We get Friday the 13th with ps plus

HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

I thought that game was dead. Anyone played it?


  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487
    Some of my friends are. I've seen enough game play to have no interest in it.
  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    Looks like garbage, they have new developers but i think the legal issues are still stopping any updates.

    But meh, free horror game ill still download and try it.
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited October 2018

    I thought that game was dead. Anyone played it?

    The lawsuit killed it. The game was ridiculously thriving beforehand. It’s saddening. I love that game so much. All the crybaby survivor mains can fight back in that one. 

    Too bad you can’t queue up as Jason, only set your preference.  
  • pureleeawesome
    pureleeawesome Member Posts: 30

    It'll be interesting to see if anything changes with the screenwriter regaining rights of franchise.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    It'll be interesting to see if anything changes with the screenwriter regaining rights of franchise.

    It won’t. It’s like he waited over a decade to screw someone over. 
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,141
    edited October 2018

    @pureleeawesome said:
    It'll be interesting to see if anything changes with the screenwriter regaining rights of franchise.

    Not much. He only won in regards to the original movie screenplay and its elements. That does not touch the hockey-mask killer, which appears in film #3 as the article points out.

    Also, read the correction/addition at the end. Apparently Miller did not win rights to the title "Friday the 13th," either.

    This might actually free-up the Friday the 13th game developers to continue making content for the game. I guess we'll see. I never played it, though. I'm happy here in DBD-land.


    But trust me, legal battles will continue as Victor, I am sure, goes after the hockey-masked "Jason" being derivative of the character/boy from his screenplay. Then he'll probably start a trademark ownership battle if he wins that one.

    If he picks additional fights, then by the time it's over many years from now, he might have very well shot himself in the dick, because this isn't exactly the Golden Age of Slasher Horror anymore, and Jason being out of the production cycle too long will kill any financial power with the upcoming generation of movie-goers.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    It'll be interesting to see if anything changes with the screenwriter regaining rights of franchise.

    It won’t. It’s like he waited over a decade to screw someone over. 
    Well the lawsuit has been concluded and Victor Miller(the guy that basically started most of this) said that once the lawsuit is over he would happily let the devs continue adding content. But the devs of f13 already said they were done and all they're adding is some bug fixes and stuff so now everyone is mad at them for being lazy and not wanting to give us all the teased content they promised us
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    It'll be interesting to see if anything changes with the screenwriter regaining rights of franchise.

    It won’t. It’s like he waited over a decade to screw someone over. 
    Well the lawsuit has been concluded and Victor Miller(the guy that basically started most of this) said that once the lawsuit is over he would happily let the devs continue adding content. But the devs of f13 already said they were done and all they're adding is some bug fixes and stuff so now everyone is mad at them for being lazy and not wanting to give us all the teased content they promised us
    Wow. Now that’s infuriating. 
  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Cash grab ftw! If they had concentrated on bug/glitch fixes, and maybe adding some variety to the map, they would have had a pretty good game. Instead they focused on DLC and adding skins. Stupid way to develop a game if you care about its longevity, imo at least. I took one look at the gameplay (actually looked interesting), then read up a bit about it. Definitely not worth money on it.

  • BearTrapSnap
    BearTrapSnap Member Posts: 86
    I know this is the DBD forum but man, you'd think a free game killed this place's parents. I'm about to try it. In comparison it looks like a bigger, worse version of DBD with more objectives and a more powerful and flexible but less interesting killer. To anyone saying the game is dead, on PC sure. On PS4, even before this, it's got a pretty active little player base.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i cant help but laugh at all the people who told me how F13 was gonna kill DbD and that it is way better.

    feels good.

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    Just got all killers and survivors to 40, so ill be playing nurse almost exclusively. Gonna give it a shot at least once when i hit a game thats way too salty.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,663

    What is interesting to me is that whether or not you like Friday the 13th will largely have to do with which game you played first. It was impossible for me to play the game without constantly comparing it to DBD. At the same time, while playing it I also couldn't help but think occasionally that this or that would be an interesting angle to bring into the DBD world.

    For example, one of the coolest things about F13 is that there are numerous kill points around the maps that are unique to that specific location. In DBD terms, think of them as like a "map mori". Which got me to thinking how cool it would be for each map to have a specific "map mori". Once the killer has killed 3 of the survivors, if the killer could catch and drag the last survivor to that point on the map they could do a unique mori that gives bonus bloodpoints. I genuinely hope that they do something like this, but if they don't then if there is ever a sequel to DBD they have to do it then!

    There are a couple of other things that I really like about F13. There is a substantial single player campaign which is quite fun. The other thing is that there are multiple paths to victory for survivors. It's not just work on gens, power exit gates, then run or alternatively power a couple gens, watch team die, then find hatch. There are a number of viable options to escape, up to and including, killing Jason.

