What drives you to keep playing?

It's hard to play DBD casually, especially considering how toxic the DBD community can be at times. But I always find myself returning to it because there's nothing else quite like it. There's so many reasons to hate it *cough* MATCHMAKING *cough*, but when the game fires on all cylinders it can be a blast to play.
What keeps you playing?
The dedicated servers
The massive errors
The amazing fps
The skins that cost more than the game
The way the devs really listen to the community and always seem to fix what really matters the most with the game.
Im sure theres 94858364 other reasons other people could add to the list but you catch my drift.
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The variety. Each killer and survivor has their own blood web and such to explore. Even if you burn out of one killer, then just choose another until you've relaxed enough. Also ignore the idiots that take pleasure in insulting people online.
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Sadly, yes I do. And all those reasons, along with the plethora of others that people could think of, aren't wrong.
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The 4v1 aspect, I come from other pvp games, it is fun not having the upper hand and then making a good comeback.
I like the grinding system I used to speedrun grinding games (monster hunter) so I enjoy grinding bp and then spending them on perks items addons etc.
Sometimes you get to meet nice people (pretty rare but happens).
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Nice people in DBD matches are like diamonds in the rough, it's rare, but they're there!🙂
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I think I play because of rift and archives. When rift is done I do a big break from the game. Also I really like to chase survivors and grind bloodpoints to p3 every character. And I love to hunt achievements. Maybe it is lame but if I emjoy it, it doesn't really matter.
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Me getting my characters back to where they were. I recently lost all my progress because my DBD disc has a unsolvable downloading error, and now I have to start all over again. :)
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Rift's brought me back out of retirement, and I enjoy the stories. I'm really more of a bloodpoint harvester than a competitor, but I've played for long enough that I'm in a position where if I need to I can usually come out on top. This makes the game kind of relaxing as both survivor and killer.
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The hope of seeing Jeff Johansen escape the Fog and find his dog.
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A few things actually. I love the nature of team based pvp games, but I always seem to be cursed with bad teammates when playing them. So with Dbd being asymmetrical I can play against teams while not having to rely on teammates of my own hence why I'm a killer main. I like the feeling of outplaying multiple opponents on my own.
I've also met quite a few cool people throughout my time playing. Just as easy as it is for people to initiate toxic conversations with you over dumb ######### it's also just as easy to start a chill convo about the game where you realize you just found a cool person to friend. Ah the duality of Dbd.
Also the multiple horror icons in the game. How could any fan of the horror genre overlook Dbd even if it isn't the best in terms of balance? Myers, Leatherface, Ghostface, Saw, Freddy, Demogorgon, Pyramid Head, and a whole bunch of other original killers. Say what you will about the game but it's one of a kind.
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Franklin's demise and dark devotion are the only thing that still makes me wanna play killer. Also playing Hag because ppl think she's weak on console.
As survivor... Friends are the only reason, nothing else.
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No it doesn't matter. To each their own. You do you!
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The fact that I'm insanely competitive and really good at killer.
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Matchmaking can ensure that you're always at a disadvantage, but what you said holds weight!
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well ive got a goal at the moment to p3 50 every character. ive only got tap, steve and nancy and then the new chapter. after that ill get all perks on everyone
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I've learned to adopt a carefree attitude regardless if I'm playing killer or survivor. I had to learn to roll with the punches. I no longer care about ranking or pipping and it's made a world of difference. Besides, what other game lets you play as horror icons Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers? 😄
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Couldn't have said it better myself!
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I just think it's neat.
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My life is so pathetic that I have nothing better to do.
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I absolutely love how this game has 20 unique killers all with their own individual play style with 70ish perks that you can use to further shape their play style the way you want it to be. THERE ARE SO MANY POTENTIAL BUILDS. And I love looking for ones that end up being hilarious or really fun.
The game is a bit grindy, but for me at least... that kind of makes finally getting that new killer or perk I've had my eye on all the sweeter. Now if only BBQ would show up in the darn Shrine...
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Exactly, over the 2k hours I have I have met 2 guys that were really fun and kind.
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Lmao, this one made me chuckle.
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Murder-waifu simulator and the mind game aspect
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The hope for a complete all around balanced game
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Not sure. I keep coming back inbetween breaks and burning myself out once more.. only to come back again. I hate the community and I honestly question a lot of things the developers do and prioritize. Game itself is addictive, so maybe that's it?
