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General Discussions

Whats your guys thoughts of "the grind"?

Member Posts: 5,612
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

2.5 years of continous playing and the anniversary gave me the push to get all the killers to level 50 (haven't gotten them all perks on each though yet) with the new content my friends were thinking of playing the game themselves after seeing how i played with some of my killers with my perks. I told them itd probably take months for them to even get in a good area though with how the grind is now adays especially with another killer and survivor soon hitting the game. Idk the exact math to do everything in this game but i know its insane. Even if i just go to the survivors and rush for the 4 meta perks and just level just the killers. Its also asking the question if its even worth it (on the survivor side more than the killer side) because you have survivors like steve and quentin which you level them up and theres no real use to their perks so you don't really get your bp worth on them. Prestiging is pretty much a waste since your trippling your grind (which is why i refuse to do it). Killer side i guess the grind is kinda worth it because your getting different killers with different powers but i doubt claurophobias gonna be useful on michael myers or distressing on deathslinger. If you were asked what they could do to lessen it what would you decide? The most suggested one is to just remove tiers because survivors/killers will get the perks maxed anyway in no time and just makes it unnecessary. We do have the shrine but then your just sitting around waiting for the week a perk finally comes. Like i got 2 of neas perks through the shrine so far just waiting for streetwise (have been for a while). Just alittle vent and feeling bad for my friends since they don't know what their getting into with this game.

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  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m a killer main and I basically just do one or two bloodwebs per match and play with whatever I have available, that’s good enough for me. 🙂 Honestly 90% of winning the match is just being really, really good at chases and having a good sense of where the survivors are and what they’re doing. Good perks can certainly help but you can win without using any perks if you play well and lose using your favorite build if you’re doing badly so perks aren’t the driving factor of whether or not you win.

    Also by using what the web gives versus grinding for specific things it encourages me to think outside the box a bit and figure out what might work well with the tools I have at hand. That’s also why I like to prestige characters as soon as they hit 50, it’s a fun chance to reset and try them again with a completely different initial path of builds.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    The grind of a F2P game but the base game is full price. My suggestion is to reduce grind so we dont have an influx of hackers.

  • Member Posts: 575

    We're gonna live forever should have another way to get stacks tbh. The perk itself already doesn't do anything (unlike BBQ&C which is really useful) and you will usually have to fight your teammates for unhooks if you're not immediately sprinting for your hooked teammate.

    I find the grind tolerable if you're only playing 1 side and ridiculous if you're trying to level both to answer your question though. Perks you need for whacky builds are just spread across too many characters for how long it takes to level (Ex: quick and quiet + head on or lithe + dance with me + quick and quiet). Makes me kind of wish that characters' perks had better synergy with the rest of their perks.

  • Member Posts: 854

    I have been playing since PS4 release and have all killer perks with 7 maxed P3 killers. All survivor perks with 1 max P3 survivor. I could not imagine being a new player and trying to get all perks now. It has been a gradual buildup of perks in 4 years, a new player simply has too many killers/survivors to go through now. It kinda helps reenforce the current stale meta: “hey guys I’m new what perks should I get to avoid the 1000 hour grind?” Answer: “ killer: bbq, sloppy, pop, ruin, corrupt, infectious, nurses, a few others. Survivor: ds, Unbreakable, DH, sprint burst, adrenaline, borrowed time, self care, inner strength, and a few others.”

    this just makes everything so “similar”. Lessen the grind so new players can experience more of what the game has to offer. This is not to say it would change the current meta, but it may help to not reenforce it at every turn.

  • Member Posts: 359

    So like when you prestige the first time, perks start at rank 2, and p2 ranks start at 3, and p3.... I dunno

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I made thread in this but yes the grind to much wants we p3 we keep a lot useless item I like a way to sell them back for half the price so I don't have them anymore and I get a little BP back.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    It's too much to think about

    What I'm doing:

    Wait till I get max BP

    Spend half

    Then repeat

    If I feel confident I'll level killers or survivors I don't have level 50

    I decided not to prestige (seems like a waste of "my" time)

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    The grind is ridiculous for this type of game. Progression isn't vertical past a certain point. We don't stop playing once we get the perks we want, we just use them. Especially on the survivor side, I think the grind is super dumb. They all play the same, so why are we grinding out perks on each one? I'm not buying cosmetics for survivors I have no perks for, even if they look cool. I have so many people in my stream say they want to get into this game but don't want to grind for 500 hours (!) just to feel like they can play it. That's some Korean MMO crap.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Forgot to mention dbds also on mobile and switch now so watch out getting these with no progress. Bought a pc after 2 years of playing on console and now itd be dumb to really play on pc with none of my stuff.

