I can’t believe I’m going to say this...

But I hate this game now. This was a gem of a game when I first found it so I got all my friends into it and it was really good fun. Now it has been patched to cater to players that main a killer and have enough time to spam the forum with complaints about survivors. This game has become painful to play due to the obvious one sided changes made and has really taken away much of the enjoyment from the survivors. If this is solely a killer game then make all the survivors AI and have us all just be killers easily getting quad kills since that’s what killer mains are crying about constantly on these forums and you listen.


  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11

    So you mean the perks that buy survivors a few extra seconds before a killer passively gets faster, catches up then can perform a lunge of great lengths that can even wrap around walls and mori the survivor after only one hook. I guess you are right we have it very easy, I forgot about our game changing perks.

  • Chromeskull
    Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

    DS, Soul Guard, unbreakable, tenacity, etc. Now name good killer perks. As for Mori, yeah its good, but that has been since it came out. Dodge lunges since they really aren't that long and difinatly can't go around walls so you have probably got some really bad killers.

  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11

    DS can easily be hindered with Unnerving presence, as for SG/Unbreakable/Tenacity no skilled killer leaves a survivor on the ground that long and if so theres Nurses calling, Bloodlust, Whispers etc. As for the the Lunge attack and I have plenty of recordings that show proof the Lunge attack can close an ridiculous amount of distance and yes almost all killers start it on one side of the wall to wrap around to the other side to avoid a pallet stun. Both sides have their own strengths and weaknesses it’s supposed to be balanced that’s how it works but small changes can cause a shift and I’m just saying there have been some recent changes that only effect the survivors so now it’s definitely Killer favored. Maps have gotten smaller, less pallets and windows are available, jungle gyms have been removed or modified and the fact our exit doors are right next to each other on most maps with shorter maps makes no sense and given the fact how fast most killers can travel. It was just so much fun playing this game because the chases were fair, I died as much as I escaped and that’s just not the case anymore even with our amazing new perks. This area is for feedback to the developers and they hear you killers ALL the time so I wanted to give them some feedback from survivors perspective not discuss it with forum dwellers.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    IIrc, Unnverving doesn't work on DS? Also, it's a mild counter even if it works. Most survivors will hit it anyways.

    SG/Unbreakable/Tenacity no skilled killer leaves a survivor on the ground that long and if so theres Nurses calling, Bloodlust, Whispers etc.

    You're just plain wrong.

    s for the the Lunge attack and I have plenty of recordings that show proof the Lunge attack can close an ridiculous amount of distance and yes almost all killers start it on one side of the wall to wrap around to the other side to avoid a pallet stun.

    Hello Latency, i would like to introduce you to this man.

    maps have gotten smaller, less pallets and windows are available, jungle gyms have been removed or modified and the fact our exit doors are right next to each other on most maps with shorter maps makes no sense and given the fact how fast most killers can travel.

    You know why that was done... right? Or are you just implying they are just "nerfing" survivors just because.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Im guessing you haven't played this for very long then. Because this game has been survivor sided for years, like not even funny survivor sided. Its actually close to fairly balanced right now so I dont know what to tell you man that the problem you are probably facing is just that "matchmaking" (if you can call it that) is kind of a joke, based on a ranking system thats(admitted by devs) broken. Because it sounds like you just haven't learned the insane ways survivors can loop to make the killer waste time. The game started out with areas that actually was impossible hit, not down, hit survivors. There was no bloodlust and no entity to block windows, but killers still managed to win games. Why is that? Because survivors and killers weren't that good at the game. As both sides got better, and learned what was possible, it got more and more obvious how much a survivor was capable of if they were willing to not take hits or how to maximise killer shag.

    But if there was anything I would say is really needed was just a fix to the random spawn, not random as in where they spawn of the map. But random as in from each other and from a gen. Survivors should spawn relatively near each other and a short (5-10 sec) run from a gen. And be forced to decided between split pressure or trying to rush 1 gen. I would also prefer if a few of the weakest killers got buffed and some of the strongest got nerfed.

    This is ofc just my personal opinion (except the survivor sided thing, because thats just an obvious fact) but the game is not and never will be perfectly balanced

    TL;DR The game is more balanced right now than ever, and could just use a few tweaks.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    The changes have been more beneficial to Killers because of how survivor sided this game used to be. If you enjoyed the game back then but not anymore due to balancing, that‘s just because you enjoyed playing the much better role to get easier wins and can‘t deal with the fact that killers now have a higher chance of winning. In fact, many people agree that survivors when played optimally still have the upper hand.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited August 2020

    The game‘s balance has been improved so much over the past years. Killers aren‘t so underpowered anymore, not even close. Survivor isn‘t that easy anymore, playing survivor well against good killers definitely takes much more skill now. The game is in a pretty good state balance wise.

  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11

    I agree with you, it did start to improve but then it went to far. Seeing a fair share of deaths and escapes turning into matches ending a couple minutes in because killers one way or another are able to slug every survivor has shown the scale has been tilted. I never said nor do I want easy matches there’s absolutely no fun in that but I definitely don’t want multiple impossible matches either. Survivors don’t have a way to escape in the first few minutes of the game. Gen rushing still takes time and a very organized and well executed plan with very little interruptions from the killer most likely with SWF and how likely is that when majority of games is with randos? Also the comment that everyone makes about it’s a matter of being a skilled survivor can easily be said about killers so it’s pointless to say anymore. Back when the game “favored survivors” killers should have been fine with how the game was just use more skill and don’t complain...

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11

    It still something against it and after we are free you have plenty of ways of catching up and or finding us. Or are you saying that survivors get free and disappear just because of DS? It’s a perk that gives us a small chance and makes you work a little harder so killers just complain about it nonstop.

    If you play afraid of DS and leave us on the ground then that’s your fault and means killers need to play with more skill.

    So I guess with all the videos out there showing all the long lunges done by killers is latency on survivors ends too? Well that’s awesome all killers get the “killer” connection.

    yeah because killers would let their anger issues get the best of them and they would tunnel a survivor that could run them for 3-4 gens and then there was an uproar of cries from killers so they had to change it.

  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    when this game Cater to Killers did I fell through the looking glass?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Looks to me like a survivor complaint. Predicition: will be ignored, dismissed, and called bait

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    No, however, DS completely stops killer's snowball potential (when he doesn't tunnel) for atleast 15-20 seconds or longer (DS into a chase).

    Slugging is a tactic even high tier killers use, not only for DS.

    Yes, yes it is. Those lunges (from killers perspective) happen just at the tip of the animation. Or are you saying about those lunges before dedicated?

    And that is false. That is because survivors were too efficient at escaping. With all those pallets (that were mostly safe remind you) and windows you had to play badly or not know how to run to actually die.

    Oh and actually uproar of cries from killers so they had to change it. This could be potentially said about anything in this game. Ruin, old DS, Nurse, Spirit (kinda-ish).

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Did you just said that tenacity is good? I guess you don't play solo que or even survivor.