New Chests = New Keys?

I recently saw the new chest animation, and it appears you attempt to break the lock off the chest to get an item. And since chests now have locks, does that mean keys will be changed to open chests faster? Perhaps the skeleton key could still open hatch, but only for one player, and the dull key would only open chests.
I'm pretty sure they were planning a rework for both keys and moris so this could very much be linked to it.
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I dunno, an item that only exists to get another random item faster than normal seems preeeeetty useless as an item. I dunno if keys would necessarily still be tied to opening hatches if they were re-worked, but I can't imagine a key that only opens a chest faster.
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Idk it'd get me to actually use my keys as I like running chest builds, and dont really like using keys unless theres a challenge for it.
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I don't think it would make them worth using, though. If your goal is to use the key to open a chest to get an item, just bring a different item and open a chest later if you end up exhausting your current item.
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Sony and Microsoft are obnoxious about changing achievements. Unless they could definitely change "where did the go" achievement I don't see them changing keys to only let one survivor escape. Maybe it will make green key able to do something other than make new players die trying to open the hatch with a broken key? 😂
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I mean I'd assume they'd still have their aura addons, which is the only thing I really like about keys in their current state, but you might be right about them being a bit lacking if thats all they do without any addons. @TAG
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I am also assuming that there are still aura add-ons. If all they did base kit was speed up opening a chest, I would only consider that very marginally better than a Broken Key.
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You can always bring 4 skeleton keys.
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It's all 4 escape through hatch at the same time, it doesn't count if the hatch closes.
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I imagine a broken/non-functional achievement is grounds for changing it.
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Maybe? I just wouldn't get hopes up that they'll change it to one person can escape through hatch. They could very well change it to that and be like "sucks for you console players" if Sony/Microsoft wouldn't let them update the achievement.
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Maybe I'm simply naive, but I would be surprised if they were unwilling to change a straight-up nonfunctional achievement.
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What if they lowered the rarity on them, allowed you to instantly open a chest, and raised the chances of getting a high rarity item? That way you could bring a yellow key and potentially get a purple item, but runs the risk of getting something of equal/lower value.
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I'd just bring in a purple item.
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MS is much easier, Sony is a pita. If the conditions to earn are removed or changed from the game, Sony allows it. They just don't allow promo/seasonal trophies that have a limited time earning window, and for devs to make them easier. They have a QA process for this and reducing the grind apparently isn't a good reason. One dev simply removed the item from the game (due to the criteria to earn it being super high) and introduced an easier to obtain item to unlock one of his trophies bc he said Sony didn't approve making it easier. So he circumvented the rule by retiring the item and thus the trophy was made easier.
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If keys opening chests would give you new unobtainable items, say firecrackers or something entirely new, that you couldn't get from the blood web...
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Or if they increased the odds of getting a higher quality item, like a free one-time use Plunderer's Instinct. However your idea is really cool too.
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Wouldn't it be funny if the chests held the killers belongings, like a surviver finds a bear trap, or a hunters hatchet
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Can you use it against The Killer? Now that would be fun.
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Yea, would definitely add a little more to the game
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That would be exactly why they would be allowed to change the achievement. If it was no longer possible to be done.
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imagine if killer could search the chest for mori, but would have to throw away the power 😂
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Every single time this is always brought up. ACHIEVEMENTS CAN BE CHANGED.
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Not everyone has an inventory full of purple items, though. If you could run a treasure hunter build to quickly get rarer items out of chests and try and escape with them/share them with your team (assuming the key would work on chests without consuming charges) then I could see it being at least a little useful for some people, especially for surprising the killer with decent items that you didn't enter with. Would definitely be a good use of the broken key on top of aura reading. Heck, maybe instead of consuming charges, opening chests restores charges on keys, encouraging survivors with keys to do more than just sit on gens.
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I'd just bring in a yellow item, then.
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But what if I could get rid of these lame keys and leave the match with nice purples?
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Why not just make the keys not lame to begin with?