Stridor Spirit

Tell me again shes OP, the person dc'd 30 seconds into the match. 3 of us worked her. I was solo, cant speak to the other 2
She's bad :/
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probably didn't want to play against Spirit... IDK
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I would have liked if you saved a gameplay to see her performing, or maybe this was just a farm because of the guy who DCed
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Oh no, she was for sure trying to kill me
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as I said I would have liked a video to see that
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Yeah but if you believe tge forum shes so op it shouldnt matter. Shes that braindead easy
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I mean, if there is a DC'er in the first 30-60 seconds of a match, I definitely drop into "take it easy" mode. So, yeah, there is that.
And once I hit that mode, they can all three escape in the end as long as I got decent BP.
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I don't think Spirit is braindead easy but she definitly could use some changes.
She is not very very difficult but not as braindead as Leatherface or something. She's just very strong.
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No, she was 100% trying to kill me. I know the difference between someone taking it easy and someond trying to end the game
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Well, they sucked.
In a bout of irony, I actually play worse with Spirit with Stridor on her. I play her a bit in KYF with crossplay family (I don't have Stridor unlocked on her normally), and I do far better with her without that perk. Odd, I know.
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When i have headphones in i notice 0 difference between having it on or off
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Lol ikr? I kite these spirits all the time..because I dont treat her like doctor or trapper or pig..I play a whole new way
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Yet she was rank two possibly 1 before..which means she wins many of her games...interesting logic..especially for killer as emblems are pretty strict especially devout
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I'm a rank 1 killer but I can't play Huntress at all. If I play a Huntress game, it still looks like they played against a red rank Huntress when that's far from the case.
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But people dont say there's no counters to huntress , and that player has clearly played spirit enough to have some can't really compare the two there
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We all have bad games, im rank 1 and get my ass handed to me a few times a day. My real pount with this pist is simply that Spirit is not unbeatable.
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She is still op, there I said it.
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That's not odd, I too play her worse with Stridor, it might be because sounds in this game are incosistent. I prefer a lot Predator on her.
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Haven't tried Predator on her. I'll have to test that in KYF next time the crew is on.
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Buff spirit!!
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There are like 17 different killers in the game. Perhaps the person didn't rank up with Spirit. I'm rank 1 and I completely suck with Nurse.
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21, with Blight. Unless we don't count Demo, Clown, Legion, and Wraith, which is understandable. 🤣
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Deathbound is bad on spirit. It allows survivors to hear you even when you are phasing near them. Overall a bad choice.
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That was mine as well
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Maybe..but how much bp do you put in killers you dont play? Apparently every spirit but a few is bad with her despite her supposed lack of counterplay, they just waited till rank one and poured in millions of bp before playing her once ...which I find amusing
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I've also been a rank 1 killer and I have no clue how to play nurse and Billy properly. It's not mandatory for her to reach rank 1 with spirit. Coulda been Freddy for all I know.
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Maybe..but it seems unlikely
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Her build is weird, Nurse's with Deathbound makes no sense. Also Prayer Beads probably hurt her more than helped, since you guys all knew when she was phasing.
Good job though, I love managing to 3v1 a Killer. It's a nice ego boost.
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Bad Spirit.
The issue with spirit isn't that her power requires no skill, because it does, the issue lies with the fact that she has a very similar power level to the nurse with a MASSIVELY reduced skill requirement to reach that level.
Why play nurse when you could play spirit and get the same results for less effort?
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The spirit is more difficult and requires more skill than the community says. They assume that spirit is 4k ez and it is not so. I said it as rank 1 survivor and killer.
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They probably main another killer and then thought they’d give Spirit a try.
Honestly a couple of hours of playing her and you’ll pretty much get 3-4k’s every game.
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But thats not possibke. Spirit is so braindead easy shes boring. How can there be an incompetant one
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Stridor is just a side effect of the sounds in this game being absolutely atrocious AND/OR not working at all.
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No, my win rate with her isnt any higher than with other killers personally. I dont doubt shes high tier, i do doubt shes as op and uncounterable as everyone says
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The prayer beads did hurt her 100%. Id say its half the reason she lost
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because the nurse isn't a cointoss and way more reliable if you are godlike on her and on contrast to spirit the nurse has absolutely no counterplay except for the map itself.
You ignore that you should not be able to beat the killer 1v1 in the first place at these genspeeds.