I hate premades

Premades are ruining online gaming, I prefer the days when everything was for basement nerds where groupslots weren't filled with damn casuals.
I would literally pay 100€/mth to block playing against premades in ANY game. If you're 30 and uninteresting/uneducated and jobless efficient player good luck getting friends to play with you because either matchmaking screws you over or they simply don't enjoy your presence IF they are into competitive games in the first place and don't prefer narrative crap.
Any other highschool primers that got hit hard after primetime?
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damn did you not have your nap today? Lmao git gud
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######### is a premade
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I mean, I suppose you can rally against "premades" all you want but there are about a dozen worthwhile perks between the survivors and the killers. A LOT of overlap is going to happen whether someone Googled it or whether someone just used the same perk set as a bunch of other people...
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My brother plays League of Legends only and uses this term. Basically means anybody who doesn’t play solo I think.
This guy just wants to game with similar people and sounds like he could only find a younger crowd to play DbD with and was rejected or something.
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Not just DBD, everything is FILLED with ######### ppl playing in premade groups together, I'm sick of it.
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It's in ALL of ######### online gaming nowadays, try playing league of legends, at least a team of 3 or even 4 in your group while you get ignored. Try play call of duty and watch the damn clantags popup, heck even ######### diablo3 has my GF playing with 3 damn other ppl because I'm "boring and uneducated".
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...wait, I think we have two different thinkings on this topic based on your response here.
Are you talking about SWF (people who party up and play on the same team)?
I assumed you were talking about premade builds (as in, everyone running the same perks)
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In Smite, and I suppose any MOBAs, premades are the SWF of the group. Just means a group came together before hand and have comms.
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In any game really, it's a plague
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I don't think DbD is the game that people search for roleplaying. If I'm right, maybe you should learn more about how to separate things...
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Premade = SWF
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What the actual ######### bro?
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Diablo 3 she plays with others because you're "boring and uneducated"? Diablo 3 doesn't require any thinking or strategizing at all. We were playing that game with my nephew when he was 9/10 because it's so easy/basic. My boyfriend would legit fall asleep while playing it because it's so easy/uneventful. 😂
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They talk about other stuff, I was literally never in school and never worked in my whole life, I can't keep up with any topic.
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I knew what he was talking about only because I've played Heroes of the Storm, Paladins, and Overwatch quite a bit (Overwatch is my main PvP game). In DbD it's called a Survive with Friends. In pretty much every other online PvP game it's called a premade. Even in WoW PvP that term is used.
My Friends & Family Overwatch group is a full team premade, for example. We're a pre-made team that queues as such, as opposed to a bunch of random teammates or people we just met and don't have strengths, weaknesses, and coordination down with.
His complaint, though, is braindead. Yes, premade groups are extremely common in online games, even a two-man group. Adapt or don't play such games. Simple as that.
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You used the term "uneducated" multiple times already. It's extremely rare to hear someone use that insult especially in online games. I've played games with actual 12 year olds and seen people get in verbal fights with 12 year olds and I never hear people use "uneducated" as the choice of insult. If people are calling you "uneducated", you might want to look into addressing the issue?
Also, if you're jobless and willing to shell out 100 bucks a month on a game I don't think you have your priorities right. I'm saying this as someone who already bought all DLCs for DBD.
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I'm thinking this is bait or FakeNews. Out of curiosity, I went into his comment history. He doesn't post like this elsewhere. Not even close.
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Basically telling me that "if I don't like being excluded maybe I should start to learn, read a book or something" is the same as telling me I'm uneducated. I live in germany so education is used ALOT as an insult.
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This is really soundling like a problem between you and your friends, not a problem with online games.
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It's not just me and friends, I basically get ousted out of every group that I'm in lol.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.1
I'm more intrigued by the people in this thread that don't know what premade means.
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Well yes, for a long long time now gaming has become more and more of a social thing. Especially during the 7th console generation multiplayer was made way more accessible and important on the industry level.
You have the choice to not play with others yourself, seek out games with solo queue options or stick to singleplayer games, the facilitation of social play in gaming isn't going anywhere. The newest hot thing in this ongoing process is the implementation of crossplay in a lot of games to connect even more gamers to play with eachother. There's really no nicer way to put it, as it's not going anywhere, ever.
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I think many people here on the forum may be those players playing one game exclusively and having several thousand hours of playtime in it. I think the only game where I managed to get hours this high is league of legends (over 10/11 years!). Followed by a few 300hour games from my school and University times.
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The thing is why are soloplayers put up against premades. Herd mentality makes this ######### a crappy experience as it's almost always premades ganging up on the solo in flamewars or ignoring him in teamplay scenarios.