    With all that said, I also have a number of complaints about the game. I completely understand why they did it the way they did, but it does suck to have a random player be chosen as Jason in multiplayer. I also really dislike the way that Jason can teleport around the map. I get that the maps are large and it would be dumb for Jason to have to run around constantly, but I think he should only be able to teleport to specific points on the map. For Jason to use teleport as a combat trick is just absurd. I also find the whole chase sequences with players to be very poor in relation to what DBD provides.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    I'm trash at it so I play DBD for easy wins

    lol how butthurt are you that youre going to random threads to change peoples quotes.

    stop having a meltdown kiddo

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    good call, they saw how dbd player's pool and in-game purchases skyrocketed and they said give me sum of that, I'll give it a shot since dbd devs refuse to give us slutty skins 😁
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited October 2018
    Went to play it for the first time in 6 months with a friend and took 8 minutes to search for a dedicated server that put me in Australia rather than EU with the lobbies not being full. Switched back to DBD after 30 minutes. The game is still trash.
  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    edited October 2018
    Went to play it for the first time in 6 months with a friend and took 8 minutes to search for a dedicated server that put me in Australia rather than EU with the lobbies not being full. Switched back to DBD after 30 minutes. The game is still trash.
    well I'm almost sure that's about to change now that is free for ps4, same thing happened with dbd when they made it free, you couldn't even find a match with the amount of people trying to play the game at the same time, maybe this is a good thing and make the devs put their ######### together with this game flaws
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited October 2018
    Lowbei said:
    scerckan said:
    Went to play it for the first time in 6 months with a friend and took 8 minutes to search for a dedicated server that put me in Australia rather than EU with the lobbies not being full. Switched back to DBD after 30 minutes. The game is still trash.
    well I'm almost sure that's about to change now that is free for ps4, same thing happened with dbd when they made it free, you couldn't even find a match with the amount of people trying to play the game at the same time, maybe this us a good thing and make the devs put their ######### together with thus game flaws
     no, f13 is dead and buried. dbd is the future!
    F13 fans will say it’s under new management and say there’s still hope for the game. :|
  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    i can't talk about it because i never fell for it (or dbd)when it just came out but i just downloaded it and we'll see, at least f13 has some good booties to distract my game's immersion and not that megs diaper
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    It has bots. Wish dbd had bots.

    Hope dbd gets bots, too. 
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    It has bots. Wish dbd had bots.

    Hope dbd gets bots, too. 

    only if bot mode is unranked and gives zero bp like kyf.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Lowbei said:
    It has bots. Wish dbd had bots.

    Hope dbd gets bots, too. 

    only if bot mode is unranked and gives zero bp like kyf.
    Nah, full, or partial rewards so i can dodge toxic people, and the constant stream of try hard swfs.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lowbei said:
    It has bots. Wish dbd had bots.

    Hope dbd gets bots, too. 

    only if bot mode is unranked and gives zero bp like kyf.
    Nah, full, or partial rewards so i can dodge toxic people, and the constant stream of try hard swfs.

    if you cant see why this is a bad idea without me spelling it out for you, then i shouldnt waste my time.

    also ”try hard” is not only a ridiculous concept, but its what people say when they lose games, to try to minimize the other sides win. in reality, all they did was press some wasd and m1 in a different order than you in this 90% intelligence based game.

    the devs will never add bots anyway, its not even on their radar. this is a pvp game.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited October 2018
    Lowbei said:
    Lowbei said:
    It has bots. Wish dbd had bots.

    Hope dbd gets bots, too. 

    only if bot mode is unranked and gives zero bp like kyf.
    Nah, full, or partial rewards so i can dodge toxic people, and the constant stream of try hard swfs.

    if you cant see why this is a bad idea without me spelling it out for you, then i shouldnt waste my time.

    also ”try hard” is not only a ridiculous concept, but its what people say when they lose games, to try to minimize the other sides win. in reality, all they did was press some wasd and m1 in a different order than you in this 90% intelligence based game.

    the devs will never add bots anyway, its not even on their radar. this is a pvp game.
    So was Friday the 13th. Lots of pvp games either get bots or just die. 
    Bots may not be as far off as you think considering the tutorial has, at the least, the ground work.

    Don't bother trying to make excuses for swfs that do coordinated gen rushes, hyper efficient groups, and other madness that flies in the face of the spirit of the game.
    It's not worth the headache of trying to vs them. The sooner i can do without them, and get points, and shards, the better. Rank doesn't concern me.

