A pretty good example of counterplay.

Sweatiest spirit build and the kate still costed him like 3 gens because she would never let him get the injure and outsmarted him multiple times. Tru3s not the best killer but he has played spirit a lot and is basically using the "easiest killer in the game" by most people with a mori. Spirits at a big disadvantage if she cant get a injure on you and when tru3 would phase it looked like shed crouch walk to heavily reduce her noise. As well as using sprint burst to make space forcing him into phase. Unpredictability and using noises to her advantage tru3 literally had to bail on the chase so he could down the claud which let her get the last gen done. All this with probably the best spirit addons and a ebony lol. If he didnt have the ebony he probably would have actually lost the game because of her with spirit.
