Something needs to be done about PC console crossplay
so I broke my Xbox controller a while back (on accident in my bag) and I’ve been playing DBD on PC For about 3 weeks? And I FINALLY got a new controller and so I decided to boot up DBD on Xbox since that’s where I have pretty much ALL my content and wow...I’ve played 16 games today and in every game some PC player is just so horribly toxic to me and any other console players. It’s the killers who nod so vigorously and fast it’s obvious they’re on PC since console cant nod that fast and they just face camp, tunnel, or just leave me to bleed out on the floor with 3 gens left. And I’m fine with being outplayed but it’s blatantly obvious they do this when it’s only me and a few other console players in the lobby it happens too. It’s painfully obvious PC players hate console players with a burning passion so can we just seperate them unless they’re SWF? Meaning if you’re friends you can match up and party together but just regular console And pc solo players won’t get each other in their lobbies as often and won’t have each other as killers.
I just had a bunch of console players team up with a console killer to only grief me, so remember it goes both ways.
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odd that you assume it's a PC player when it could be someone on a different console. Don't just assume things it makes you look ignorant. Sure it happens but i mean honestly it happens regardless of what platform you play on.
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Not only can you look up players on Microsoft store, you can also look them up on the Ps4 Network and same goes for Xbox Live, both have applications and/or websites where you can search users. Only one I haven't figured out yet is Nintendo but, who cares about that.
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Sigh.. You can look up players on Microsoft Store, Playstaion Network and Xbox Live easily from your PC either through the Windows 10 apps or the websites. Its not that hard to figure it out, just do your research.
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I don't think no one takes that much time to check info from a match that should already be forgiven and moved the next
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If one minute is too much time then I am deeply concerned with the logic behind that comment. My point is its completely possible and fairy easy. And the boring, yawn inducing comment of "BuT HoW dO yOu KnOw ThEy ArE ConSolE PlAyeRS" is immediately and easily destroyed. Just don't say things that are wrong and I wont correct.
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well it happens no matter the platform , ps4, xbox and pc have tunneling, camping and toxicity. i hate how people act like its 1 sided towards a platform.
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it doesn't take just 1 minute to check a profile in every platform.
and anyone can be told that fact, because no one does this.
btw I still don't know how to check profiles of nintendo switch, I can get them added only by having their friend code and that's how I can check their profiles (but I dont play dbd in switch) but still they can change names as PC players too
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Most of the time you can tell between a PC and XBOX player.
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I play on PC and PS4 and there also I find some killers tunneling, camping and slugging. Yes it's annoying but you can't say only PC players do that because it's not true.
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Or no-one else is salty enough to care about stalking which platform someone else is playing on.
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If you don’t enjoy crossplay, simply turn it off.
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So you just miss the part where I point out how they nodded their heads in only a way PC players can? Even on Max sensitivity console players can’t shake their heads like that lol
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Yeah that’s what should be allowed except if you turn it off you basically just don’t get to play the game since queue times become HORRIBLE and take 20-30 minutes
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Just sayin I’ve never had 16 games In a row where the killer oddly sectioned out 1-2 players and was extremely toxic to them then was able to do a basically PC exclusive feature of fast head jerking lol
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Idk if this is the case with anyone else on PS4, but I still cannot uncheck cross play. Sigh.
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So my bf plays on xbox and he doesn't have a laptop or pc or anything. He can't exactly check using your windows 10 apps when he has to use his phone for discord lol.
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Go into the setting before you select if you wanna play as killer or survivor, you should be able to do it there. If not then report it as a bug.
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Wait I hate console players? Why do I own a console then? Why do I play games on my console? ######### I must hate myself!!!!
Jokes aside, people are ######### on all platforms. Not too long ago tons of console players were complayning about how terrible pc players are and how easy killers were and what not. Just ignore it and move on.
On the other hand I wouldnt mind if the game didn't show whether people were on console or not. What use does it actually server besides showing that crossplay is working.
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u cant do it in lobby, do it n main menu