     It's antisocial mmo/pvp. You're not supposed to be communicating with others, teaming up to defang killers, etc. 
    You're supposed to be 4 individuals, not a team.

    That's not to say I don't believe swf is important. It is. It's not going anywhere. People will make it work.
    People will communicate outside of game, too. No stopping it.

    You know the old saying? Hell is other people.

    I know it could be detrimental with people who vs cpu until they get a ton of perks, and stuff, then go out into the world.
    That could be done away with via 2 versions of each character, one vs bots, one not vs bots. 

    Worried that it might turn online into a ghost town now that people won't have to lobby dodge 4 person swfs? Blame the swfs for squeezing too hard, and not giving a damn about killers having fun.

    Yeah, there's bad stuff that could happen, but there's ways around it. Doesn't help much that i don't care, either. 

  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    Thetruth said:
    scerckan said:
    Went to play it for the first time in 6 months with a friend and took 8 minutes to search for a dedicated server that put me in Australia rather than EU with the lobbies not being full. Switched back to DBD after 30 minutes. The game is still trash.
    well I'm almost sure that's about to change now that is free for ps4, same thing happened with dbd when they made it free, you couldn't even find a match with the amount of people trying to play the game at the same time, maybe this is a good thing and make the devs put their ######### together with this game flaws
    Not when black ops 4 and red dead 2 come out. Both games on Ps4 will be near a ghost town.
    Experience tells me that new games coming out only have very small effects on playerbase of old games.  Even huge games like CoD.  DBD and f13 have survived CoD releases in the past.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Lowbei said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    Lowbei said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    It has bots. Wish dbd had bots.

    Hope dbd gets bots, too. 

    only if bot mode is unranked and gives zero bp like kyf.

    Nah, full, or partial rewards so i can dodge toxic people, and the constant stream of try hard swfs.

    if you cant see why this is a bad idea without me spelling it out for you, then i shouldnt waste my time.

    also ”try hard” is not only a ridiculous concept, but its what people say when they lose games, to try to minimize the other sides win. in reality, all they did was press some wasd and m1 in a different order than you in this 90% intelligence based game.

    the devs will never add bots anyway, its not even on their radar. this is a pvp game.

    So was Friday the 13th. Lots of pvp games either get bots or just die. 
    Bots may not be as far off as you think considering the tutorial has, at the least, the ground work.

    Don't bother trying to make excuses for swfs that do coordinated gen rushes, hyper efficient groups, and other madness that flies in the face of the spirit of the game.
    It's not worth the headache of trying to vs them. The sooner i can do without them, and get points, and shards, the better. Rank doesn't concern me.

     It's antisocial mmo/pvp. You're not supposed to be communicating with others, teaming up to defang killers, etc. 
    You're supposed to be 4 individuals, not a team.

    That's not to say I don't believe swf is important. It is. It's not going anywhere. People will make it work.
    People will communicate outside of game, too. No stopping it.

    You know the old saying? Hell is other people.

    I know it could be detrimental with people who vs cpu until they get a ton of perks, and stuff, then go out into the world.
    That could be done away with via 2 versions of each character, one vs bots, one not vs bots. 

    Worried that it might turn online into a ghost town now that people won't have to lobby dodge 4 person swfs? Blame the swfs for squeezing too hard, and not giving a damn about killers having fun.

    Yeah, there's bad stuff that could happen, but there's ways around it. Doesn't help much that i don't care, either. 

    HotS does it....and does it well. No need for separate characters. A lot of people use vs Bots to level a character and learn the.mechanics. And with the current rank system, it makes it even more efficient.

    Why not have the option to level a character vs ai. Let's face it, even Blizzards best AI is nothing like playing against a coordinated team. Same is true for dbd.

    I would love an AI option...on both sides. Give me the option to swf against an ai killer and kill a group of ai survivors. P!ease!!!

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Thetruth said:
    scerckan said:
    Went to play it for the first time in 6 months with a friend and took 8 minutes to search for a dedicated server that put me in Australia rather than EU with the lobbies not being full. Switched back to DBD after 30 minutes. The game is still trash.
    well I'm almost sure that's about to change now that is free for ps4, same thing happened with dbd when they made it free, you couldn't even find a match with the amount of people trying to play the game at the same time, maybe this is a good thing and make the devs put their ######### together with this game flaws
    Not when black ops 4 and red dead 2 come out. Both games on Ps4 will be near a ghost town.
    Call of Duty... People still buy that #########? The last thing that they added that was ALMOST original in any form was KEVIN ######### SPACEY out of all.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Thetruth said:
    scerckan said:
    Went to play it for the first time in 6 months with a friend and took 8 minutes to search for a dedicated server that put me in Australia rather than EU with the lobbies not being full. Switched back to DBD after 30 minutes. The game is still trash.
    well I'm almost sure that's about to change now that is free for ps4, same thing happened with dbd when they made it free, you couldn't even find a match with the amount of people trying to play the game at the same time, maybe this is a good thing and make the devs put their ######### together with this game flaws
    Not when black ops 4 and red dead 2 come out. Both games on Ps4 will be near a ghost town.
    Experience tells me that new games coming out only have very small effects on playerbase of old games.  Even huge games like CoD.  DBD and f13 have survived CoD releases in the past.
    Lol if i had a penny for each time i heard "OVERWATCH IS GONNA KILL TF2" back in the day i would be rich enough to buy BHVR right now.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    im not speaking opinion, i am speaking fact. there will be no bots in dbd matches, ever.

