General Discussions

General Discussions

The Blight is the worst killer in a long time... When are we getting a female killer?

-The design looks rushed, unoriginal and poorly made and he looks like a mix of other killers.

-He looks like The Wraith with the cape outfit but shorter and with severe arthritis or bone deformation.

-He is not appealing, exciting, interesting or different.

****I REALLY wanted a creepy FEMALE killer. The last female killer we had was the Plague and it was long time ago.

-The new killer perks are OP but the killer isn't interesting or appealing and they didn't even make a new map to excite the players.

I can resume it in one word: Disappointing

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  • Member Posts: 137

    Wheres the thread? Last female killer was the plague and that was how long ago?

  • Member Posts: 640
  • Member Posts: 943

    This new killer already is changed, they released an outdated version of him so we'll have to wait and see how he turns out.

    I'd like another female killer too but as long as the killers are fun to play I don't mind what they are personally.

    I don't think this new killer looks like any of the other killers myself but that's your opinion, I was kinda hoping he'd be more of a strategic killer like Trapper or Hag but if they can make Blight more than a meme smashing his head into a wall he should be fine.

    He has the potential to be a high skill cap map pressuring killer and that's never a bad thing for other killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I hate the new killer... He just isn't interesting and his power is very weird, lol. I LOVE the new survivor, tho! Felix will become my new main 😏

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    I'd be fine with another girl so long as we're not trying to tick boxes. If the devs wanna make a few guys in a row thats fine, if they wanna make a few girls in a row thats also fine.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Don’t just make a female killer for the sake of it. The characters are diverse enough as is.

    I like the design of the new killer, it obviously has similarities with other blight infected cosmetics but overall it’s a solid design, a very cool Mori and an.. well, at least interesting and funny power. I don’t think a gender swap would have worked well on this killer..

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited August 2020

    i agree about the non appealing killer, it is absolutely anonymous like that, his power has nothing to do with alchemy, I think they just rushed to release a character while they were working on updates for the game,so it can be understandable...but I am not buying this chapter, feels very empty.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    I wouldn't mind a female Killer. Maybe we could get an original female mummy character similar to the Mummy from the Tom Cruise movie with original survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,703


  • Member Posts: 9,713

    One killer I like that would be a female killer is Medusa that survivors suffer negative effects if they look at her

    Medusa -

    • Deadly Visage ability: Any survivor looking at Medusa is Hindered with a 15% movement speed slowdown. Also while looking at Medusa an energy bar builds up tokens on that survivor on the HUD at the rate of one per second and each token increases increasingly negative effects
    • 1 token - Survivor is Blind and the Hindered effect increases to 25%
    • 2 tokens - Survivor is Oblivious and can’t see the red stain, Hindered increases to 35%
    • 3 tokens - Survivor screams and hindered increases to 45%
    • 4 tokens - Survivor is Exposed and hindered 55%
    • 5-6 tokens - Survivor is immobile
    • 5 seconds after the survivor stops looking at Medusa the Visage bar starts regressesing at a rate of one token per 5 seconds.
  • Member Posts: 710

    So TLDR:

    You dont like the new killer cause its not a girl

    Thats all i understand here tbh

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Congratulations. You've just made the most broken anti-loop killer in the game. 4 blink, 0 downside NOED Nurse would be jealous of this #########.

  • Member Posts: 877

    Please don’t use other people’s discussion as something to advertise your idea.

    It’s rude.

