No Mither should not provide blood orbs for Oni

cluelessclaudette Member Posts: 67
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously. The flavor text of the perk literally says "Your blood coagulates instantly"

I don't run my no mither set up often, but sometimes I do. Bad luck would have it that I get an Oni 30% of the times, in the 10% of the time I run no mither for fun.

I know it says it only prevents blood dripping onto the ground but to run such a risky perk and essentially become a walking blood bag donation for the oni is stupid. I essentially become not just a liability but "feeding" the oni from the start. Like what sort of dumb balancing is this?

It's stupid and the next time I get a no mither game with an Oni, I'm just going to close the game/DC.

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