When will SWF be addressed and balanced?

Simple question, when?!
They are working on it. The new Killer and his Perks should create a great impetus to do Bones. More objectives will slow them down a bit. SWF is an issue, and they are going to try to do it Perk style. While I'm dubious about the long term effectiveness of this approach, I have to give them the benefit of the doubt. They do this for a living; I don't.
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It can´t ever be truly balanced given the core game design and its asymetrical nature. All we can hope for is for the DEVs to take steps in the right direction.
I´m afraid phrasing it like that won´t net you more than a generic " This is something we bear in wind while further developing the game" kind of response though.
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wym balanced?
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Balancing SWF = Doing something against the excuse why they lose games.
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Simple answer, never!)
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Well, I guess losing to something unbalanced is an excuse..
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SWF is fine. Comms dont make the usual Red Rank Potatoes to godlike players. And nope, you are losing far less to Sweat-Squads as you think.
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Inb4 "bUt ThEy aRe jUsT fRieNds TrYInG To hAvE fUn" replies
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Interesting unpopular opinion..
So Spirit is fine, we agree?
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Never 👁️👄👁️
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SWF is what brings them business, they aren’t getting rid of it. They aren’t gonna take the ability to play with friends away to please bad killers.
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Comms don't make bad players good. Comms make good players excessive.
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Just so we are clear I did not suggest removing. I said addressing and balancing which is an entirely different matter.
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But that's exactly what it is, what do you want people to do lie to you so you'll feel better? It's a video game that's multiplayer and anyone can play however they want to have fun even you if you decide to bring iri heads and a Mori every single game which is totally possible I have over 300 of each on my huntress , it still doesn't change that people play the damn game to have fun not be in some boring hold m1 simulator and play like a square the whole match trying to have manners in a video game because "feelings", who would've thought people play games to have fun?
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People suggested many times, bridge the gap between SWF and solo survivor/buff solo and then buff killer accordingly. But they dont comment on it.
Also, with crossplay, they should start to consider some kind of internal voice chat or text chat or something. Its really bad not having the possibility to communicate with someone from a different platform..
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I dont see anything wrong when I lose against good players.
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That's kinda missing the point. I didn't say there was anything wrong with losing to good players.
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SWFs who destory Killers (you know, those which are very, very rare or, according to Forum and Reddit Killers are in 99% of their matches) will probably also be able to do the same while playing Solo.
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I don't believe that notion is necessarily true.
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If you’re asking when the devs will give SWF some kind of penalty for being a SWF, then never. They don’t want people to feel penalised for playing as a group and I think that’s fair.
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Solo players don't know where your traps are or where you are or instantly where your totem is because one guy saw it.
They also can't organize body blocks or flawless hook saves timed perfectly with adrenaline or know who does and does not have ds/bt
No matter how good you are, playing solo will cause you to make mistakes.
SWF killer did xyz traps are abc he is chasing me, he isn't chasing me, he went stealth towards x etc etc
Even worse is attempting to regress gens, you better believe if you chase someone off a gen and break it, one of his buddies will run over and tap/ finish it.
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I agree with your sentiments, but op is asking for balance not removal.
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Oh, it is. There are a lot of bad Killers in Red Ranks as well. Because Killer is easy as well, so of course there are people who are not that good at the game. DBD is not a hard game, but for some reason players think that they deserve to win every game.
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the killer is penalized for playing killer against swf
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You're kinda strawmanning by saying that Killers just want to win every game.
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No they’re not, the match is potentially harder due to voice comms but there’s no mechanical difference against a SWF or a team of solos. Killers don’t do their objective any slower, which is the commonly requested SWF debuff.
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Just iri heads or do you also carry infintry belts as well for the basement 4 hook combo?
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I said players, not Killer. This goes for Survivors as well, who complain about unreasonable stuff.
Would be nice, if you would not assume things, thank you :)
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Fair, I did misread. Let me amend my previous statement:
You're kinda strawmanning by saying that players just want to win every game.
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Then nurse and spirit are fine because good spirits/nurses should be able to beat sweat squads. Its a 4v1 after all and they have all coms.
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I mean, I have to assume that, considering how upset players get on this game if they dont 4K/escape. I stopped caring long ago and just have fun.
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That's still a strawman and isn't productive to the discussion.
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when in swf group a killer could be coming to the group gen with low tr maybe a perk or something but someone else see killer going that far tell the others before the killer gets there.
that mechanics killer can't defend for.
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The discussion itself has no sense at all, since BHVR will never do anything to SWF. Most SWFs ARE bad and BHVR will never punish people who play with friends. In fact, every SWF-Thread should be closed immediatly, since it is a useless discussion which is only bad for the Climate of the Forum.
But, to be more align to the forum (and being productive to the discussion as you wish) - BUH, SWF bad, Killers too weak!!!11
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I Mean the last statement is true for some killers against a decent swf clown michael ghostface and others with no map pressure cant be in 4 places at once. Im getting chased and tell my 3 friends to do gens. It takes killer 20 seconds to find me at the start 40 seconds to down me and 10 to hook me now 3 gens are done. Its not rocket science.
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Probably never. Solo survivors might get buffed to get up near SWF level....somehow. If that happens they wont have any excuses for not buffing killer anymore.
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You don't seem like you are discussing this in good faith.
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"Im getting chased and tell my 3 friends to do gens."
Yes, because Solos will never come to the conclusion to do Gens when they are not being chased.
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Well that just further proves gens are a problem doesnt it? Or killers lack of pressure. And survivors have problems with the killers who can actually handle it?
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Make kindred base kit for solo survivors. SWF will still get telepathy as their 5th perk, but it's a start.
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Sadly enough, probably never. However the new killer's perks seem promising, however i'd not put my hopes too high. The best you can currently do is to play top tier killers (Nurse,Spirit,Hag,Oni etc.)
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Me and my friends run stupid perks and vaulting into the killer.
But yeah, we only do it to tryhard.
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Never. The devs encourage it with channels just for SWF on thier official discord, don't care about making killers good enough to take them on, won't make a seperate ranked vs casual modes so SWF can only go in casual, and won't nerf perks on survivors or give killers more perks to help them counter survivors who have 4 times the number they do, and all of the meta survivor perks are MUCH better then meta killer perks.
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I really don't play huntress alot so no lol I'm a nurse main
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Lol well hint use iron grip shrine and territory so you know when they rush the basement and your not nearby then just stand at stairs with the hatchet's get the downs reload and repeat easy kills
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SWF was added after the game had been made to appeal to more people. Now most people are survivor mains and most survivor mains play SWF because it's basically cheating lol.
It also has the nasty side effect of making solo survivor frustrating when you know if you had your friends you could just be bullying the killer. Solo is more exciting tho, im really not sure which i prefer because i don't care that much about winning. I think the killer should get a buff but i don't know what the buff should be and i don't think the devs care much because again, the game was designed for solo survivors ONLY. They have a long time to adjust it accordingly lol. Maybe they can't think of anything either. It should at least tell you who's together because that information alone can help you make in game choices, like putting a trap in front of a person on the hook. Some bonus BP too
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Simple answer: Stop complaining that someone just has friends to play with
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They've stated plenty of times it was always in the plans to add SWF if it became popular enough
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Lmao as fun as that sounds I think I'll pass
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SWF is completely balanced. Sure, they have the advantage lf communication, but when it comes to down to it, whether you win or lose comes down to you skill level vs their skill level. Good players matched with other good players in solo queue can be just as good as decent players in SWF.