Let's talk meta perks.

I find it really distasteful to run a perk other than DS then get tunneled. Let me ask you killer and survivor mains alike would you rather me run dark sense, wake up, baby sitter, and calm spirit?
I'll play a solo queue survivor game I'll escape and get a message shaming me for running meta perks like I'm supposed to run dark sense in Solo. Honestly I see no problem with either meta perks whether it be DS/Uab or pop bbq. If you wanna say DS has a problem it deactivates during another hook that's my proposed changes. If you truly arent tunneling the survivor hook another no worries.
My main point of this post is killer mains dont get mad at survivors for running good perks especially when devs dont rework, tweak or change survivor perks. We want to run good ones not mediocre ones that sont help survivability or getting deleted in the first minute. Survivor mains stop shaming killer mains for running good perks.
I would rather a different meta than running DS but until killers stop tunneling I cant see DS not be a meta perk same as slugging but until it isnt meta to slug then UB stays meta.
Anyways both sides stop shaming eachother we want to run good perks.
DS needs a nerf. Ruin was used by 75% and DS by 45% of the playerbase. If the killer don't chase you after you get unhooked, you can not argue it's for anti-tunneling. And some ppl even use it combined with unbreakable. It's redicoulus how much rewarded survivor gets in that game, where their objective is to press m1. The only time where survivor fail is the skill based looping and there the perks help out.
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they need to buff mediocre perks to made them meta, just to see how the game evolves (i. e. sloppy butcher --> now even the recovery speed is slowed, vigil --> now exhaustion recovers while running, like I know these buffs are pretty huge, but still they need to shift meta), and nerf to the ground meta perks.
at this point it's pretty boring playing at red ranks, being forced to use an exhaustion perk, then decisive, leaving no space to imagination if you want to win.
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I love that people try to compare killer and survivor meta perks. Seriously, they just aren't the same. They don't have the same use, and they aren't run for the same reasons.
By the way, I've been running DS for a week straight without changing anything else about my playstyle and I haven't even had the chance to use it, let alone been tunnelled. Even when I throw on OoO, the most broken info perk in the game, nothing really changes. I got half-arse tunnelled once, and even then it was because she was a Hag and literally couldn't do anything because of me. Solo player, BTW. Not a particularly skilled one, either, just someone that knows what tunnelling really is and how to avoid "tunnelling."
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How long have you played this game? DS was already nerfed. You need another one? It’s quite balanced. Even Tru3 started running DS once it was nerfed because it was “finally balanced.” Do your homework on DS
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meta perks are toxic and make the game unplayable, don't use them /s
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No matter what role you're playing, ignore people that try to shame you for what you're using. Crybaby scrubs like that don't deserve even a second's attention, when they grow up and can seperate their dislike of a part of the game from players using said parts you can take them seriously.
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this for sure we got a lot of useless perk in this game.
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DS has three sides for me as a killer (I refuse to use it as a survivor because I don't use teachables on survivors and I don't play Laurie).
Side 1: If it's used defensively, where I objectively have tunneled you (though usually because the rescuer found a portal to Narnia), then yes, that's a good use of the perk and it's my fault I got hit with it.
Side 2: If it's used offensively, where you're in my face constantly, quick vaulting into lockers, and being an insufferable (insert bad word here)...that's when I hate the perk most, because I can do literally nothing about it, especially since you have to assume people playing like that have unbreakable too, so now they're literally invincible for a minute.
Side 3: If it's the 59 second DS, where I've gone and found someone else, chased them, downed them, hooked them, and then just happened to find you and downed you again, only to be hit by it...that just feels unfair and punishing me for not having four physical timers near me, one for each survivor, where I start them counting when an unhook happens. I didn't tunnel, I didn't play scummy, but because you have a get out of jail free card I get punished because I happened to find you after hooking the other person. Even "better" when there's fewer than four survivors left in the match.
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I never shame people for what they run perks. I sometimes give people ######### when they use OP stuff and lose anyways. Ie. iri head ebony mori huntress or full meta SWF with strong items
Really I think the problem with stagnant meta is the lack of good perks. Especially on the survivor side, since every survivor is the same they are very stagnant. Like what good perks have been released in the past year. The upcoming chapter has no great perks, some are decent but nowhere near good enough to be the meta. Soul Guard was pretty good, but not consistent enough to be meta. Inner strength was pretty good, but still not strong enough to be meta.
The devs are so afraid of making survivor perks so strong that basically every single survivor perk they release is just not good enough to be slotted in a meta build. Look at blood pact. In the PTB it was not a very good perk and then coming to the live they nerfed it. #########?!
The perks they release always have one of or a combination of these problems.
1) The effect is plainly not good enough
2) The effect is strong but it's prerequisite is so costly that it's barely or not worth it.
3) The perk is too inconsistent.
