Friendly reminder to players.

Keys and mories have easy solution yet devs doesnt move an inch to change it.
For those who think what I mean:
Yellow Mori: no change, allow you to mori last survivor in the trial.
Green Mori:Allow you to kill a survivor that would die on hook instead.
Pink mori: Allow you to kill all survivors that would die in hook instead.
Keys can no longer spawn in a chest.
Green key: Keep the same.
Purple key: More charges, cant escape throught hatch.
Pink key:Allow open hatch.Only user can escape throught it. A bit increase in charges.
Killers wont be able to hook and mori a surv and killers wont have unfair escapes of surv throught hatch.
So devs what are you waiting to fix it?
Hatches need to be removed from the game with keys, earn your wins. Moris are fine and already come with a steep BP penalty for use. Deer Hunter and Whispers should be killer base kit.
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I dont deny the hatch use What I deny is 3-2 escapes by hatch becuz one item so I deny hook and kill method.
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I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic not. Because you can't actually believe that not only keys, but hatch in general needs to go, yet Moris are fine and should stay? Especially when you say that survivors should earn their wins, yet killers using Moris do anything but that.
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If your going to keep the escape through hatch mechanic, let the killer kill a survivor on first hook with an ebony mori.
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No, hatch is a resource for iridiscent key and only one person can escape throught it Mori allow killer to save time to the hook and bypass DS and flashlight save so its fair.
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Death hook moris would make moris pointless. Many mori animations take longer than it takes to hook someone. On top of that you wouldn't be able to gain the benefit of any hook perks like Pop/BBQ/Thrilling, etc. Moris also result in less points than a hook. What you propose would make moris a downside for killers. Here is a better change for moris and keys.
Fix moris by doing this:
- Make yellow Mori base kit. It's fun and changes nothing. If you are the last survivor and downed you are gonna die anyway.
- Make green and ebony Mori work off a token system. Every time a survivor is hooked you gain 1 token. Every time a generator is completed you lose 1 token. Once you have 3 tokens you can spend them to Mori 1 survivor.
- Green Mori still allows 1 kill
- Ebony Mori allows 2 kills, but at the start of the trial, the generator furthest from the killer is automatically completed.
- Moris are no longer secret.
You fix keys in a similar way:
- Keys can no longer be found in chests.
- Keys only allow 1 survivor through then the hatch closes.
- The key now has an animation and timer for opening. 5-10 seconds.
- Once the hatch has been opened by a key it can't be opened again for 60 seconds.
- If a survivor dies on hook while carrying a key it is removed from the trial.
This makes it so that survivors can gen rush a mori and take away their moris. It also means that killers who play badly wont get rewarded with a mori. It fixes keys by making it so you cant RNG one in the game. If you see a key, you can prepare for it and you have a way to eliminate it from the game without a perk. It also makes keys not a free escape for an entire team. It creates some interesting plays where a survivor on death hook might give their key to another survivor who is not to keep the key in the game. It also makes mori a bit fun because you will now see one in every 4k game, so killers who don't use moris might actually see the animations once in a while.
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So your solution is to make all but the pink key basically useless?
Nobody uses the green key for a reason, so making purple key just a longer use version is pointless.
Making moris require the person to be on death hook is equally as pointless unless you just want to avoid DS.
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Not even going to respond to that first person saying delete hatch and Moris are find. Low quality bait.
I can't get behind that key nerf. The numbers are utterly ridiculous. If you're going to remove them from chest then there's no reason multiple people shouldn't be able to escape. If I bring in an item that cost me 7k BP (and we all know getting BP as survivor is the worst), it better do more than just let me out and it's ridiculous that I would have to sit there for 5-10 seconds to use it. It's a key. It goes in the lock and you turn it. 3 seconds would be a maximum. Anything more is absurd
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Ermm did you read my post? You answering another one.
Btw key have more charges so you are able to have more reading auras etc we could even add a add on to find totems.
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You could make the argument that they are freaking out. You ever seen a movie where someone is trying to unlock their car when there's a killer on the loose? They fumble with the keys and it takes them a bit, then it turns out the killer is already inside the car. You get the idea.
Keys don't just exist to unlock the hatch though, they have addons that give you some powerful aura reading skills. People just often ignore those and use them solely for the hatch.
Also the bloopoint argument is bad, i don't think that should have a bearing on gameplay. I do think the grind needs to be fixed, but that is a different issue and i don't want to get into any "whataboutisms"
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I'm a rank 1 killer main with 1000 hours. Believe me, moris are too powerful, look at every other killer that has an iridecent addon. They always have some sort of downside for changing how the game is played. The iri mori basically makes the killer's objective faster, so the game is naturally going to be shorter, it needs some downside that allows survivors to still win within that short timeframe.