  • Member Posts: 256

    I LOVE the grind after spending 10's of millions just to get 5 lerys offerings for scratched Myers, it feels SO rewarding

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    When asked, I actually warn people away from DbD due to the asinine grind. At this stage, it isn't worth it for a new player to get involved.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    It's terrible. Even when there where less characters the grind was worse and it's barely improved much. Even if you decide to never prestige any of the characters the grind to level 50 and all the perks is awful.

  • Member Posts: 875

    Don’t play survivor for BP? Killer, BBQ. That’s it. Wraith gives a lot of points with his surprise attack. Throw in a pudding/party streamer/anniversary cake (if you have any)

    If you grind playing survivor only, you’re going to be in for a helluva wait.

    Also, prestiging doesn’t take a lot of time compared to getting all perks maxed. Lvl 50 means little in and of itself. In the past 30 days I think I’ve P3’ed 3-5 survivors? I don’t play a bunch. Just killer, bbq, and a ridiculous amount of anniversary cakes I still have

  • Member Posts: 2,057

    I don't mind it all that much, it adds to the game's replayability. If it were too easy to max out characters then I'd have stopped playing long ago.

    I have 3 survivors maxed out at prestige 3 (though I think I only have 1 now, I probably didn't bother unlocking the latest perks on the other two since I usually main Kate anyway) and I think I'm at around 12 killers fully maxed out, and working on 3 other ones (one is at prestige 2-50, but still has a few cakes and puddings left, and the other two are prestige 1-50, also with a few streamers or puddings to use before I prestige them again)

    Challenges and dailies give a nice bloodpoint boost to make it less grindy and less repetitive as well with the different objectives you get from them.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    At the current point of the game, it's become very tedious, especially when you have everyones Teachables for both sides. Pair this with the new Survivor/Killer releases and you're left spending millions trying to get them all again on that character. I mean, for survivor it really isn't that bad since they don't matter. You could just do it on one single character since they're just skins of each other, but for me, I enjoy playing as each character, more for the variety of the character, and using different builds for each character, but for killers it's worse since Perks work around their powers and trying to get certain ones is a real pain. I really hope they do some kind of Bloodweb rework to make it easier to obtain perks rather than praying for RNG to make the one you want appear.

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    I’ll be raising a glass to a similar p3 all perk story!

    touché sir!

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    This. I couldn't imagine not leveling and doing nothing. grinding is what life is about.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Leveling up/prestige and not knowing what perks you will run is a new challenge and allows you to try new setups you may never try. Plus I want to have to bloody clothes I have only been playing since March and I work a full-time job playing 2 hours a day during the week and quite a bit during weekends depending on family and I have all my killers presitiged, and 5 or 6 survivors, and all but I believe ace, steve, tapp, and zarina's perks unlocked but I'm working on them. It really don't take long to take a character to 40 without cakes even better with cakes. Shrine of secrets I use to buy 150k bloodpoints not perks I'm going to play the character anyway so I'm not buying the perk.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Yeah majority of players agree that the grind is absolutely ridiculous. Are the devs afraid that without this mind-numbing grind players will not play their game as much or something? They really need to do something about it, it’s not a good thing especially for new players. I personally can never and will never recommend this game to anyone because of this.

  • Member Posts: 4,185

    Yeah and someone calculated it half a year ago and he is 1,5 billion bp strong.

    That is the amount of bp it takes (if I remember correctly) to get all characters to P3, level 50 with all perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Probably all perks should just not even have tiers since you'll get them maxed in no time anyway and for survivor the "best perks" you can literally get so easily just level david laurie and bill. All the other perks are just if you wanna do fun builds. Its ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 906

    I would never start playing this game at current stage. I started playing it 2 years ago and I still don't have all perks on all my killers. It's ridiculous. 1400 hours, btw...

  • Member Posts: 321

    I'd say the grind is the main reason why I haven't gone over to pc from playstation and why I am hoping on cross progression coming through.

