The clown is an inferior version of the new Freddy



  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    I think Clown should be able to buff himself with his own bottles. Lets can spend one or two bottles, which plays a short animation of the Clown inhaling or drinking the contents of a bottle, and then afterwards, he recieves a speed boost.

    While a buff is active, you cannot throw bottles.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Great write up - Clown needs a buff, but Freddy also needs a nerf.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    Clown is inferior version of everyone lul .. his Kit is so mundane + limitations like manual recharge (clouds scatter too much when you throw the bottle at higher spots on a tree).

    You pretty much play a M1 Killer when you play Clown.

    I wish they would improve him a bit like:

    -Intoxicated Surv do not see Redstain

    -Direct Bottle Hits apply Intoxicate Survivors way longer

    -Bottle spawn more Clouds so you can throw em at higher Spots so they cover a bigger area (atm a bottle spawn x clouds and for every sec of not touching the ground they drift further away this creates huge gaps and survivor can run straight through)(they fact that a bottle thrown at a higher spot takes longer to reach the ground should make up for the fact that it would cover a bigger area).

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    kinda, freddy punishes looping the same pallet after the fact and clown punishes before and during, you can play around freddy snares easily if you just loop to different structures, clown you don't get much of a choice because some placed where the bottles are thrown cover way too much area

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    Clown is only good with his pinky finger add on in my opinion as that fixes his lethality as a killer needs either strong mobility or lethality to be viable and the clown has either. That's not to say he cannot end chases quickly and get 4ks but other killers can do it with less effort and its near impossible to do on a large map against red rank SWF 😬

  • loveontherocks
    loveontherocks Member Posts: 22

    Freddy is better because of his teleport and ability to sneak up on sleeping survivors If it was just a choice between bottles or snares I'd take bottles every time. They serve a similar purpose, most of the time just making a surv drop a pallet earlier than they would like, but clown can actually use bottles to catch up after kicking a pallet before they get to the next loop. Freddy cant do that. Also awake survivors are immune.