Slinger mains

Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

Ok so I finally just got Slinger boi and I would like to get some tips and builds from Slinger mains. I'm pretty bad with him at the moment so plz help :)

Basically what perks and add-ons are best on him?


  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Here's some healthy tips for playing Slinger.

    1. Aim.
    2. Don't miss.

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 78

    Not a slinger main but I just got wrecked by a rank 1 running monitor and abuse, pop, nurse’s calling, and sloppy. You could also add in bbq if you wanted it for additional tracking and/or BP. Personally, I’m pretty terrible with him lol

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited August 2020

    Improve accuracy

    Edit: ALWAYS have A Nurse's calling in your build, it is very effective for that killer.

    Post edited by Antares2332 on
  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    His reload add-ons are by far some of his best. helps you both if you hit and if you miss.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Learn to quickscope. thats it.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Swap pop for corrupt and depending how I feel like playing monitor for devour and you just described my build.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    A good perk to run on him in my opinion is Unrelenting, which let's you recover from missed basic attacks 30% quicker. Useful for when you get a shot in but can see chain is about to break before you can take the hit. Swinging let's you evade the five second stun and you'll recover quicker. The best is when you hit them across a thrown pallet, you break the chain, and because they are hitting the R1 (PS4) they slow vault over to get poked

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Jeez guys. Okay. Deathslinger is a killer with a near instant shot, so don't try to lead your shots. Aim where the survivor is and not where it's going to be. Your range isn't infinite either so keep that in mind when going for longer shots. (ie, don't shoot the survivor that's at the edge of your range if they're already injured. You probably won't be able to reel them in time.

    Perks for Deathslinger:

    Monitor and Abuse: Being able to shoot people that don't know you're there is very spicy.

    Corrupt Intervention or Ruin: Deathslinger's weakness is map pressure. He can't be everywhere at once. Make sure you have gen pressure perks.

    I'm All Ears: Lets you line up shots before they round the corner.

    Make your Choice: A survivor you can one shot with a gun shot is a as good as got.

    Discordance/BBQ/Thrilling Tremors: Good to have one of these for finding survivors.

    As far as add ons: It depends on how you play him. Are you going to break your chain to injure people? If yes, invest in stun reduction.

    If you're trying to capitalize with hits, go for reload and cooldown reduction. I'm fond of the mangled add on.

    Something I recommend doing is walking up to the survivor and hitting them, then after the hit animation aim your gun and reel them in if you can. Cuts the chase down to nothing. Save the Best for Last can help with this but it's not necessary.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    Get a monitor that can show crosshairs, that what red rank huntress players do

    same mechanics l guess

  • Dasher_102
    Dasher_102 Member Posts: 44

    Deathslinger is probably the worst killer in the game. He is very underwhelming and is simply just a worse version of huntress. But, ill give the best advice possible from me:

    Gen slowdown perks are meta, so i advise using either barbecue and pop (what i recommend), or ruin and surveillance. Both are good, but pop might be better because after all, slinger is a 110% killer. For your 3rd perk, you definitely want save the best for last, as it will be his best perk. The main strat with slinger with 8 tokens of STBFL is to mouse 1 the survivor, then quickly go into your mouse 2 since he will recover super fast. Also, remember to let the obsession break the chain if they are healthy rather than hit them, as it is one less hit on the obsession (which takes away 2 tokens of SYBFL). You can mess around with your 4th perk. Personally, i recommend nurse's calling but its up to you. You can use monitor instead if you like.

    As far as playstyle goes, it varies. For the most part, you just have to get used to him. Realize that he is a 110% killer and don't chase the same survivor too long with him. You also don't want to aim down sights for too long, because the survivor will be able to see that you are ready to shoot.

    Let me know if you have any more questions. Good luck, and stay safe out there...

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274
    edited August 2020

    So I'll preface by stating I'm not exclusively a Deathslinger main (I just enjoy playing him). However, the perks I see the most on him are:

    • Monitor & Abuse. Drops 'Slinger's terror radius to 16m out of chase, meaning you can spear most survivors before they know you're approaching them.
    • Save the Best for Last. Get a bunch of stacks and 'Slinger gets a nasty two-hit combo (similar to what Spirit can do). Attack a survivor and immediately attempt to spear them after your sped up weapon wipe.
    • Sloppy Butcher. If survivors stay injured, it remains easier for Deathslinger to just keep re-downing everyone. Every hit 'Slinger inflicts is considered a basic attack, so this perk will always apply. Add the slowed heal times on top of the mending required from his Deep Wounds and you can buy yourself either some extra time or some shorter chases.
    • Franklin's Demise (sometimes). If every attack counts as a basic attack, you can swat away survivor items as you like.
    • NOED. I feel that it's scummy when Deathslingers using this perk, but there's no denying that it is pretty good on him. His power (and his ability to fake it for easy zoning) make him very good at getting quick hits. Considering he can also pretty reliably spear and hit survivors through most windows, NOED makes Deathslinger a frightening late-game presence.
    • Brutal Strength (or sometimes Fire Up). The generally accepted counter to Deathslinger is to drop pallets early. Perks that help him remove those pallets quickly act as a little QoL improvement for him. However, perks that involve pallet stuns (Enduring, Spirit Fury, etc) are not usually helpful to him.
    • Pop Goes the Weasel. Deathslinger has trouble maintaining map pressure, so Ruin doesn't tend to synergize with him. But he does secure downs pretty well, so PGtW is a good choice to slow down those gens.
    • Corrupt Intervention. The other big stall perk that's worth using when Ruin isn't a good choice.

    You can also bring things like BBQ, Whispers, and Discordance, though they aren't anything special to Deathslinger. Just generally solid perks for pretty much anyone.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Monitor and Abuse: is insanely powerful on him. The -8 terror radius gets you nearly into shooting range before they get heartbeat.

    Surge: when you reel in a survivor and hit them without snapping the chain it's technically an m1 so it activates surge. You can also walk them towards the gen you want to effect while reeling. (Not sure if it's better than pop but I love that you don't have to drop other chases to kick a gen.

    Thrilling tremors: is a good way to see which gen to sneak up on next.

    Blood warden: this is just the ONLY way this perk is still usable IMO. it's tons of fun when a toxic SWF group gets 1 snagged tbagging at the gate. Then 1 or 2 try to stop you making the hook and the remaining stays at the gate. You get the hook, they hurry and borrowed time him off they all run tbagging... Into a wall. Leaving you about 40 seconds to slug, hook and drop the rest too far from the gate to crawl out. ( It is very situational lol but oh so satisfying when a toxic loss snowballs into a 3-4k in the final 60 seconds.