Look at soul guard, it's effects are good, but it's very inconsistent and you won't get value in most of your games, making it definitely not worth the slot on it's own and not meta even though it synergises well with 2 other meta perks (sprint burst and unbreakable)
Look at second wind. This perk had the potential to be absolutely great. Delayed heal coming off the hook means an extremely time efficient way to get healed up AND anti tunnel potential if you're a good looper. But guess what you gotta heal someone first, AND you have to heal them alone AND you have to not use a med kit AND they can't have partially healed htemselves with self care or medkit. Otherwise you'll have to heal an entire second or even third person to make it activate. And on top of that there's the chance you never get the chance to heal someone and the perk does nothing. The prerequisite is so costly that the perk is absolutely not worth it. The perk might not even be meta if it gave you an adrenaline effect off hook (instant heal + 150% speed for 5 seconds)
Look at mettle of man, being able to tank an extra hit before you go down could be an absolutely game changing effect (and was extremely OP before the nerf). But guess what you have to let the killer hit you 3 times just to take an extra hit, not only that but the 3 times you let them hit you, it has to be while they are chasing an injured person. This is so terribly bad that I often see people with this equipped being less optimal than someone with no mither, because at least the guy with no mither often spends his time contributing to gen progress. Mettle users spend tons and tons of time just following the killer and throwing the game as a result. Not to mention the fact many killer with one shots like billy or bubba make this pretty much as useless as it gets. At least these killers making it useless encourage the people running it not to throw the game to make their trash perk work.
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So the main problem with DS is that its used to be toxic and gives the player 60 second invincibility to do what ever they want. Did I summarize that up good
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sounds about right.
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For me i try and limit myself to one meta perk per game, (and i always take DS or DH) just to be fair. I just can't see myself not bringing it as a good safety net. I feel i'm dealing with an unpredictable variable of the killer, sometimes i get use out of it sometimes i don't but the safety net of not being tunneled of the hook is to take me out of the game is good
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Old DS: can use it after first or second hook. You’re call. No timer. Only counter was to dribble a player to a hook. And if you weren’t close enough, you either had to leave them or eat it. All while dealing with Instaheal medkits (1 and 2 health states). And people think 4 man SWFs are sweaty now 🤣🤣🤣
This game will never be “balanced“ because there will always be something to complain about lol
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I played during original DS. It was broken. That does not mean there can be no criticism of current DS.
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I love how survivors run DS because they are afraid of the tunnel
and killers don't tunnel because they are afraid of the DS
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But people gotta realize there is no reason to nerf it other than deactivating on hook. Besides to much complaining from the new players who didnt play back then.
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That's DS's psychological effect on the killer. In other words it works but still not perfectly they will eat DS and continue the tunnel atleast if they hard tunnel.
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I personally like the suggestion that multiple people have put forward, where DS no longer has a timer but is deactivated when you either put yourself back into the game (by doing something other than healing yourself or walking around/running from the killer) or when the killer hooks someone else without you being in the dying state (to avoid being slugged until they can get someone else). While I know that the original intent of DS wasn't anti-tunnel, the comment people constantly point out to that effect was talking about old DS. New DS they've never claimed was or wasn't anti-tunnel, and intent or not, it's how it's seen as meant to be used...so make it truly anti-tunnel. You jump into a locker? It's off now. Repair a gen? You were comfortable enough to do it so you can't be being tunneled. Not sure if you're going to get tunneled? Stay back for a second and see if the killer shows up, waste their time and then stab them anyway instead of trying to force the 59 second DS. Suddenly it's extremely good for anti-tunnel, but useless for the offensive plays, and doesn't punish the killer for just happening to find you after they got someone else.
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For me I feel bad if you don't have ds because it makes it seem like I'm tunneling
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Killers : Perk crutchers !
also the killer : Corrupt, Pop, BBQ & SBFL.
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It's just bullcrap when 2-4 ppl have it and you can not pick up survivors that play like lunatics because they know they have a jail free card.
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Play in red ranks with 4 people not running DS. If a killer doesn’t see an obsession, most will tunnel hooks. Killers that see no obsession who don’t tunnel are a rare breed.
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Where does it say DS is an anti-tunnel perk? OG DS wasn’t an anti-tunnel. It was a get of jail free card. That’s still what it is, but with a 60 second timer instead of an infinite timer. Suggestions being made are to make it an anti-tunnel perk, which it isn’t. However, if you’re team doesn’t have one person running it, you’ll likely get tunneled to death, so it works secondarily for that purpose.
it is very simple to play around DS. Focus on learning how to do that well instead of complaining. It’s like complaining about Pop instead of learning how to play vs Pop.
wouldn’t it be silly to say: “Well the killer started a new chase after hooking someone, so clearly they don’t need gen regression. Pop should deactivate immediately then”
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Except sometimes you cant play around it because there are no counters. If they are running DS/Unbreakable you have to take it. If its end game with the exit open or close to open/hatch and the survivor is nearby, they are basically given a free escape with nothing you can do. Has nothing to do with learning how to play especially in that second situation.
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a) unless you know something I don’t, I don’t know if someone is running DS/UB. Hell, I saw someone running DS/UB/Deliverance lol.
b) in that second situation, there are things you can do. That’s a different discussion though (there will be times in a video game where some just has an advantage and there’s nothing you can do. There’s also ways to counter that)
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I don't use metas my build is this always with a change for challenges SC (probably the only meta I use but hey I solo so need to watch my back) IW so I can escape a chase (sooo useful more should run it) CS to counter most killers that make you scream with add-ons powers or perks and the one I change out is TEC which I change out to BT for hook challenges and any other challenge I need to get