Do you also play killer to de-stress SMACKING mercilessly survs after a bad day?

Might be old-fashioned but it is still the fastest and cleanest way to put down survs with my Sledge medicine:
Best Answer
Bubba’s sledge smack is quite satisfying, not gonna lie.
I play survivor to destress, survivor are the real killers in the game. After a few matches as killer, survivor lets me unwind on other people more stubbornly sticking with killers than I am. And now I unwind on bad teammates too after ten minute queues just to get them as teammates. Gotta find some way to keep the game fun, sandbagging bad teammates so they're the ones that just wasted 10 minutes in queue rather than myself is one way to do it.
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Somebody please pay attention to me
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senpai noticed you
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4 SWF rank 1 how u destress as killer explain to me ^^
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Nothing about playing killer is distressing unless we're talking super low ranks or we're on one of the few top tier killers.
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I don't play any PvP game expecting to destress. I have single-player or co-op PvE games for that. Usually, though, I just read. I'm a heavy reader.
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yeah precisely thats w0t I mean, dats ma boooi
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DBD as killer is the most stress inducing thing I have ever played with honest to god no exaggeration. I've played fighting games with people who go to tourneys and all that, getting my butt kicked and getting told practice complex combos to not get hopeless bullied over and over again and that was not NEARLY as stress inducing as player killer on DBD.
I don't think anything compares to it: not the barren grind in wow, not getting constantly countered by hakumen or having "INFERNO DIVIDER" break out of my sure combo, or losing all my progress in enter the gungeon. Nothing beats its. I wouldn't be surprised if this game as killer actually shaved years off my life from the blood pressure alone.
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Wait... You M1 as Bubba?
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If I need to destress in DBD, I'll just go play Doctor or Legion. The former of which I can go against decent Survivors and still relax while playing because he's so much fun and the latter of which is so satisfying to stab with.
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not always but yeah
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I didn't pay attention til now to that good joke gg lol
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God everyone really turned this into a crybaby killer main fest didn't they
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People did?
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I usually use a mori to de-stress out, helps calm me down to have a quickish game
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No, killer makes my day worse.
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try using purple pinky finger add-on + exhaustion bottel with the Cl0wn
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Half the time playing killer makes me want to whack people with a real hammer, so I guess not!
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Bubba's hammer is the whacker machine bro! wake up!!
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Always has been
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I play killer when I want to destress, I don't have to actually try or adapt to situations in my's not like survivors have tools that change the way the entire game plays. I just get to chainsaw/stalk around and smack survivors I come across. Never caught off guard, never surprised by a unique way my opposition uses their power, and never having to worry about how my team is doing. I play killer to destress. I can't play survivor without sweating my cheeks off.
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"Never caught off guard" it too big assumption, don't cha think? tell me that you never got headon'ed or sabotaged while carrying a surv...
as for SMACKING and WHACKING nothing but the Sledge(TM) sound hell yeah (btw new leaderface skin coming...)