What if running no perks/add-ons/item gave a bp bonus?

Ie 25% to 50% per perk slot, and for a lack of item/add-ons on said item?.
Would be a very good buff for people beginning the game, making survivors/killers with a lack of perks for a build get bp more quickly, and for experienced players to gain them quickly at higher ranks/MMR by going perkless/addonless. Rewards challenge and allows for players who haven't progressed as far into the bloodweb to get things easier.
I'd be down for this, it would need to be 200% free BPs if you ask me.
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it would be worth it for survivors but it would be easy picking for killers, when hooking comes naturally for BBQ
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Can you imagine how many points you would get as killer if you just ran bbq and nothing else. it'd be insane.
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yes 400% according to what op thinks it should be 50% per slot, 6 slots plus bbq
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Keep in mind After game bonuses dont stack multiplicatively, IE BBQ +BPS + Event Cake is only 300% this would work the same way.
For a Killer it would be 100% +75% for three empty perk slots. The bonus shouldnt be affected by addons or offerings. The same applies to survivor items/addons and offerings. It should be straight for perks. This bonus would also help new killers get out of that BP generation rut where they have 1 perk and cant do anything ingame as well as being a challenge for more experienced players who want to farm BP.
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Exactly. 175% only counting perk slots at 25% or if at 50% would be 250%. I honestly don't think thats too nuts of an addition for killer or survivor (seeing as survivors can run wglf, which is harder to proc off, but still)
it would either be as if you ran a cake offering with no perks, or two cake offerings with no perks. Thats a valid detriment your putting yourself at, considering a majority of people just run the strongest things for their killer or survivor
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I think bonuses for less perks/add ons could actually be really fun