BBQ & Chili OP?

Was playing killer tonight and was doing fairly well as Leatherface and got a good 4K on a swf team that brought a key.

Post game chat they accused BBQ of being OP and carrying me the whole game. Honestly i just put on for points i forget that it shows aura for like 2 seconds.

Do survivors feel that way actually? Im just curious, because i think Infectious is worse honestly.


  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    Thats what i thought when i play against it as a survivor, and if youre at a good loop its a good counter too. But as a killer i barely even notice it. Its Bp bonus is crazy, and killer already gets lots of Bp.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    It's not OP but the information you get from it is very valuable.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,481

    bbq is probably one of the best and most balanced killer perks in the game, it rewards hooking survivors, and it gives information on where to go next which helps incentivise not camping

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    BBQ and Chili is ok but other perks are better for most killers for tracking purposes unless you are playing a killer that has fast map travel and can get to where the auras are quickly. If it didn't have the double bloodpoints on it though I'm betting you wouldn't see it used as often.

    Also some survivors complain about everything under the Sun when they lose. I had one last week calling me a trash try-hard because I used four Hexes and they let me get 5 tokens on Devour Hope. 😄

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    If your complaining about the BP gain bonus then your simply being spiteful at this point.

    The killer's BP gain is irrelevant to the survivors.

    Also before you ask the devs did they they are going to be buffing the survivor equivalent(We Are Gonna Live Forever) eventually.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Yup! It is literally the perfect perk! Anyone who calls it OP just sadly means they arent very good at the game yet.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    here is a tip to enjoy the game. never, ever, not once, even a little bit, take the sad tears of a salty loser as gospel. you could put anything in their favor and they will say your 'w' key is op. some people just cant handle things.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    BBQ lets you see them, but unless you're a huntress with Iri hatchets and godlike aim it does nothing further for you. You still have to go get them.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I'm just gonna start saying this: its both sides. But no, bbq is not op. We have a much better perk that would be op without a cool down called thrilling tremors. Bbq rewards your objective and gives bonus bp. It's the perfect example of a balanced perk.

  • Jed_Olsen
    Jed_Olsen Member Posts: 256

    Far from op really, its mainly used to farm points, use BBQ and a pudding and your getting like 70-90 k each game

  • Sunri
    Sunri Member Posts: 100

    Its a best killer perk in the game

  • ceeroover
    ceeroover Member Posts: 78

    Killers never get tired of mentioning how useless the aura ability of BBQ is and how easy it is to counter. But first of all, countering the aura means a loss of time on the generator in most cases (so nobody will do it) and second, we saw the killers run wild with the Mid Chapter patch and the aura change, even though they never get tired mentioning that they only take BBQ for the points (which worked anyway), while in general the amount of time saving for the killer by knowing where to go for the next chase is significant. Especially on mobile killers you can snowball effectively. So no it’s not OP, but considering that BBQ is a no brain perk, the aura reading is too strong on Billy, Freddy, Spirit and Nurse, who are already high pressure killers.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Yes indeed. I don't play long sessions of DbD, so I give myself a goal of 100k to 150k BP a session as killer. And I am not a high rank or even skilled killer. Anything after that I consider gravy. The other night I had a +30k BP daily ritual for a Killer. Popped on BBQ, offered a survivor pudding, got the hooks and had a decent match, and made my BP goal in one match with the ritual reward.

    Which was good, because about midway through that match I suddenly didn't want to play DbD anymore that night. No in-game reason why, it was one of those "oh-hum" nights about the game in general. So, hit my goal in that single match and called it a night.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    You realise theres other perks with aura's right hence why people may complain when the auras were as bad as they were, BBQ's auras are great on high mobility killers, but on the rest than its more than likely just used for the BP.

    Also people not bothering to counter it doesnt mean that its not easily counterable.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    For all the crying on these forums about camping and tunneling now we complain about the one perk in the game that gives killers a BIG reason to do neither of these things? Okay.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    BBQ is not OP. It has like seven counters. You also have to go and get them. It's not like the perk brings the Survivors to you.