    I have some stuff on pc but no were near the amount I have on ps4 and I'm very reluctant to lose all the progress I've made on all my characters just due to how long it will take

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Ditto got a amazing gaming pc that runs like a dream but the thing forcing me on ps4 is all my stuff is on there...

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    The grind is awful with so many perks and characters, I believe perks should get a normalized rank or at least make all ranks cost 3000 BPs only.

  • Member Posts: 413
    edited August 2020

    I got the game during the anniversary event in late June. I have over 500 hours at this point (yes, that is more than a full time job) and don't have all perks unlocked, nor all the perks I do have unlocked on even a single character. To be fair, I did PR3 Claudette and Trapper and some of the perks I avoided specifically because it dilutes the blood pool with their uselessness, needlessly increasing an already absolutely ridiculous grind.

    Frankly, unless your friends have no other hobbies and haven't left their homes for 6+ months like me, I wouldn't recommend it. If you were only unlocking perks from the Shrine, I could understand, although not condone it. But, the fact that I purchased all available DLC when I bought the game, I thought I would have all the perks available day 1 and not put behind hundreds/thousands of hours of bullshit grinding.

    Add to that the fact that the higher rank you get the less fun the games are, and they're unlikely to stick around.

    Solo queue/Killer YMMV.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    The Grind should be reduced. It puts off new players, and doesn't really serve much purpose. With as many killers and survivors as there are now, I think it's time to reduce the grind significantly. Maybe reduce bloodpoint costs for everything by 1000 BP. That'd cut the grind by 25% and I don't think it'd have an adverse affect on the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited August 2020

    Nah i dont care about leveling my characters to max it was moreso getting all perks since perks change the game in multiple ways and on different killers they can make their own playstyle. For example doctor with dark devotion from michael smack a survivor it transfers your tr to them. Do the static blast and now all survivors near that survivor screams. But even if i leveled say everyone to level 40 for perks its still getting all the perks on each killer or each survivor. (Thats why personally hate the idea of perk tiers i leveled your survivor/killer to 40 to earn the perk yet you make me go through all this to get said perk)? I just wanna play the game with unique perk builds and for survivors being "just skins" why would you even try to get all perks on each survivor? Might as well have all survivors be shared progress if they are "just skins"? And for the arguement of survivors running around with the best perks its not hard to get ds/unbreakable/dh and whatever 4th. The rest is niche builds at best. So i told my friends if they want to play the game for fun and mess around with different perk combos don't bother we can do that on kyf. Not to mention is getting the harder games as you rank up netting you less points then.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I decided to finally start leveling my PH. Got him to P3 50 with pretty lackluster perks. Threw another million into him and got sweet FA. The grind is getting worse and worse every chapter and while increasing perks per level was nice its practically no help when every bloodweb reaches nearly 100k each.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Also this. The sole reason I haven't migrated fully to PC. Multiple maxed out P3 killers, several rifts worth of unlocks, tons of store bought cosmetics and devotion almost devotion level 7. Restarting now would be throwing away probably several thousand hours of my spare time to do it all again. No way in hell I'll make the jump if they don't get xbox/PS cross saves. Don't know hwy they couldn't considering how many other games do, but they seem iffy on it.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    I like a game with a lot of options which this game does if i got all the perks on all the killers i could literally do pretty much any build i want. It makes the game a lot of fun and thats why i love kyf. Just sad the amount of work to do it in the main game for fun. If i wanted to win i could just go to my spirit with stridor bbq pop and sloppy. Easy in that scenario i have a build that works up to red and its easy to get each perk. But thats just it i don't play like that i wanna go on michael myers and idk give him the longest tr in the game with dead rabbit m and a distressing and agitation (i think its like a 80 meter tr?). For survivor its just skins so i don't really go for it on there much since killers have powers that mix with the perks. (Like michaels evil within 3 making his tr bigger with dead rabbit).

  • Member Posts: 714

    My grind is over, everyone p3 full perks (killer and surv).

    Now im just farming addons and at the same time waiting new content to use points again

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    The most frustrating part of it is that having the right perks is more important for new players. Someone with enough hours to have all the perks unlocked could run a meme build and do fine and have fun, but when you’re a rank 20 with no idea of how anything works, the right perks can make the game much more enjoyable for you. I’m happy to play without an exhaustion perk or without Corrupt on my Trapper because I’ve been playing for 2 years, but when I was brand new, Sprint Burst and BBQ kept matches less frustrating for me.