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Cause it's a game that enjoy from time to time
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I can boot it up and consistently have fun so I have no reason to stop playing really.
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Nothing. I've stopped.
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RIP knew someone who lost their progress the quit nice to see you stayed.
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Playing and maxing out killer and survivor p3 all perks and also getting chased ornchasing as killer.
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No game is the same, every game is different, different survivors, map, map layout, killer (usually anyway), perks, friends, play styles. There is a lot to like and a lot to come back to. It's fun and easy to jump into a few games and it's super stressful compared to some other competitive games (not that dbd is truly competitive). Killer is a bit different story and I don't enjoy killer as much but that's also completely different from survivor.
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I have no clue. 😁 I keep asking me the same thing - or better said: I more and more ask myself, why anyone who doesn't like stress that much would keep doing this to himself...
The easy answer in my case would be: the fact, that there's no other game around at this moment which I really feel like playing (and haven't played over and over already) and probably a bit of addiction... But if my experiences continue in the way of my last matches, then the chances are good, that the addiction soon will be over, because it wasn't that much of fun. I feel it's getting harder the higher your rank gets and then there's also the matchmaking which isn't always ideal and the behaviour of other players...🙄 And I guess, somewhen I will probably just have enough.
Edit: I forgot one point, the challenge of becoming better...
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I stopped right when Pyramid Head came out. I was already frustrated with the game and his new map caused me to leave. I want to come back but the new chapter doesn't seem interesting and I have a feeling the new graphics are going to cause major headaches in performance. So I will probably wait for another chapter or two.
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It's because it's a horror game. If it wasn't that genre, I would of never become invested in it.
I played a few games this morning against some 'pros'...all knew how to constantly loop, high-powered flashlights etc. As soon as you hit the red ranks...the fun tanks. And sometimes you don't even have to be in the red ranks to get matched with red rank survivors...the naff match-making will sort that for you (me = current rank 10 killer vs 4 red ranks this morning). The behaviour is just bad. Really ruins the overall gaming experience.
Another thing that gets up my nose is the extended community. I have some reservations over the whole 'Fog Whisperer' malarkey and the selection of some of the 'whisperers' in relation to their character is rather eyebrow raising. BHVR should be careful in that respect. But oh well.
Overall, it's a good game...but I could easily live life without it.
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I just... like brutalizing people I guess? Feels good.
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It is addictive! Like I said before there's nothing like it, and it can be fun to play, but it can also be quite infuriating!
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I love the game and the ability to play as some of my favorite horror movie icons.
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chases. its one of the best parts of the game, i like trying to outplay the other side as both survivor and killer.
also, there’s no other asymmetrical 4v1 game that’s still alive lol
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Those are all excellent points. There's more frustrations than there are positives with this game unfortunately. But it goes to show just how strong this game is! If the devs could just work on ironing out all of the bugs, fixing the matchmaking, and appeasing gamers that have requested the same thing year after year, then this game could be a true gem!
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Besting this games bs grind eventually.
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nothing currently, first times I've felt as pissed off on survivor as I do on killer recently. ten minute survivor queues for me have alot to do with it, otherwise I would have requeued as usual. more of you need to take one for the team and play killers... chop-chop to it
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The amazing people and friendships I keep creating every day I play it.
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This is one of the few games that actually thrill me each time I play it. Its just fun, and the variety makes it better.
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The gambling mentality that if I play enough, maybe I'll enjoy it eventually.
It's disappointing that there's almost nothing in the game that I'm sure I'll enjoy in a given match.
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The game provides me with some casual entertainment, and where else can I run around as Myers and Freddy, two icons that were a huge part of my childhood as they first came out (I was born in 1972).
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I swear a lot when I play this, but I enjoy it. I never really feel 'excited' to play, but once I start, I'll play for 6 hours.
Rationing is good.. I only play on weekends to keep it fresh. Playing less also helps you stay in purple/green.. which is the sweet spot imo. Just turn it on, have some vodka, and hope for the best.
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Yeah cross-play initially reduced the queue times, but lately in the evening it's been the same that it's always been (10min). Don't know what to make of that.🤨