  • Member Posts: 493

    Pretty sure the demogorgan is actually female. So 😳

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    shoehorning in a killer just because it's female will probably be the beginning of the end in this game. anything shoehorned whether it's a line in a script or a casting choice, I've come to realize signals a lack of concern for quality and the viewer/players' experience and that drop in quality (or lack thereof to begin with) is what kills things to be clear. It becomes a quantity over quality mindset, in a sense, which is what does things in when the emphasis is no longer on the quality of the experience. that's why getting woke in some cases has lead to going broke. It's when they have no concerns about the quality. began using that as an indication of potentially low quality games, tv, books and films since I don't have the time to waste finding out things are crap. I just don't take the chances of wasting my time and money any more. Plenty others seem to share the approach these days.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Ghostface could be a girl, so I don't know if the Devs make up the lore or the studio who owns the rights

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    I don't think Blight is that bad of a killer, sure he needs some changes and some works here and there but I'd say hes decent. On one note I really don't see that he looks like a mish mash of other killers, the only similarity I see with him and the other killers in appearance is through the blight cosmetics. I get that another female killer would be cool, but you gotta realize there are very few licensed killers that are female that could be added to the game. Now for originals they could add some more but to be honest and no offense to the women here on this thread, but female killers just don't strike me as terrifying ( Besides Spirit). However I get what your saying and I personally think they are more focused on the game play of the new killer rather than the gender.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I love the new killer. His gameplay is really unique and the killer seems quite strong while still giving survivors a fair amount of counterplay in chases. I also don't really find his perks to be op either. I also think both the killer and the survivors counterplay to him have a high skill ceiling, which I'm glad about.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    The discussion is literally asking for female killers, how is my post offtopic?

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Obviously the Medusa specifics I posted are just for the concept, you can adjust the specific effects and numbers for balance.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    also let's address OP here:

    The last original, male survivor we got was Jeff. December 2018.

    In the top 4 killers, 3 of them are females. Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Hag (and you can argue about their order all you like). DBD is doing amazingly in terms of representation and forcing representation is nothing but harmful.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    While the new killer's look isn't my cup o' tea, liking him is entirely subjective. He was creepy the first few matches I had with him at least, was nuts the first time he dashed up to me.

    I agree though, I'd like to see more female killers. Still hoping for Carrie some day, but I wouldn't mind someone Elvira-esque or spidery, though spidery might be too entity like. Lots of good designs out there to take inspiration from in any case.

  • Member Posts: 694

    I actually like Blight's look and mechanic it's just the way it's been pulled off is very annoying, the devs say this Blight is an outdated version so I'll wait for the real Blight before making a final decision.

    I want killers to be good, whether that means 5 female or male killers in a row doesn't matter. Hopefully you feel the same way OP.

  • Member Posts: 315

    He looks like darth maul and ghostface that got dipped in lava.

  • Member Posts: 458

    i agree that the blight is lame in his looks, but female killer for the sake of it is just boring and harmful, look what it had done to survivor, we had mostly female survivor and most of them are generic to be kind (i talk about original survivor mostly, licensed is something else). so no representation for the sake of it is harmful and if they do a female killer it must be chosen beceause it goes well with the design choice and/or the theme

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    Point 1: This Killer actually requires some level of skill and willingness to fail in order to be played well. He's not like Freddy where you can slow the game and teleport and slow down Survivors in chase without ever having to do anything.

    Point 2: He is bugged to all heck and back right now due to someone at BHVR grabbing from the wrong PTB save. Apparently like 99.99% of him had been fixed the week previous. I can list some of the things down that are being fixed if you'd like since I've asked around and gotten a pretty firm grasp on what's being changed.

    Point 3: what the hell does a Killer being bad in your eyes correlate to a need for more female Killers? We've got quite a few. On top of that we've gotten a large amount of female Survivors in game too since Plague. I don't know the exact numbers but I feel as though we've gotten more more female Survivors than male, not that that really matters in the grand scheme of things. I just don't get the point of listing off what one has to do with the other in regards to your whole reason for posting this. Almost as though they should have been two seperate posts.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    This 100%. I'm all for equality and being diverse, but it feels like too many people want these things forced into too many things lately just because it's 'needed'. I could care less if they released a killer that classed itself as a genderless hotdog. As long as it's fun and unique, who really cares about the gender, race, etc?

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Advertised their idea? They're not promoting or profiting. It's a discussion about a lack of female killers and they had an idea for one.

    Who made you the forum police?

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