Sick of Cheating Crossplayers.

I am noticing more crossplayers are CHEATING in game. I can have really good, strong matches and then suddenly out of nowhere. The killer is appearing right behind me and was more than 100-200 FEET away 2 seconds ago.

Killers should NOT be allowed to Cross play with another platform PERIOD. Knowing a thing or two about networks and systems. This may sound good on paper. But because this game has little to NO forgiveness when it comes to latency, tickrate and timings. The matches go sour.

Today on Auto wreckers a player whom I had been looping very easily. just stopped mid match. Then suddenly teleports behind me and is now teleporting constantly behind players.

Then again on the Ski map. A scummy Rabbit Huntress is suddenly using a magnet hatch HACK to hit players. When they weren't at all. in line of sight.

IMO we should be able to "chat" with them post game and tell them stop being cheaters. and more.


  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 170

    This sounds like lag and rubberbanding, not cheating...

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Video evidence would be nice.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    Agree with @DTJObe on this. Sounds a whole lot like lag. I've been on the PC version for quite a while now and have never seen a cheater that I'm aware of.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I'm confused, what do I google? "How many dbd players cheat"??

    That's really not something you can google....

    But still, there are probably a lot number wise, but the chances of getting one shouldn't be that high. I'm still yet to face a cheater on crossplay.

  • potatogamer
    potatogamer Member Posts: 27

    If this is an issue you're finding a lot fix your internet. I've played pc for over 200 hours and maybe have gotten like 2 cheaters and that being generous. This def sounds like bad lag and rubberbanding which sounds exactly how a lot of games where a player has high ping goes. If you think it's an issue turn it off. Quit complaining and think of the very easy fix.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    I should probably mention using "feet" in a game is extremely, EXTREMELY unreliable. It's normally measured in hammer units. And even then, you sayin 100-200 feet make it sound like they're not even on the damn map at all, and like you knew exactly where they were. It's not easy to see killers from a far distance. Maybe you were fighting against a killer who can go invisible, or just have a terrible internet connection.

    That autowreckers match is DEFINITELY issues with latency. If they just stop in place, it's likely because of a hiccup in your internet. Teleporting behind every player? You haven't mentioned how far they were from you. It's likely you were all grouped up, and not in far distances. If they were, then you were going against a Nurse that match.

    That Huntress fight wasn't a hacker. It was an issue with Hitboxes. (It's always inconsistent since the hatchets, for some reason, have a large hitbox. It tends to hit people from behind cover, or just hit the cover.)

    The game itself is filled, FILLED with errors of some sort. Hitboxes and Latency being the main issue.

    The chances of running into a hacker, fortunately, is extremely low. But the chances of someone calling someone 'good' a hacker, or calling someone who had no idea about the issues you were running into a hacker is much more higher than the chances of meeting an actual hacker.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I’ve been accused of hacking for pulling someone out of a locker... no, I just saw you here and then you disappeared. Quick and quiet does not take away my common sense

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Where’s all this rampant cheating to be discovered after a google search?

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    I and a friend ended up reporting someone for using a lag switch. It wasn't there was lag, no this killer would pass you and then suddenly they would be behind you again after they overshot. We actually do have it on video and we watched the replay to be sure. We aren't bad players but we aren't the best, but we watched play back and I observed the rest of the match after being killed. Any time the survivors would loop the killer the lag switch would be flipped causing the survivor to jerk back and allowing the killer another free hit or down. They did this multiple times and they gave up trying to make it look natural towards the end of the match to ensure the last two survivors could be hooked. So yes, the original poster is probably not lying.

    I know with cross-play there are going to be differences between computers and dedicated gaming consoles so depending there can be lag. I have had other survivors lag me due to their connection, no harm, no foul as when I recognize it I mentally note to try and avoid that individual for the rest of the game when it comes to skill checks as my FPS drops. But there are instances where it does happen and people do cheat.