What's the strongest survivor perk combo

So far I been using Sprint Burst, Iron Will, Unbreakable, and Decisive Strike but I am thinking of trying out another build although I think mine may be the strongest in the game. What you all think and what do you all use ? I am a killer main and looking to learn from some survivors. 😅
I think many would tell you DS, Unbreakable, then an exhaustion perk, and then maybe Borrowed Time or maybe even Soul Guard. There isn't just one strongest build though in my opinion.
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DS/UB/Resiliance/Prove Thyself.
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No such thing as one strongest build as the efficiency of every build depends on what killer+build you verse and how said killer is played.
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I'm currently running Botany Knowledge/Self Care/Soul Guard/Borrowed Time on my main. I'd swap out Borrowed time for dead hard but I got tired of pressing E to be exhausted as I fall over on the ground and twitch violently.
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DS+Unbreakable and Kindred+BT. I grouped perks to help understand what they do. Well, swf can throw out Kindred and keep only 2 BTs for their team, and use other perks. If other two players in your SWF have BT, you can grab IW for mind games and DH/Inner Strength/ Camaraderie/ Breakout/ For the People/ Adrenaline/ Soul Guard/ We'll Make It / Prove Thyself, all strong perks.
Poised, btw, is super under rated. If any gen pop and you are near walls, IW+Poised allow to easily lose killers.
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Alert and Dark sense. Aura every time a killer breaks pallet or hits gen and 6 auras for the gens and exit gates. You'll never not know where the killer is :)
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Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Spine Chill, and Resilience.
You get immortality off being unhooked, 15% vault speed, and information on when a killer is looking at you.
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People can debate the strength of Perks all they want, but I will always hold the belief that the "second chance: the musical" build will be the strongest Survivor build, far and away.
Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time. No matter what the Killer does, you're probably going to get a second chance. Or two. Or twenty.
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Gotta love how regardless of which perks each person believes truly make up the "strongest" general survivor build, DS and Unbreakable are always going to be a part of it.
Heck, out of the 8 people who have listed loadout suggestions thus far (including OP), 6 have included that dynamic duo.
Realistically, it's just those two perks plus other stuff. You can take both of them and splash in whatever else you like from the meta pool (like Iron Will, Adrenaline, Dead Hard, etc) for a solid build that will see you through most situations. Provided you can back it up with some decent survivor skills, anyway. You could even stray somewhat outside of that and still have useful tools to work with (like Head On, Detective's Hunch, or Plunderer's Instinct).
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Gotta agree with Mr. Ramsay here. DS + Unbreakable is definitely the strongest combo. Pair it with the two other strongest second-chance perks, DH and BT, and you got one "highly skilled" player on your hands.
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Sprint burst and Determined (or whatever that +20% walk speed Nancy perk is called). Feel free to combo it with DS + Unbreakable and you've got the mechanically best survivor build out there. Personally I prefer Inner strength and DS for the selfheal to keep my Determined always active. As long as you've got an eye for loops and windows sprint burst is by far the best Exhausted perk as it activates in every situation and gives you the boost you need to make it to a pallet or Window.
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Decisive Strike
[Exhaustion Perk]
Two of something like:
Adrenaline/Borrowed Time/Detective's Hunch/Inner Strength/Iron Will/Kindred/Prove Thyself/Resilience/Soul Guard/Spine Chill/Unbreakable (Really anything that's at least a good enough perk)
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Personally I would Replace Boil Over with DS/Soul Guard. If your good at pretending you have DS then Soul Guard but most killers will just pick you up and hook you making all 4 of your perks irrelevant the majority of the time unless your playing with friends or altruistic teammates. Technically Soul Guard has the same issue but Boil Over is bad as the killer can just spam A/D like they are wiggling to COMPLETELY negate the entire effect of T3 Boil over.
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My rule is "Aura" / "Exhaustion" / "Stealth" / DS | Spine Chills
Having information on where the killer is is just too important unless you're deliberately running into his face to loop him. IMO the best aura perks are Kindred and Empathy. Empathy seems like a "healer" perk until you realize being able to see someone injured running around gives you near-precise information where the killer is. Also due to predicting where the killer is, I've gotten very good at surgical rescues that BT is pretty much irrelevant to me.
For "Exhaustion" my favorite is between Sprint Burst and Dead Hard. I use Spritn Burst when I feel like a more relaxing game and walk most of the game so i can use it on demand. I sometimes will use Lithe if I slotted Dance with Me for the "Stealth" perk to quickly end chases.
"Stealth" I like Iron Will / DwM for mobility build or Lightweight for a middle ground playstyle. Poised if I want to avoid confrontation altogether.
While I like DS it doesn't come up frequently enough for me to love it. Spine Chills pretty much eliminates getting caught by the stealthier killers and a huge early warning that you don't have to get hooked in the first place.
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Unless you're getting caught out of position often, I don't think Sprint Burst is better than Dead Hard. If you're very good, you will want the killer chasing you over your teamates, i.e not gaining too much distance of the killer that it makes him/her abandon chase, and for that reason Dead Hard is the go-to chase perk. I really like Iron Will and most of the time my build is the same as yours (except I don't use SB), but if you feel that you're getting proxycamped often, try changing Iron Will for BT to finish the quadruple double chance perk build...
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Small game, no mither, premonition, and solidarity. Best build in the game.
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There is no strongest full 4 perk build for survivors, some of them are interchangeable, I would say the strongest perk combo is DS + Unbreakable though, the remaining 2 perks can be swapped out for various combos.
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My most successful build is dead hard, borrowed time, iron will and the last I switch out between unbreakable, DS, prove thyself and sometimes resilience or WGLF.
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Best combo is DS and unbreakable you are sure to be immortal for at least 1 minute after each hook. After you take the exaustion perk you like most of the time its Dead Hard or Sprint Burst. For the last perk you need to decide if you want to help the other survivor or be stronger by yourself so Borrow Time is there to be a team player if not you use Iron Will or Adrenaline and you are set to escape 80% of your trial if you are decent.