    its rare i use absolutes like that, but it is what it is, and i dont have the time to type out a page explaining the details of the ai required to play dbd.

    im a genius, if i were wrong, dont you think id know it?
  • SoulBagel
    SoulBagel Member Posts: 19

    Played it last night for the first time, game lasted about 15 mins, I managed to shoot Jason and knock him down, ran about 50 yards and he killed me. Started spectating and found out one of the survivors was working with him. Don't think I'll be playing again, the running/stumbling control is terrible.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Lowbei said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    Lowbei said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    It has bots. Wish dbd had bots.

    Hope dbd gets bots, too. 

    only if bot mode is unranked and gives zero bp like kyf.

    Nah, full, or partial rewards so i can dodge toxic people, and the constant stream of try hard swfs.

    if you cant see why this is a bad idea without me spelling it out for you, then i shouldnt waste my time.

    also ”try hard” is not only a ridiculous concept, but its what people say when they lose games, to try to minimize the other sides win. in reality, all they did was press some wasd and m1 in a different order than you in this 90% intelligence based game.

    the devs will never add bots anyway, its not even on their radar. this is a pvp game.

    So was Friday the 13th. Lots of pvp games either get bots or just die. 
    Bots may not be as far off as you think considering the tutorial has, at the least, the ground work.

    Don't bother trying to make excuses for swfs that do coordinated gen rushes, hyper efficient groups, and other madness that flies in the face of the spirit of the game.
    It's not worth the headache of trying to vs them. The sooner i can do without them, and get points, and shards, the better. Rank doesn't concern me.

     It's antisocial mmo/pvp. You're not supposed to be communicating with others, teaming up to defang killers, etc. 
    You're supposed to be 4 individuals, not a team.

    That's not to say I don't believe swf is important. It is. It's not going anywhere. People will make it work.
    People will communicate outside of game, too. No stopping it.

    You know the old saying? Hell is other people.

    I know it could be detrimental with people who vs cpu until they get a ton of perks, and stuff, then go out into the world.
    That could be done away with via 2 versions of each character, one vs bots, one not vs bots. 

    Worried that it might turn online into a ghost town now that people won't have to lobby dodge 4 person swfs? Blame the swfs for squeezing too hard, and not giving a damn about killers having fun.

    Yeah, there's bad stuff that could happen, but there's ways around it. Doesn't help much that i don't care, either. 

    HotS does it....and does it well. No need for separate characters. A lot of people use vs Bots to level a character and learn the.mechanics. And with the current rank system, it makes it even more efficient.

    Why not have the option to level a character vs ai. Let's face it, even Blizzards best AI is nothing like playing against a coordinated team. Same is true for dbd.

    I would love an AI option...on both sides. Give me the option to swf against an ai killer and kill a group of ai survivors. P!ease!!!

    The beauty of it is you're not supposed to be playing against a coordinated team in dbd, so it's not necessarily a concern of mine. Coordination is easy to find in player matches since the majority probably will be swf.

    Swf wasn't a ranked mode initially. The game was described as antisocial. 4 bots, or however many you needed to fill empty slots would pretty well serve the spirit of the game. 
    It's just how adept the ai is after that.
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Can anyone find a game at all? I thought dbd is bad but here you can't find a game for ages.
  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Thetruth said:
    Lowbei said:

    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:

    I'm trash at it so I play DBD for easy wins

    lol how butthurt are you that youre going to random threads to change peoples quotes.

    stop having a meltdown kiddo

    Says the person who posts images. Practice what you preach.

    cute excuse

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited October 2018
    This game is unplayable. In every game someone teams up with Jason. It's #########. Dbd is so much better than this.
  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122

    I tried it on Playstation but it takes too long to find matches. Also, the game is kind of boring. It has potential but the people look creepy as hell and it's hella buggy. I still play for kicks when I'm too stressed for DbD.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Haven't tried Friday 13th yet but the other freebie 'Laser League' is a lot of fun!