THIS is what a real red rank teammate does

Two guys open gate without hesitating as soon as they notice NOED is on and leave a hooked teammate...
I did 3 totems, still... NOED pops... I look for NOED for about half end game timer, nowhere to be found, but I think "if I cleanse it, not only will I have given my location, but I'd have wasted precious end game time and the other 2 are not here to help, this is what I'm gonna do... I'll get close for killer to see me, taunt him, make him think I'm going to leave for him to chase my srcatchmarks and BOOM!"
I returned for my teammate, faked the exit on the killer, dropped a pallet on him and thought "I'm body blocking my guy here, I DID MY JOB THE FULL MATCH, I don't care about escaping, I already farmed what I needed", and yes, WE BOTH SURVIVED.
BTW, I was using Ace, level 13 for a challenge, no BT, no "must do" perks, perks are not a justification when you know what to do, only 3 perks, useless perks btw.
Wanna share one of your hero experiences?
You might be thinking, LMAO, nice story, no proofs, then it didn't happen, it sounds too good to be true right?
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I saved a teammate from a camping hag when I was playing my Hobo Jesus build on Jeff. Perks: Deliverance, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Borrow Time.
I got slugged in front of the hook so I picked myself up took a hit because of soul guard and then unhooked them. Unfortunately I couldn't make it in time before they hit 2nd state. I was able to deliverance myself, but it didn't make a huge difference because this hag was really camp heavy despite leaving 3 traps around the hook she never ran too far away from the hook.
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He seems like an inexperienced clown, pretty impressive regardless.
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I thought the same, he was a rank 2 though, proof that rank means nothing, while some teammates will work for others, others will just leave and leave you hangging, same for killers.
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Camping Hag and Bubba are the hardest, I get you
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That’s an exciting play only in that 99/100 two survivors die in that scenario. It’s awesome but there’s a reason it’s not recommended.
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I've done this several times against desperate killers who knock someone close to the exit door, not that uncommon in my experience
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But even if you know where NOED is, the time it took you getting there + the time it took you to cleanse it with the end game timer on you and without two teammates who already escaped it's doom. IDK, maybe I just like playing hero and it's cause I get away with it 9/10 times
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I've had a lot of heroes in my matches, unfortunately they never lived on to tell their tale.
I remember one Steve running from the exit gate all the way across the map just to unhook me. The killer had noed and they were camping. For some reason the killer didn't chase me after being unhooked and instead went for the Steve. They probably thought he had borrowed time but he didn't.
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Yep, that's surely the case, they're afraid of BT
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Hm what is the point of your attempt there? One of you is going to die for sure but most likely you both going to die if you try to safe against a clown with noed who is camping (unless he is super bad or friendly enough to let one go)
The Teammates left the game instantly to punish the Clown for bringing Noed. I would not do it, i would try to find noed and then go for the rescue, but i totally get why they did it. Let him have his 1K and dont feed into it. The reason why NOED is so popular and strong is that people feed into it even they almost have no chance.
Dont feed into Noed.
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sounds like you're pretty inexperienced. i'd leave too if my teammates spent the match cleaning dull totems. did it ever occur to you it would be easy to find noed had you not cleansed the easy to see totems? i think you should change your title to, "this is what a real green rank teammate does."
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lol well you tried.
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It isn’t much but I guess it was a hero moment
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NOED in play? Ain't worth it 100%. If I see the killer proxy camping or just camping it's not worth trying even with BT it just encourages the play style and the killer gets more kills. That being said, if the killer is hanging around I will look for NOED definitely and if we find it then I'll attempt to save. It doesn't always happen but it's nice when it does.
I actually had a game the other day where we all made it to the end game in solo queue and the Ace was found and hit with NOED and placed in the basement with bubba and being camped. I tried to find NOED but no luck. He was very upset that no on tried. My dude, it was Bubba, in the basement with NOED. You got there yourself so your actions are between you, the entity and Bubba. I'm out. Not worth.
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I'll go back if there's a reasonable chance to save a teammate. But if the killer isn't leaving a certain radius no matter what, then I'm out of there. If I can lead the killer away, I will. If another teammate does, I'll go for the save. But if I can't draw the killer away, then yeah I'm going to open the exit gate and get out rather than give the killer an extra kill.
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That was a dumb killer way too dumb fir his own good
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I took aggro from a Bubba all game by constantly getting protection hits (build was Soul Guard, Unbreakable, MoM, and Breakout). The best part was when I used SG to recover from dying in the EGC, then Bubba hits me (SG saves me from going down), but I was close enough to another survivor to get another protection hit, activating MoM (thx Blendette!). He kept tunneling me, thinking I'd be downable- this let everyone else escape. When he tried to down me outside the gates, MoM saved me and I got out. He was soooooooo tilted XD