Console players are terrible...

But PC players are also terrible
Can we all agree that we both suck and move on, instead of having this stupid dick-measuring contest about it?
Let's just all suck together as one...
That didn't come out right.
no it didn't come out right at all.
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yeah... unless?
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It came out perfectly.
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You are right. The team that sucks together, comes together...out the exit gates. Altruism +1
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Best thread by far.
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*puts away measuring tape*
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Was there a reason for starting this boring conversation?
"They play differenly weeeh" who cares. A fair few I guess.
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Console kidz still don't do gens
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You got whooshed my guy
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Honestly I don't even know why people bother complaining. So much stuff happening in the world and people's first thought "I'm gonna go on a web forum and complain about how people play a video game" it's just dumb. I run into bad teammates all the time but I'm not gonna go make a post about it because not everyone is gonna be good at the game.
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Another whoosh. Read what I said and think about it.
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PC kidz don't do anything
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*Laughs in mobile*
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Jokes on you. I'm on PC and I still absolutely suck.
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Oh man I almost went into a frenzy, then I read the post.
I agree with this as I have caught console and PC players sprint up to me when I am playing killer
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it better then most of the thread we see everyday.
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nOoOoOo pC PLayErS aRe mUcH BeTtEr cOnSoLe aWayS TunNeL, CoNsoLe = tRaSh LmAo
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Everyone is terrible, I agree. At least we all have that in common.
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...... And we all suck together,... Together.
Who gets the Warframe reference?
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No, I think that came out just right :)
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*hums infensify*
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We all suck. We’re all terrible. Some are slightly less terrible than. others
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I ain't judging but you got to tell us something?
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The playerbase succ
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Diz won duzz
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Console players are significantly worse on both sides.
PC players are eons ahead of them.
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PC players are significantly worse on both sides.
Console players are eons ahead of them.
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After trying crossplay I also think PC-players are worse than console players. At least the survivors are worse. If they fix the issues on consoles I think survivors that are really bad on consoles will be called PC-players 😀
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You're funny or high.
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Pc and console players are significantly worse on both sides.
Mobile players are eons ahead of them.
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No u
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Pc, Mobile and console players are significantly worse on both sides.
Web-browser players are eions ahead of them.
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Pc, Console, mobile and web-browser players are significantly worse on both sides.
VR players are eons ahead of them.
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Played hours and hours in crossplay, i have played with many console survivors, never met one that was decent, all were terrible and totally braindead.
Unhooking in front of the killer without Borrow, not able to loop at all, using pallets for nothing, not doing gens.
PC players are really bad, console players are worst, by a large margin.
*red ranks*
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Console players are definitely not as good as PC. Potato's all of you. /s
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Ps4 Main surv here, pc survs are trash.
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I would upvote this, but it's currently at 69, and I can think of no other number apt for this discussion.
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eh I agree I think were all pretty trash honestly
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I play on pc with a controller. Which category I fall into?
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Skill is not the problem, the problem is the lag and FPS difference occurs players have over console. I can’t play killer on console anymore, had to swap to pc since crossplay.
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I play on consol and I also see no difference. I typically find myself having to do gens, chases, and saves. While all the other survivors crouch in a corner
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We all suck and I agree. It just happens to be that sometimes we get into games with people with higher skill levels than us. As a console player I absolutely understand why some PC players beat me, which is usually because they have played longer, but I've gotten into games where PC players are garbage, and Console players too are bad, they just go out of their way to message you that you're bad for pressing your attack button.