just like survivors aren't entitled to escape every time, killers aren't entitled to 4k.

    While I appreciate your ideas on a hatch rework I don't think some of them would be balanced. Just my opinion.

    Hatch standoffs are stupid, I don't do them as a surv or killer as I'd rather just move on to the next game. If the killer gets to the hatch same time I did I didn't move fast enough. While I know you don't like the hatch the truth is if there was no hatch a large percentage of last-standing survivors would dc or creep around holding you in the match.

    I didnt say they deserve a 4k.... that being said, if they EARN a 3k and. Could have reasonably gotten a 4k, but they got robbed of something because the survivors managed to to a whole 2 generators, then thats not fair.

    If the Killer's last chance to get a 4k is before 2 gens are done (160s into the game sometimes) then what does that say about the game balance
  • Member Posts: 288
    Kaelum said:

    @M2Fream said:
    @Kaelum whats rediculous about it? Could you be more specific.

    I'm going to be very nice here, as I can tell that you are a noobie. Just telling you to learn to play would not help you. You should watch some YouTube videos from well known players, and of course the dev stream videos. If you are such a try hard that you absolutely must have that 4th kill every single time, why do you hook that 3rd person before you find the 4th? For YOU, if you left the 3rd person slugged, guess what? The hatch doesn't spawn. I know that this is probably blowing your mind, but you have a lot to learn.

    The hatch is not the issue, it is the end game as a whole, which the devs are fully aware of and are working to rectify. If you were to watch the dev streams for the past 3 months, you would know that, and you would know what they are looking at. They have decided to not make any changes to the hatch, especially closing it. During their testing of the closing of the hatch, they learned that it placed such an extreme burden on the survivor that it was virtually impossible to reopen, so they said that it is not going to happen. Watch the streams, YouTube videos, perhaps some Twitch streams, and learn.

    @M2Fream said:
    1k to 4k should be linear. 1k to 3k is linear...

    WRONG! No part of the above statement is in any way accurate. Again, you are a noobie, and you obviously are still learning the mechanics of the game. Learn the mechanics completely, not just the extremely small subset that you currently know, and you'll have a better experience.

    Ive been playing the game for 2 years. Im not new. The fact that you think the hatch is balanced is eye opening to YOUR experiance in the game.

    The killer should not have to play sub-optimal (slugging instead if hooking) to counter some bullshit survivor second chance mechanic

    And for my post I explained a ploblem and my solution. All you did was falsely say you were going to be nice, call me a noob, and say that my statements were wrong without explaining why. If you want to talk about being a noob, look at yourself.
  • Member Posts: 288
    scerckan said:
    ok sure lets change the hatch mechanics when the killers lit totems at least make a burning noise. or let me guess you just want killers to be buffed and fck survivors
    Are you serious? You're complaining about killers totems being too HARD to find? They glow like a beackn, they spawn on top of hills and right next to survivors and they can be taken out in 12 seconds. A REAL noob has been spotted
  • Member Posts: 994
    edited October 2018

    @M2Fream said:
    Ive been playing the game for 2 years. Im not new. The fact that you think the hatch is balanced...

    Your last post tells all. < hysterically laughing at the 2 years statement >

    Where did I make such a statement about the hatch? FYI, saying “The hatch is not the issue...”, in no way infers what you are stating.

    Your posts are nothing more than troll posts, and I don’t feed trolls.

  • Member Posts: 149
    edited October 2018
    M2Fream said:8
    scerckan said:
    ok sure lets change the hatch mechanics when the killers lit totems at least make a burning noise. or let me guess you just want killers to be buffed and fck survivors
    Are you serious? You're complaining about killers totems being too HARD to find? They glow like a beackn, they spawn on top of hills and right next to survivors and they can be taken out in 12 seconds. A REAL noob has been spotted
    so what's the problem adding a sound to them then? are you afraid your scrubby ruin+thanatophobia loadout gets screwed?
  • This content has been removed.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 288
    Thetruth said:

    @scerckan said:
    M2Fream said:8

    scerckan said:

    ok sure lets change the hatch mechanics when the killers lit totems at least make a burning noise. or let me guess you just want killers to be buffed and fck survivors

    Are you serious? You're complaining about killers totems being too HARD to find? They glow like a beackn, they spawn on top of hills and right next to survivors and they can be taken out in 12 seconds. A REAL noob has been spotted

    so what's the problem adding a sound to them then? are you afraid you're scrubby ruin+thanatophobia loadout gets screwed?

    Yeah he is. Typical killer main though

    I dont run thanatophobia or ruin you dumbass. If hex perks were reliable I would and your trying to make them LESS viable when they are often taken out in under 80s? Are you seriouse right now?

    And I KNOW you didnt call that build scrubby when your survivor ass runs SB DS SC BT, the biggest wheelchair, not crutch, but wheelchair perks in the game. And yeah, I am a killer main and Im proud. Atleast most killer mains play both sides. 
  • Member Posts: 288
    Kaelum said:

    @M2Fream said:
    Ive been playing the game for 2 years. Im not new. The fact that you think the hatch is balanced...

    Your last post tells all. < hysterically laughing at the 2 years statement >

    Where did I make such a statement about the hatch? FYI, saying “The hatch is not the issue...”, in no way infers what you are stating.

    Your posts are nothing more than troll posts, and I don’t feed trolls.

    These are NOT troll posts. Why is it so hard to beleive that I have 2 years of experiance. I just advocate for buffs to the killer side (which struggles at low ranks). Sorry you cant have the same common sense. Unless you dont see that the killer side struggles because youve never been past rank 10.
  • Member Posts: 149
    2 years of experience uh? what a coincidence i have a 2 steps guide for scrubs who drown the forum with their tears with their nerf the other team bitching tactics; here you go...
  • Member Posts: 288
    scerckan said:
    2 years of experience uh? what a coincidence i have a 2 steps guide for scrubs who drown the forum with their tears with their nerf the other team bitching tactics; here you go...
    Good one. Ever read it yourself? Im not drowning the forum in my tears. Im not even crying. Im Im drowning the forum in my deication to the game with valid concerns about the quality of the game play for killers. All you do kn these forums is personaly attack people and shoot down ideas by saying "git gud" 

    If you want to talk to me about my ideas in a civil mannor without pointless personal attacks and comments, Id love to hear. If thats too difficult for you then just dont say anything.

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