New Chapter: Fatal Studies

The new map is a small tropical island with primitive wooden houses built by natives on the one end and a small campsite with tents on the other end, both close to the beach. Inbetween there is a small tropical jungle with traps , effigys and so on that the natives placed there and some bones and bodies. The story is that researchers came to discover this island and learn the culture of the people there. When the natives realized how bad they were treating the nature they slaughtered the camp in a fight that nobody won.
Killer: The Antilope
The high priests chose him to be one. The one who feeds the family, the one who who is responsible for hunger and suffering if he ever fails. But he didnt fail, not a single time. When hunting he is fast and agile like an antilope, thats what his tribe called him after. The Antilope respected the nature ever since and never killed unnecessarily. He was the most talented young man with the boomerang that his tribe has ever seen. Even strangers came from a different world to watch him hunt and learn from him. But they didnt respect the nature. They made animals suffer and cut down trees without using all their wood, just to make space. This was not how it was supposed to be. One day the Antilope saw one of these light skinned men shooting at an actuall antilope but it did not die. Trails of blood led into the forest but the body has never been found. This night many animals died, some being killed by the Antilope, some by the white men ...
A dark skinned, slim native inhabitant of the island with a relatively big baloon like belly. Just some leather pieces cover his genitals and colorful artwork is drawn all over his body. On his back there is a leash where he can put his spear and on his hips several boomerangs hang around, moving with movements of the killer.
Weapon: A spear as primary weapon and a boomerang as secondary, when using his power.
Height: Tall
Terror Radius: Rather big like the Trapper
Speed: Rather slow like the Legion
Power: Ceremonial Hunt:
Hunting is holy and no life should be wasted. Therefore you are not allowed to kill on distance as your prey could bleed out somewhere else and hide when dying.
Press Active ability button to put away your spear and grab your boomerang. Switching modes has no cooldown but needs a second and slows you down. You walk faster in Hunting mode but you cannot attack in it.
While in the Hunting mode you can press M1 or M2 to throw your boomerang. It will fly straight forward and then goes to the side after a few meters and returns to you, all in a more or less circular shape. Holding the mouse button before releasing make it travel further. M1 makes it return on the left, M2 on the right. The boomerang can fly through windows and over pallets. If it hits a wall it will drop and you take out a new boomerang (this needs 0.5 seconds before you can use it). Otherwise the boomerang always takes 2 seconds to return to you and has a 0.5 second cooldown to reuse.
If a survivor is hit by a boomerang it will be stunned for 3.5 seconds and the boomerang drops.
One with the Nature
You got used to your surroundings by living with it as long as you can remember.
Vegetation (tall grass, corn, big leaves etc) are 30/40/50% more transparent.
Hex: Disguise
The easiest way to attack is out of nowhere.
Up to 2/3/All hex totems are shown as dull totems (including this one) as long as this hex persists.
Territorial Pressure
Having a bond with animals doest sounds that bad at all!
When a survivor is in your Terror Radius for full 25/20/15 seconds a crow appears on him like the player would be afk. The crow lasts 10 seconds and makes noises every 3 seconds. Leaving the Terror Radius resets the timer and makes the crow leave.
Survivor: Sven van der Koop
A history professor who takes trips to foreign lands to study unknown cultures and rites.
Sven teaches history at a unisersity in Den Haag but his students are always tired and not interested in what he tells them ... until he started to talk about his own adventures. Over jungles he visited and island he slept at. Tribes who sacrificed each other to a chicken-like god and ate animals only not to make the jungle trees mad. One day a student asked him if he can join the next exploration and after hours of discussion the professor agreed. A boat with 40 men sailed across the sea but only 7 of them were found at the campsite when the second boat arrived. Their eyes were picked out and their tounges were cut. None of them were ever released from the hospital ever since ...
Even if magic and rites sound interesting, none of it works - Sven
You cleanse totems 8/10/12% faster and progression made by you will be saved if interrupted.
You dont need to act fast if you know what is going to happen - Sven
All status effects of you caused by the killer trigger 3/5/7 seconds later than they would do.
Learning by doing
The best way to master new things is to try them out.
Every 20 seconds you gain a random perk in this perk slot, fully off cooldown and ready to activate (if not passive). Does not ignore exhausted. Perk is chosen random between Tier 1/Tier 1 and 2/ all perks.
The perks are interesting, but the killer sounds kinda weak.
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Thank you. Check out my other ideas if you liked it.
I dont want to create too powerful powers but i think with the increased movespeed while in hunt mode and the ability to close nearly any window/pallet chase i think it would be a balanced power. Maybe not top tier but fun at playing.
If you dont mind give me your opinion to my killer idea "Acolyte" in my discussions. Thats what i like more.