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Is A Red Progress Bar While Repairing With 2 Or More Good?

Member Posts: 13,616

This is a just thought, but it randomly popped into my head.

So while repairing with 2/3/4 Survivors on one Generator, you get shown that Progression Speed Proficiency Indicator in red, and the progress bar turns red too.

All to convey that you are now repairing slower.

And yet the bar gets filled up faster.

From a simplistic look at it, a newbie could think: "Oh it's red, so that's bad."

Idk, might just be me who thinks this choice is a bit odd.

Since the progress bar belongs to the Generator, maybe keep the icon red to show you are repairing slower, but make the progress bar turn yellow to show the Generator is being repaired faster.


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  • Member Posts: 945
    edited August 2020

    its because for every survivor repairing a gen you repair 15% slower you are still repairing faster in general but the bar becomes red to indicate you yourself are repaining slower here are the numbers behind multi repairs

    1 survivor = 100% repair speed or 80 seconds repair

    2 survivors = 170% repair speed or 47 seconds repair

    3 survivors = 210% repair speed or 38 seconds repair

    4 survivors = 220% repair speed or 36 seconds repair

    the more survivors repairing a gen the less efficient it becomes.

    unless you bring prove thyself which completely removes the stacking repair speed downside

  • Member Posts: 350

    true, but it misses OP's point.

    To simplify his issue: it shows red, even tho 2 people repair a gen faster (47s) than one by himself (80s). Meaning that the bar actually fills faster and should be shown in yellow instead of red.

    Honestly idk, I think showing it red just makes more sense. I'd rather have it in 3 different red shades for different debuff stages. Bc working on a gen with 4 people aint really worth it, cutting 2 seconds of the total repair time.

  • Member Posts: 945

    op asked why was it red and i gave him the same answer the devs gave us, it because for every other survivor on a gen you repair slower therefore the progress bar turns red to indicate the slower speed.

    i then gave an explanation on gen speed just so if anyone who doesn't know the numbers now do and can understand that 4 people on 1 gen is not worth the 2 seconds difference between 3 people on a gen.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    When I started play the game. 2 or more on a Gen will have Red progress bar. While it runs much faster than White. I thought Red is faster. Because most of the time I see Red, not Yellow.

    So when Killer used Thanaphobia, I didnt know its Killer's perk/what the effect is. All I thought was "wooo, I do everything faster"

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2020

    The red bars should be yellow which indicates that the bar is going faster. Like with resilience and prove thyself (When the other Survivor isn't on the gen)

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I knew why it's red, that wasn't the point of my question.

  • Member Posts: 811

    Yeah, it could be yellow, some people will probably find odd that the speed isn't actually doubled but a little search and they will know how it works.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    No. The whole point is to make it clear that by working with another Survivor their individual progress is being slowed down.

    Since that interaction is unintuitive, it is especially important that it is made clear. More important than conveying that coop actions speed things up as a group.

    Also, the look that "this is red and thus bad" is the correct one. You do not want to work on gens as a group for several reasons of which poor efficiency is one of many. So conveying this to noobs is the UI doing it's job well.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Actually prove thyself is bugged right now and it gets rid of most of it, but not all of it.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I get what you mean, but it's not too different from someone getting a red bar if they try to heal someone/themselves with a medkit vs something that slows down healing speed. I'm not sure if it's explained anywhere (loading tips, tutorial or anything else) that red = you're working at below base speed.

    If not, it really should be explained. Especially for co-op actions where individual speeds are slowed down, but the overall speed is faster than base.

  • Member Posts: 694

    Red means there is an effect causing you to do an action slower

    Yellow means there is an effect causing you to do an action faster.

    When multiple people work on a gen you individually get a 15% gen repair debuff but since there are multiple people working on it the gen itself is finished faster than solo.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    That's not a bug. It's just math.

    15% boosted from 85% is not 100%, it's 97.7%

    1*0.85*1.15 = 0.9775.

    A % speed reduction is worth more than an identical % speed increase. Another example of this would be Sloppy Butcher vs Botany, both cards have identical absolute effects on the time it takes to heal, specifically 4 seconds. In fact both perks combined is still slower healing (16*0.8*1.33 = 17.02400)

  • Member Posts: 487

    It makes sense that it's red.

    When new players start, the immediate assumption is that two people on a gen would get it done twice as fast. By adding a red bar it's made clear that coop is less efficient than two people doing solo work, but still faster than one person on a gen. I don't think anyone's dumb enough to think 2 people on a gen would do less than the progress of one.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    That last sentence is false. With the new repair speed inefficiency with multiple survivors, Prove Thyself doesn't even compensate enough with 2 survivors to not show a red bar. I have gone over this in detail many times.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Of course it's good. It shows new survivors that by working together they are actually taking longer overall and hopefully those survivors develop the good habit of splitting up on gens. How was this even a question?

  • Member Posts: 784

    It really confused me at first, because Thana also turns the bar red, but there's a little fast-forward icon next to it, which seems to indicate increased speed. Meanwhile the bar turns gold if the gen speed is increased by something like spine chill, but if it's sped up and slowed down to the same degree it just turns grey like none of those effects apply.

    I really wish they would do some QOL changes regarding this.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    It only turns grey when it is going base speed, not every time there are both positive and negative effects being applied. What other changes could you ask for?

  • Member Posts: 784

    Really? I swear it turned grey one time when a teammate and I were repairing a gen with Prove Thyself and Spine Chill activated.

    As for other changes, if the gen is slowed down, change the fast forward icon to a rewind icon.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    For your first example, I use Spine Chill often and have played with people using PT. I have personally seen the progress bar turn yellow from red once my spine chill lights up. You must be thinking of a time when the killer had a stack on Dying Light or Thanataphobia, I don't know how else to explain it.

    As for your suggested change, it makes a lot of sense and I'd also like to see it implemented.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    That's because prove thyself + spine chill is after the games rounding 100% repair speed.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Idk, from my calculations the difference from base speed is lower with PT by itself than with PT + Spine Chill. Would you like me to lay them out?

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Now keep in mind I'm not sure how exactly BHVR handles rounding. I just know that they do.

    0.85*1.15 = 0.97 rounded (0.977 unrounded)

    0.97*1.04 = 1 rounded (1.01 unrounded)

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Wait ######### I'm an idiot. The Survivor I was looking at for a reference was using T2 spine chill. T3 is 6% not 4%. The 2% makes a big difference here.

    What tier of spine chill were you using and were any other perks in play? Also what patch was this?

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Idk, so far it still seems like a red icon & yellow bar isn't a bad idea...

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