    They really need to do something if they want to attract and keep new players. Imagine buying the game because you want to play Pyramid Head and then seeing how many hours you need to sink into the game to unlock actually decent perks on him. Ugh.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited August 2020

    Me:Hey michaels in this game you should try him!

    Friend:oh cool look at all those horror characters this sounds like a amazing game sure!

    *Gets the game*

    Friend:Alright i get the general idea but how am i supposed to catch these survivors.

    Me:Oh decent survivors you can't do anything against since they can loop you so i have corrupt from plague,Enduring from hillbilly,Spirit fury from spirit,And monitor and abuse from doctor.

    Friend:So i have to level all them for your build?.

    Me:Yeah but if you want the grind to be quicker level Bubba first.

    Friend:thats already 5 killers i have to level to play one?

    Me:pretty much.

    Friend:how long will that take?

    Me:probably about a month if your lucky.


    Me:Yup. Oh and each perk has 3 tiers so your gonna have to technically get 15 perks. Not to mention spending the money on the killers to even get these killers to get said perks.

    *Friend just leaves*

  • Member Posts: 321

    I Have around 6 thousand hours on ps4 compared to just 600 on pc from before it was on console. To throw all that away would be such a punch in the gut for me even if my current pc can run the game ten times better than my old one.

    From what I've heard the devs definitely want to do cross progression, it depends if Sony and Microsoft allow it for them and from I understand Sony can be really funny with this sort of thing

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited August 2020

    I may be wrong, but cross progression is not something they need Sony or Microsoft approval, as they would only need to copy your PSX/XBOX data from their database and give you an account with the same stuff on PC.

    It would something like this "Hey I have all this stuff in this platform, can you copy it to my PC account?".

  • Member Posts: 196

    It's insane. I couldn't imagine starting the game now.

  • Member Posts: 671

    The grind is why I don't have friends to play with anymore as survivor. You can't exactly earn BPs playing killer with friends. So its either you SWF to have some fun, or you play as Killer to grind BPs, since you can 0k and get 25k easily. Ranking up doesn't mean jack and hasn't meant jack in years.

    2.4k and i still don't have all the perks either. Been playing since December of 2016..

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Ive been trying to get my friends into this game but they always have problems at the grind.

  • Member Posts: 515

    It's not just perks, prestige and BP that are part of the grind, either. It's all the moving parts of survivor vs killer mechanics, emblem system, hell it has its own jargon and perceived rules of proper etiquette!

    Thats a lot for a new player to be exposed to at once. The ones who want to stick with it will because they probably enjoy a thorough challenge or they're drowning in sunk cost fallacy.

    Just my opinion 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I do an odd thing where I level up one bloodweb if I either a) collect a number of emblem points I've elected to each colour of rank, b) do a daily, or c) complete a chapter quest.

    So my bloodweb progress is deliberately slow, but it's taught me to hone my skills without perks, or make the most out of my existing ones (which I randomly generate too). For me, I genuinely couldn't care less about the grind, and am happy for it to stay as it is.

    For those who think the bloodweb is a chore, maybe what they could do is allow players to pick 17 - 20 perks they like most and those are the only ones that appear.

  • Member Posts: 20

    It'd be great if we could use shards to "disable" teachable perks appearing in the blood web for 2000 shards. Like how the Shrine of Secrets functions except you can "enable/disable" the perks in future bloodwebs for 2000 Shards. Generally when I start a new Survivor or Killer I have a theme or idea for a set of perks I'm looking for and it feels tedious searching for those perks and sifting through ones I don't want because I unlocked them for other Survivors/Killers.

    Otherwise I don't mind the grind, but spending thousands of bloodpoints and not getting the perk you're looking for because you've unlocked a lot of other perks is frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 487

    I think it's pretty bad at the moment. With every DLC added there's 3 more perks added to either side and an extra character to level up, at the minimum just for their teachables.

    Considering that the actual income of bloodpoints doesn't change, it just means the later a new player joins, the more insurmountable the grind looks, and that combined with the massive paywall of obtaining the full cast turns a lot of new players away fast.

  • Member Posts: 184

    The grind is real. Maybe if they even did so little as remove the middle tier of each perk it would be less ominous.

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