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Once I made a long answer explaining why moris are OK.
I can't remember my answer soo I can't give link, if you are bored browse my profile to find that answer.
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if survivors on death hook mori them is pointless Might as well hook them if this change happened.
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Even with those changes i suggested a mori will usually happen with 2-3 generators done. Once you have 1 survivor gone, if there are 2 gens left, you are going to win. With 1 gen left the survivors still have a shot.
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Actually there's one small mechanical thing that puts a glaring flaw in your plan, and is likely why the key portion of your reworks have not already been implemented. As a function of the game when there are two survivors remaining and 1 is removed from the match the Hatch opens. This means if one of two survivors uses a key to escape. Hatch then opens... again. Allowing 2 survivors to escape from the same hatch.
Don't get me wrong this is still a major improvement, but it will eventually feel like a sloppy fix as survivors begin to abuse this in excess due to losing their other key advantages. Additionally I believe with the changes you suggested you should swap the charge count on Iri and Very Rare keys. Iri keys then become specifically for opening hatches, and due to their small charge count
a new addon could be added that allows keys to track hatch if its within 32 meters (Left Behind but not a garbage perk edition).Nope i see the issue nowTo properly fix the issue you need to address the larger issues with a single survivor escaping the match solo without triggering the endgame. If a Survivor uses a key to escape, the entity moves the hatch to a new random location obstructing it for 15 seconds even if it would now be open, this also prevents the killer from closing it and disables its noise for the duration.
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Don't forget we have achievements that require escape with all teammates through the hatch.
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So suvivors need to earn their wins but killers dont? Or is this bait?
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I was bored so I went through this guys profile and found his answer.
(This post does not reflect my feelings, I just thought that I would get this guys idea over here for the discussion)
Ebony rework doesn't even make sense.
If the survivor has been hooked twice, the third hook would kill them. So what would be the advantage of throwing an ebony mori? None.
To kill a survivor on the 3rd attempt, we already have hooks, so that rework is pointless. The current ebony mori just skips 1 attempt, which is a real advantage for the killer, so that's why it's an offering. Offerings give advantages, your "rework" is not an advantage, it's just making ebony moris useless (I kinda feel that you are making this post out of a ragequit).
For this mori it seems that you have suggested 2 possible changes:
1- Kill one survivor who has been hooked, except the Obsession
Again, a nonsense. Mainly, because usually you don't want your obsession to die.
Most obsession-related perks are meant to give advantages to the killer while he is using his obsession for whatever reason.
The only case you would want to kill your obsession is if you are using an endgame build with "Remember me". In that case, you want to hit your Obsession as many times as possible and kill them.
So why would we change Ivory mori just to counter a perk that is not even OP?
2- Kill a survivor who has been hooked twice
This change is useless for the same reason your suggested change for ebony moris is.
A survivor who has been hooked twice, would die the next time he/she's is hooked. So what's the point on running an offering for that.
They don't need to be changed at all. They give advantages, of course, but that's the point of burning an offering.
It's true that ebony moris can be strong, but let's be real, we just use them from time to time when we want to have some fun.
Using moris will actually damage your performance as killer. So there's already a trade off for using them.
Finally, if you burn ebony moris survivors will unlock their true strength called "True sneaky&crazy gen rushing".
You will get 5 gens done and they will escape before you can even blink. So running ebony moris is actually more detrimental for killers that it is for survivors.
Usually killers who run ebony moris want to have fun, not to try hard. If I want to try hard, I'll pick a meta killer with meta perks, I don't need an ebony mori for that.
Ebony moris are cool and fun because of the animations. That's my only reason for using moris, because they damage my performance a lot.
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You're clearly unfair and killer biased. You don't get an opinion.
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PLEASE tell me this is bait....because if you're going by THAT flawed logic, mori's need to go. Earn your wins. No reason you should get easy insta removal from the game for something as easy as redowning the same survivor twice. That's dumb logic. That's hardly earning a kill... And the BP penalty is not nearly as bad as you say it is. I've mori'd 3/4 survivors on huntress and sit around 23K+. Nah it's not that heavy. Deer hunter should NOT be killer base kit. Just remove survivors ability to crawl if that's the case. Make it momentum based.
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Only first hook mori can bypass DS and flashlight. Tbh if i have the choice to mori someone or bring him to the hook i will always bring him to the hook because its save time unless its pyramid head final jugement that thing is faster