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Why the blight is the most important killer ever released



  • Member Posts: 2,919

    But I don’t find Huntress or Billy fun to face.

    A MAJORITY of Nurse players are not good. Good ones exists but it’s not a common sight.

    You can’t use the Scott Jund excuse of “boring to face” because not the entire playbase is going to agree on what killers are fun and what killers are not. I love facing Myers but I know people who hate him. We all have different opinions on who we like and dislike :/

  • Member Posts: 706

    IKR, Lately for killer mains if a new killer can't instadown or have an obnoxious or easy power to use he's trash.

  • Member Posts: 990

    Fun and viable are 2 key factors for me and id assume alot of people which is sad beacuse its hard to get on point

  • Member Posts: 458

    i find freddy, clown, pig, billy, trapper and pyramid head (and maybe legion and spirit beceause teamate give up easely when playing solo) unfun to verse, as we can all see each people as his own set of killer that are unfun to verse.

    yes i respond just to help your argument you're welcome

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Deathslinger isnt brainless. Neither is PH. Spirit and Freddy are

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    "The weakest killers are the funniest to go against"

  • Member Posts: 49

    yea ok fair enough, but i can imagine not all players will use/like vc, so maybe vc isnt really a good idea after all.

    i totally agree that if they make a way to communicate better between survivors they need to buff killers in general tho

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    My examples are killers who you can counter if good and are typically found fun myers is fun also it wasnt just flat out these are fun also i wasnt using Scott jund but ok.

  • Member Posts: 479

    You can call me salty or sour for this but from the time that I've spent reading over threads and watching videos I've come under the impression that a "fun" killer seems to be one that can loop only with m1 and their power being secondary to a chase at best and serving primarily as a movement tool around the map. I'm not a fan of this mentality because it implies that all killers should be designed with the idea that every killer should be looped traditionally which is dumb. Different killers have different strengths and weaknesses. Clown, Deathslinger and Pyramid have strong chase potentional but suffer with map pressure. Oni, Blight and Hillbilly have great map mobility but are still m1 killers so they rely more on mindgames but most importantly each killer has it's own set of mindgames to them. Looping a PH effectively and looping an Oni effectively require very different skillsets and mindsets.

    I've played Blight and I think he's a lot of fun for he is and hope that tweaks to his hitbox will fix some of his more glaring problems but I really hate this idea that all killers need to be looped the same way. A lot of survivors say how traditional looping is the most "fun" but it shouldn't be the only way of looping them. Different powers means different ways to play for BOTH SIDES.

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    Oh no. Survivors are calling The Blight "fun". He is worse than I could have ever imagined Clown to be.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Of course they think hes fun. Almost every game versus a Blight is a guaranteed win! His addons are amazing tho. The new balance team is doing a poor job so far, but they nailed these. I personally hope that the Hindered addon for slams becomes base.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited August 2020

    For me, Killers should have various abilities like PH, Doctor, Fred.

    But not so annoying like Doc (static blast is not, but madness system)

    or op like Fred (double abilities while keeping his speed + many side effects)

    PH is what Killers should be like.

  • Member Posts: 551

    This exactly ^

    They're just a bunch of weasels hopping in on the trend since scott made the unfun killers vid, which stressed heavily on spirit and to an extent slinger.

    ANY other killer in the game is fine, except that this killer isn't even fine with how clanky he is right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    So... Kilers who actually have power on loops are unfun? Well I get bored of being looped you have fun with that? At least those killers make you to have skill rather than looping.

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited August 2020

    I'd argue that mindgaming at loops and being able to use LOS to your advantage to be unpredictable is a pretty vital skill for survivor at high level, theres also being able to predict lunges and 360s which is pretty hard against a good killer and is entirely physical skill. Most of the killers (specifically M1 killers) don't require any skill outside of basic knowledge of loops and mechanics (like survivors) that apply to all killers. It's only when you get to the killers like Huntress or Nurse, Oni and Billy where physical skills aswell as knowledge about their unique mechanics come into play.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Legion and Clown throw this arguament straight out the window. I can get an easy solo 4 man escape against a Legion and it'll kill my motivation to solo queue for the rest of the day because of how boring it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    Not at all. Nurse is good but fun to play against. Clown is terrible and also terribly unfun to play against just to mention 2.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Look at Huntress, and pre nerf billy. Both are/were fun to play against and are still incredibly strong.

  • Member Posts: 189

    I just find it funny that every single killer you named is somewhat strong and requires you to do something besides running and throwing down pallets but now that we finally have a killer who does just that and is incredibly weak you say he’s fun to play against

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    edited August 2020

    Every killer has some form of a counter, no killer is completely uncounterable. There’s just different types of counters. You can’t loop a Deathslinger the same way you would a Wraith.

    DS and PH have a strong 1V1 chase. Of course you’re going down quicker than you would a Wraith.

    Also didn’t know Huntress was “typically found fun”. I didn’t know a majority of the playerbase liked facing her. Didn’t know people like getting hit by her flying orcas.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    When huntress doesnt have ######### hitbozds then genuinely fun. Also PH can put you in unwinnable scenarios dont understand the counter there. DS we can play a custom and show me the counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Killers are annoying when you can't loop them the same way! Blight is a step in the right direction because he can be looped without effort!

  • Member Posts: 113

    No this is an opinion I've shared for a long time. I'm a killer main I genuinely dont care if survivors find something unfun but they won't stay if they aren't having fun. Blight is good and with the changes coming especially to his collision he will be good. You can watch oh tofus use of him to see how he makes him extremely effective.

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