Something needs to be done about PC console crossplay

so I broke my Xbox controller a while back (on accident in my bag) and I’ve been playing DBD on PC For about 3 weeks? And I FINALLY got a new controller and so I decided to boot up DBD on Xbox since that’s where I have pretty much ALL my content and wow...I’ve played 16 games today and in every game some PC player is just so horribly toxic to me and any other console players. It’s the killers who nod so vigorously and fast it’s obvious they’re on PC since console cant nod that fast and they just face camp, tunnel, or just leave me to bleed out on the floor with 3 gens left. And I’m fine with being outplayed but it’s blatantly obvious they do this when it’s only me and a few other console players in the lobby it happens too. It’s painfully obvious PC players hate console players with a burning passion so can we just seperate them unless they’re SWF? Meaning if you’re friends you can match up and party together but just regular console And pc solo players won’t get each other in their lobbies as often and won’t have each other as killers.
