DC Penalties: Are they worth it?

Yeah. Again. DC penalty complaint. I know, it's old, but I have an observation to throw in the mix: People suicide less, when DC penalties are enabled, than they DC when they aren't. It's true.

But is it really worth punishing people for errors with the games code? Is giving a handful of otherwise-whiny people a few seconds to cool off really worth punishing other players for connection issues that they have no control over?

I dunno. I really don't. I still see almost as many suicides as I did DC's, but I see a lot of DC's where the game itself clearly decided that they can go screw themselves. Survivors running along that suddenly stop and drop the moment they get to Shack. And the significant majority of people that rage quit... Still rage quit.

It just seems that for every person who doesn't DC thanks to penalties, there's someone that gets punished for getting kicked.


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    People will always DC no matter what, penalty or not. Suiciding hook is just the workaround to avoid the timer really. And even when they do have a penalty, they can just go do something else until it's gone. There's never going to be a right way to enforce it, and you can't force players to stay in a match they don't want to. And at the same time, there are those as you say that are punished for something out of their control. I doubt there is a solution to any of it really because people will always find some sort of workaround to it.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    Nope, DC penalties are not and have never been worth it

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    It's a ######### mechanic, that like many other bad mechanics, they stole from terrible F2P games.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    I agree, it's crappy when people get a penalty because of the game but it's not too long. Watch a youtube video.

    A player shouldn't be playing if they have connection issues. Otherwise, it's only five minutes if it only happens once. It's not too long.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    it pointless and only hurts/works on killer survivor just by pass it easily.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The penalty grows exponentially. If it was just five minutes each time then whatever, but it isn't: I got dropped two nights in a row. The first night was a five minute ban. The second was a 15 minute ban. I dread what happens if I get dropped while playing tonight. And I'm on the light end of it.

  • multibingles
    multibingles Member Posts: 32

    No. But you'll get the usual BHVR sycophants coming in claiming it only affects rage quitters etc.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135
    edited August 2020

    Hook suicides allow the Killer to proc their perks that require a hook (BBQ stacks). It also takes more of the Killer's time to pickup and kill that person, giving teammates more time to do other things. You might not think that matters, but DBD is a game of time management and every second counts. Therefore, there must be a tangible deterrent for rage quitters (which this community is notorious for).

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Just compare

    a) the amount of people demanding "we need dc penalties" when penalties are disabled


    b) the amount of people saying "we don't need dc penalties" when penalties are enabled.

    We have a clear winner.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    DC is running rampant like never before. One out of every three games I experience someone disconnecting. It's crazy. But what I want to know is what the hell happened to the bots? Bots were supposed to come into the main game like it did in the mobile game to take over for people that disconnected. But all talk has gone real quiet on that subject. I wonder what happened?

  • Kagato
    Kagato Member Posts: 27

    I jumped into the match as a killer. I was playing the Doctor. I used my ability to find a survivor out in the open. Chased her down to the killer shack where there was a gen being worked on. The survivor ran in and as I was chasing her, the pallet came down on me from another survivor while 2 more were working on it, not even moving as I got close.

    The survivor that dropped the pallet on me proceeded to teabag rapidly while the one I was chasing turned and hit me with the flashlight.

    Only 45 seconds in and I realized I was up against a very unsportsmanlike SWF team. I didn't want to deal with the frustration, so I immediately quit the match and was hit with the penalty.

    On one hand, the wait was only 5 minutes and I spent that time looking up build strategies, but on the other hand it really sucks that I now have to play every single game no matter what happens and if I dare quit for any reason then I'll have to sit and wait.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    No. It only causes animosity.

  • Dacrenon
    Dacrenon Member Posts: 207

    I would rather they just replaced the penalty with the bots we were promised.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Let's assume DC penalties aren't a thing and you are trying to get enjoyable experience as a survivor.

    Killer got looped badly and DC'd in less then a minute = Your game ended and survivor lobbies aren't near instant as the killer ones.

    Survivor at the very start got downed quickly, doesn't like that killer/map/offering so he DC'd early on. If he's playing with his friend you now have 2 survivors DC at the game start.

    In both cases your experience is terrible and with zero punishment for that it can potencially happen in EVERY GAME.

    Would you continue playing if you got games like that 4 times in a row? Would you think a new player that checks out the game would like that and continue supporting the game?

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,450

    You can def tell the difference, when DC penalties are up I don't have people DCing every other game

  • SJC
    SJC Member Posts: 7

    I am not in favor of a DC penalty. If people don't want to play for a reason I am not in favor or punishing them if they leave. I left a gave where 4 ppl were slugs on the ground and the killer was just standing over us reving his chainsaw till we died on ground. I left game and get a dc penalty. I get why DC penalties exist, but this is not a ranked/competitive game like LoL. Just like I am not a fan of getting a SWF together for the sole purpose to bulling the killer for 15min and if the killer leaves game... dc penalty.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Except now they just suicide on hook and nothing else has changed.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Pretty much this, they suck? sure they do but people ragequitting suck even more.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You're right. I don't have DC's every other game. I have suicides instead. Less common? Slightly. Enough to feel it, for sure. But not by a whole lot.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Do KARMA-Matchmaking. For a certain amount of dc´s, you get internal matchmaking flags. If you reach certain tresholds, you get machted with people with equal dc rates.Deal with that.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    DC penalties can’t come back fast enough. The number of disconnects is rampant when these penalties are off and nobody likes playing with people who disconnect. They can all go play other games if it upsets them being suspended for being poor sports.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    i agree that people DC more when penalties are active, and I Think a Big part of the issue is that people play more toxic when they know the penalty is active. I have noticed WAY more Moris, iri hatches and tunneling after the penalties came back, and survivors teabag and bully the killers Way more, because they know the risk of the killer dcing is lower.

    I never liked the penalties, they do not solve anything. People DC for a reason and if people want out of a match they will suicide on first hook, or go AFK in a corner to avoid bullying. If I face a tunneling huntress with IRI and a mori, there is no Way in hell I am going to stick around, why would i? I know I am going to depip anyway, and not get to do anything but giving this toxic person free points, And if I am on a team with toxic survivors who constantly Will rat me out to the killer, bodyblock me and get me killed purposly so they Can get the hatch, I want to be able to move on to the next match. I still suicide on first hook when I face these things, and even if I Got a penalty for that also, I still would..

    And finally these weren’t the conditions when I first bought this game, and I start to feel the urge to demand my money back.. people get banned for hours/days not being able to play a game WE PAYED for, for something as silly as DC’ing. I can fully understand getting bans for hacking, harrasment, abuse ect. but dc’ing is not a valid reason for banning people for days. Just do like in WOW, give people a 30 min “deserter” ban and keep it at that.

  • Lily0
    Lily0 Member Posts: 128

    Idk why people in this game feel so entitled to DC the second a game doesnt go the exact way they want.. When you DC as a survivor you ruin the game for 3 (or 4 if u count the killer) other players. And if your connection is so unstable you frequently get disconnected then you shouldnt play multiplayer games in the first place