PC Players in general are toxic change my mind

Every since doing crossplay all I have seen is toxic player from pc literally matchmaking times are faster but thats it im a survivor main and I play killer occasionally as a survivor the teammates are really toxic. Looking in the forums you can find lots of them too the vast majority of pc players are toxic. I also wanna say that if there was a crossplay without pc that would be a game changer. Sorry if this offends u but its true.
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it's darn if you do or darn if you don't with some of you.
Let's say console players also had the option to only cross-play with other console platforms. Then you guys would complain about the toxicity from that side because you know CONSOLE WARS.
I personally don't have a problem with pc matches. There's toxic players on every game, it's a small percentage though. Don't let it ruin your experience.
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No, I don't care about your mind or your opinion. Since the cross play started I've seen no difference whatsoever between the Players. That being said, why do we have to change your mind? Do you honestly think you matter at all? Get in the game, earn a reputation, and perhaps we will care what you think.
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lol it was a request and anyway you seem a little butthurt
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the vast majority of pc players are toxic
Seems like a stretch to say “the vast majority” when you’ve only played with a handful of the PC population, but ok.
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console wars o.o IDK about that anyway i'm just saying that because most of my percentage is toxic. especially people who are supposed to be my teammates the killers a little but survivors alot.
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Not at all. I just find your sense of entitlement, and the premise of your entire post, indicative of a spoiled brat. The forums are flooded with you guys and gals, complaining about anyone and anything you can. If you spent 10% of the time you do complaining, you might be a whole lot better Players.
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meaning ps players will call xbox players toxic and vice versa
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How do you know they're PC? All crossplay players have the same symbol right?
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How do you know its pc and not the other console? all it shows is the globe icon lol
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well I play Dead by Daylight all the time and I mean all the time so yeah the vast majority give me a reason why yall arent toxic then? or why do yall act toxic
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How do you know they're on PC?
Last I checked, Anyone from a different system has a little globe icon. (Unlike fortnite, where the icon is that player's platform) So there's no way for you to tell if they really are PC players or if they're just from the other console.
And excluding PC is dumb because you don't get that much of an advantage from using Kb/M in this game unlike most games. (Besides Optimization. Even then, the solution would be to fix console fps, not exclude PC because they can run the game better.)
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This is because all players are people and all people have the capacity to be "toxic".
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what did I say I was entitled to again? I don't remember and also what "whole lot better player" what is that? I didn't make this discussion because I lose its the fact the I like to work with my teammates and actually play the game.
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Ever since doing crossplay all my toxic matches have been against toxic survivors. The ironic part, however, is they're probably so used to bullying 20 fps console killers they don't realize they have zero skill to back up their toxicness against good PC killers. Pretty much the only thing that console players do well is getting generators done while they're not busy getting downed in 20 seconds. But yeah, that definitely carries over when you get those same toxic people as your teammates.
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You created a post whose entire premise is an insult to every Player who uses a PC. Then you insisted that we "change your mind". There isn't anything more entitled and self-important than what you did. It was Trolling post.
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I play Dead by Daylight a lot on PC and I can tell you with certainty that the majority of people I’ve played with/against weren’t toxic at all. I’ve had people compliment me, leave nice profile comments, and help me in game. SOME people are toxic, sure, but I got hateful messages when I played on console too.
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I didn't exist and you didn't have to click either. o.o is someone forcing u to comment or something sorry bout that. it wasn't a troll but with the way im laughing now i'm turning into one.
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How can they be toxic when they have zero skill its not matching up and your proving my point. UR TOXIC T O X I C :)
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I disagree. I think this isn't your fault, but there is an essential part of how players communicate that you are just not even seeing. you can't communicate with players around the campfire before a match like PC people can. Which means you cannot offer strategies or know to participate in their strategies. and not everyone knows this!. i assumed you guys could at least see the chat before and after each game. I think you are mistaking toxicity for accidents and mistakes at least some of the time. You can't see the apologies many might be making as well. Nor can you see the friendly after game chat where people often compliment one another and celebrate a good game.
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As a player of PC, it offends me. But honestly i can't disagree. :/
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How can console players message you I haven't seen that feature yet.
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The problem is not only are you entitled, self-important and a spoiled brat, you also appear to have zero self-awareness. Either that or you are so arrogant you can't even admit to the fact that your action was wrong. By all means continue. There is nothing I can say that makes you look any worse than the job you are doing yourself.
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dont comment simple.
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what action tho I asked someone to changed my mind it was a request and obviously not to a spoiled brat like you. lol stay safe kid.
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Not really in all honesty we are more chill I think the difference is that we want to have fun meanwhile pc is just about competing. Point blank thats it.
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And you know they were all PC . . . how? There's no platform indicator, just an indicator that they are not on your platform. Could have been from any of the three other platforms.
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Thats an unfair assumption. I always try to be a courteous person. assuming an entire set based merely on what they are playing on is fairly toxic itself.
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you can add people message them and ask them things.
sorry almost forgot to reply to yours too.
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that's true but how can those things constantly happen you know what I mean?
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your right I said the majority tho and I've also seen a lot of toxic posts here on forum of pc players insulting everyone so i'm sorry if your grouped with that but you may just be part of the minority.
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I don't think there toxic but there not as good as I thought they were.
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your right about that but I've never encountered so many toxic people at a time in a row too.
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actually I play my on console so ofc I would know if they are toxic there's a few but not many on mine I rarely meet toxic people on mine so yeah its not biased it's just an observation that I made. sorry.
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wym good like in playing style?
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thanks for the help
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its also not bc they can run it better it doesn't matter if they can. Toxicity tho even the survivors who are your supposed teammates.
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Chill dude
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Lol you kiss your momma with that mouth? Stay safe kid.
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you can message them I added them and asked I have to be educated before I make a statement lol.
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Can explain me how did you know they are from PC ?
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adding and messaging then saying are you from console or pc.
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Wasn't aware you could message between platforms in DbD even via a friends list. Good to know. Well, I never, ever accept random social invites from people in a PvP game, so . . . .
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As far as I can tell, there is no way to message anyone - the only conclusion I can come to is he's adding them on PS4, and messaging them on PS4 & they're trolling him by saying they're on PC because he thinks he's adding PC players.
I'd love to see how he's messaging others though as I've seen several threads & several friends suggest a messaging option.
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The irony of this goddamn thread.
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Say that to PS4 Survivor Mains lol
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In fairness I got a lot more hate mail back when I was playing on xbone before I swapped to pc. Can't attest for the PS4 crowd though. I have it but never played it there as I didn't wanna start over again. On xbone I got a metric fuckton of party invites to cuss me out, nasty messages and I once even got a voice message because I got hatch and didn't work on the last gen right in front of the hag's face. PC has been much more chill although people sometimes still get riled up in chat after the match.
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Thanks for clarifying that. I was playing KYF last night with Friends & Family, and we were all split between PC, Xbox, and PS4. All on each other's friends list, naturally, and could find no way to talk outside of external work arounds. I was wondering if we'd missed something.