A pretty good example of counterplay.

Sweatiest spirit build and the kate still costed him like 3 gens because she would never let him get the injure and outsmarted him multiple times. Tru3s not the best killer but he has played spirit a lot and is basically using the "easiest killer in the game" by most people with a mori. Spirits at a big disadvantage if she cant get a injure on you and when tru3 would phase it looked like shed crouch walk to heavily reduce her noise. As well as using sprint burst to make space forcing him into phase. Unpredictability and using noises to her advantage tru3 literally had to bail on the chase so he could down the claud which let her get the last gen done. All this with probably the best spirit addons and a ebony lol. If he didnt have the ebony he probably would have actually lost the game because of her with spirit.
Isnt The power what people complain about though? Spirit randomly coming out beside you and smacking you? Didnt happen there. She would have forced him to use his power as a speed boost instead of its main use so i mean.
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I want to point out how much Tru3 was playing the guess game and learning the kate's gameplay when he could just play agresive or didn't use the power too much, that costed him giving the kate much more distance, and he shouldn't have called his own mistakes "counterplay" since the survivors can't force killers to play like that.
EDIT: I didnt see she didnt have fixated
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In this video you see a survivor who knows how to play against her, because they spent time learning her counterplay instead of crying for nerfs on the forums
Kate, if you see this, you earned my respect. Good job
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I mean he played that really bad against the kate,honestly.
He was constantly using his power when he wasn't supposed to.
This chase would have been a lot shorter if he just normally chased that kate,get the 1st hit and then use his power.
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She didn’t have Fixated. She had DS, Self-Care, Unbreakable and Sprint Burst.
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I think the counterplay, or lack thereof, is used as an argument in reference to someone who's playing at least semi-competently.
What I see here is several bad Spirit plays and a survivor getting away with murder because of that.
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my bad I stopped watching when the match ended
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Can we stop using this 7000+ hour streamer who is mediocre at best as some kind of prime example?
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I mean under that logic i guess every killer/survivor is overpowered because big surprise if you make mistakes against any killer or as any killer it gives the other side a advantage. And semi competently? His other chases besides Kate's lasted like seconds so id say he played really well. That or the other survivors didn't have the skill of kate.
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He could have just stood still to see how she reacts. But honestly it looked like he was challenging himself by phasing and predicting.
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Or he's just bad.
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I think he was trying to prove a point like "hey big surprise my powers not as overpowered as you think!"
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Id love to see you play spirit or against her against a top team ill wait itll be fun to see you get wrecked or make mistakes. Can i call you bad when you inevitably do?
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I don't play this game for a living and I'm not used as some kind of example rofl. Your argument is as bad as tru3's arguments.
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And Like that you just invalidated everything you say nice job.
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Can people honestly stop using true3 as an example for everything? He isnt that good.
I agree spirit has counterplay but true3 is just a bad example
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Don't take it personally, but I don't any idea how what you said has anything to do with what I said.
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Im just using him as a example. The kate knew how to handle spirits by using sprint burst to make him phase then just crouchwalking or walking/crouching unpredictably. He is a decent spirit though hes played her more than probably any other of his killers.
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Scott made a video, which included the mistake of using the power in long bursts. That is what tru3 did. Or, to say it easy - you dont prove anything by showing bad Spirits who get looped for a long time.
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That Everyone always says "oh the spirit made mistakes" "the spirit is bad" everyones human no spirit is gonna play perfectly every game. Everyones "forum spirit" is like a forum hanzo on overwatch where they never miss their shots.
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Oh cool by that logic people can never call somebody bad even tho he is bad because if he's better than them....wait what was your stupid reasoning again? Part of her power is mindgames, if he just phases every chance he gets then there's no mindgame to it, I'm not even gonna watch those dumb videos anymore because it's the same boring ######### everytime with him.
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This isn't a wrong statement either he still plays this game for a living and is at least way better than the average player
Post edited by terumisan on0 -
Aren't the only players that defend The Spirit's kit mains of her?
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Ok. And how does that provide an example of counterplay?
Spirit is a single player game in a chase. Sure you can beat her 4v1 by stealthing and holding m1 at every opportunity.
But in a chase, unless you happen to get a super safe window or pallet, then she gets a hit in seconds as long as she has hears and eyes. If she doesn't, it's on her, not the survivor.
It's just the way she's designed. I play as her here and then and I don't see the need to seek validation in stubbornly looking for counterplays when they don't exist. I just accept the way she worka and play what I like.
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I also don't think every killer should have counterplay, it's 1v4 a kiler needs to win a chase fast or the 80sec/gen is not justified. But saying "durr, she has counterplay if her controller ######### up" is just downright wrong
Her counterplay is hiding as with all killers who have a big TR/warning that they're coming.
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I Mean spirit and nurse are the only 2 used in tourneys because they have that much power because a godly swf tournament team will be able to loop,outsmart,and rush gens. Thats why if they want to fix spirit theyll have to figure out what to do with swf as well because a good spirit/nurse are the only 2 that can handle that kind of a team. Scott even mentions it in his sweat squad video basically admitting if survivors play like that "its like their watching a cutscene of them winning". Tru3s not wrong when saying that spirits current power is necessary with how fast paced the game is now. If all killers are "viable" then why dont i see a michael or ghostface at the top level of tournaments? Maybe she doesnt have counterplay right now but its kinda a necessary evil as shes one of the only ones who can down in seconds. Which is necessary right now.
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You're bouncing between arguments, maybe instead of touting what a guy with a lack of understanding in the game says form your own opinion. The game isn't played competitively and it will never be (no, your ######### 5k dollar price private tournament doesn't count). Most people who play this game are casuals, even the ones who have 6000+ hours in this game are terrible gamers in total with only knowledge in DBD who would get crushed in any other competitive game. Most of the time if you're even considering yourself a gamer you will 4k as a killer even against all odds, now make the game "balanced" and all those casuals who are derping around with their friends will just leave because they will never escape against any semi decent killer.
DBD IS A PARTY GAME, get it in your head. Streamers are biased as ######### when it comes to this part because most of them play it for a livinhg and probably a lot of them already secretly hate it but depend on it for a living. (Heck, look at Monto who always tried to breach out to other games of this genre but they always failed)
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My opinions that all killers should actually be able to handle a sweat squad and not get bullied because "they arent spirit and nurse"? Face it for a killer to be viable right now they have to deny loops. Scott also said that when talking about killers. (And scotts a lot better of a source than tru3 so if you have a problem with me using him thats on you). If you disagree play a match against a red rank swf with every killer and see what happens with every killer but spirit/nurse and maybe freddy doc and ph. Youll notice what the ones that can actually do something have in common
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Scott also said that those sweatsquats almost never happen, scott is also a guy who goes 30+ 4ks in a row with not only an unviable killer but also using a memebuild on him. Maybe look for info beyond your confirmation bias. The only thing this game needs is to close the gap between SWF and killer in terms of SOCIAL levels, in other words give the killer a way to be HUMANIZED by for example allowing pregame chat or ingame voicecoms for all or 8v2 etc etc.
The biggest problem that this game has is toxicity and that toxicity is multiplied by the fact that groupthink is amplified in an us vs them scenario with no communication in between.
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Why censor nicknames during game but why don't censored it on the scoreboard ? Neverminded ?
I don't know if this video is a good reference yet... but thanks to share it.
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You guys have a fetish with tru3talent or something? Apparently he is a god incapable of making mistakes now.