Stop basing your opinions completely on what streamers and youtubers say.
Nah. I think it's pretty mediocre unless you are either a Trapper, Hag, or arguably Freddy.
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I always apply critical thinking to whatever topic I am weighing. That being said, the opinion of experts in the field should always weigh in appropriately. I apologize, but I'm always going to take the opinions of Otz and Monto (and quite a few others) seriously. That is part of critical thinking.
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Its primate psychology. Why think for yourself when someone higher up the social chain can think for you. Welcome to the majority of society.
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I think he just whines a lot in a very non-constructive way and isn't as good as he thinks he is. Personally I'm not a fan and don't watch him.
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Wholeheartedly agree.
The wide majority of these 'content creators' get right up my nose.
Screeching, smiley, virtue-signalling, Pop collecting, 23-hours a day in front of a screen, 'such a good person' roast poo-tatoes.
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😂 This is another chestnut.
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Scott video on the new killer made me lose brain cell. How can he be well designed and be out dated? Everyone can think about things in their own way but my feeling is that Scott pushes opinion as fact.
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Thanks for this post.
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It literally means atleast one jungle gym has to spawn so we have something good.
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Yeah i can't stand his streams. Idk why its something about him. But in terms of alot he is very unbiased in alot of his discussion videos and makes alot of valid points. Paulie is my favorite dbd streamer. The king is the most annoying
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And would that not be a problem with the system itself like I said?
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Tbh killers dont so much as nerfs as much as other killers need buffed. Alot of the roster is a joke. Im not against swf. It can be annoying but i do think they need to balance the game better. Like bring solo players up to level of info swf has.
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The problem would be whether or not rng places the jungle gyms with other good tiles. It's all an rng based system but guaranteeing at least one jungle gym still would not be that bad its frustrating to have nothing to work with but regardless sof that fact you would still try and find a problem wit jb one good tile!
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Yeah I agree but still dont saybtru3 points out flaws in both side he only points out survivor flaws.
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So what youre saying is that you agree the system needs to be changed? or am I misunderstanding?
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I dont see how the system can be changed or coded to not spawn god tiles. I dont think the system needs to be changed for one reason the rng is what makes the game special.
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Then what do you want? the system to place all the tiles except jungle gyms which would have set locations? that seems like both more work and removing more rng than just changing the tile generation system.
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No set jungle gyms just a guaranteed spawn like shack has on maps like autohaven. Only atleast 1 though.
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Then I'm pretty sure we at least mostly agree there's just been a communication error somewhere.
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I think for myself, but my thoughts mirror tru3s. I get a lot of strong survivor teams and killer is weak.
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I’m going to have to disagree, In his video he repeatedly says “I think” and “In my opinion” and makes sure to let his audience know that these are first impressions. To me, the only parts that would come off as facts is him telling people how to play Blight and why people were upset. Also, Blight just needs bug fixes so him saying that he’s well designed is fair.
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A killer that has to run into things to is not a well designed killer it feels more like a troll. You can think and have a opinion about anything but to say everyone should blindly believe just because is moronic. His can say " I think " and also think everyone should take it as fact or else your not intelligent enough to have your own opinions. He comes off as a intelligent guy who needs to show how smart he is when no asked him about it.
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I dont watch him as much as i used to. But he would call out more survivor problems but he called out the killer issues sometimes.
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I've been really liking Scott's talking videos.
My only issue is that he seems to assume all players will play optimally 100% of the time, unless they're absolute taters. I always find myself wanting to argue from the perspective of the other 85-90% of the player base that's just consistently okay at the game, lol.
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Finally someone who has an own opinion 😍😍😍
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If I was holding a drink right now I'd raise my glass to you lol