Stream Friendly ANTI CHEAT.

InnCognito Member Posts: 720
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Stream Sniping is a major issue in this game. it is rampant and out of control. Spectators are frequently abusing players too. With this new design we can end these issues.

As killer. Your name and STEAM ID should not be Displayed until the match CONCLUDES or until the player leaves the match. If BHVR is already blocking the PERKS and add-ons. They should blot out the WHOLE name too! including "View profile". Until after the match loses. That way people cannot stream snipe the killer. if they have a twitch account, or they try to add the killer on steam, to sell their friends OUT by spectate sniping.

As survivor: Your STEAM ID and player name should NOT be displayed until the match CONCLUDES.

When the player leaves the match. Then the person should be able to see the killer's Steam ID. only AFTER the match has concluded.

EXAMPLES: (These are photo shopped).


  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    Actually most games could benefit off this, blocking names and profiles until after the match. Sadly i would say stream offline and upload videos later, but i don't think many streaming services offer that other than maybe youtube. There is another way to not get streamed sniped but sadly steamers won't like what i would say.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Yup, agreed. Only stream snipers would agree that this isn't what they like. heh!

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    If you want to make streamsniping really inconvenient you'd have to do more. Even with blanked out names they could just spam switch survivors/items in a certain order in the lobby, check the stream and see if the same switch spam happens there. You'd have to completely blank out the survivors and even the items in the lobby to make it harder to confirm if they're in the streamer's lobby.

    But I do believe every game should have a name-anonymizing "streamer mode" sorta thing exactly because of the spectators you mention. No matter how nice a streamer and their general community is, there might be some absolute clowns silently watching that decide they want to dish out some vigilante justice. Either because they genuinely think a player did something wrong and they think they """deserve""" it, or specifically to try to get the streamer in trouble by association by claiming they ordered it or something. Removing names would make that very, very difficult indeed.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Yeah, there is quite a bit a person has to go through in order to stop the abuse from spectate and stream sniping. Let alone anyone can doctor and/or alter game footage in order to get someone into some trouble. I agree that SPECTATING is fun. But one thing I think that would also CURTAIL people whom leave matches early is to not be able to spectate team mates unless they are friends.

    Maybe one of the fun things to think about is spectate mode. I mean sometimes everyone wants to know if their team mates made it out alive. Or maybe if they deserved to fall, too! That is very debatable.

    Spectate mode has been GREATLY abused.

    I had a Meyers find me in the locker the other night and a team mate that Knew I was in there, whom hadn't been in the area. The generator I was next to was running, the one I was working on, was a ways down the road, and my genius team mates gen-locked us. So 2 generators were next to one another. And the one I was working on. Was a ways out. I was using urban evasion and it was keeping me down low, with no running. My Team mate was caught and the killer refused to hook them. While the team mate refused to struggle off their arm. We both could have escaped, but the person ran up and pointed to me in the locker. #########, am I right?

    Turns out they were a SWF friend team, salty and sold me out through STEAM, to the killer. and chat was extremely toxic, short of telling someone the 3-letter acronym that begins with the letter "K". Really though. They were so salty and thought I was throwing the game, despite countless efforts to get that generator done. They were mad I didn't take one for the team too, and that their friend should have been able to leave, instead of me. The problem is. They BURNED up ALL the pallets on the map (A phrase for using all pallets and playing bad).

    I've logged about 1,500 hours on this game, and the least thing I do is use a locker unless I have to. I think BBQ is the worst perk in this game and that having to use a locker to counter it or prepare for a chase because it procs. IS LAME. So my billion plus threads (not really) I've posted about this cheese perk, proves otherwise... anyway back to the story..

    Of course they aren't the most intelligent people, but they thought they were in the right, and I was in the wrong for not properly supporting their SWF team. While im the rando place holder that should put up with their BULL. Whats worse is. This was someone actually streaming on twitch and people thought it was funny in chat. Oh and did I mention they (the streamer) kept saying the words "EF that blendette" ABOUT ME. talk about racism at its finest. Yet their stream rules CLEARLY tell people to not use "RACISM in chat". Yeah, i re-watched the footage and clearly a person can see them being added by that player AND revealing my location to them as they steam chatted. its gross and pathetic.

    • Maybe some additional privacy IS needed with this game, so streamers and their audiences can have protection
    • Staff can have the best penalties on the book, but it doesn't solve the issue.
    • Spectators are just as disruptive here, as they are in Overwatch. At least here, we don't have chat until the end of the match.

    Some people are going to say this is FUNNY and should be left in the game, and others are going to possibly agree with me? But.. who knows.