Cool Killer Ideas

DeBest2879 Member Posts: 11
edited August 2018 in Creations

This is a list of fun ideas for different killers for them to add to the game. This is also open for anyone else's ideas, I will read your ideas and add them to the list. Please enjoy and don't forget to submit your own ideas.

My Ideas:

The soldier: The soldier is a military based killer that wields a military machete and uses flash bangs to disorient his victims. His original outfit is standard Marine clothing. Prestige is called Veteran clothing. Different outfits are WWII soldier, Sargent, Captain and Private. Different weapons for each, WWII(A gun barrel with a bayonet), Sargent(Large Tonto Knife), Captain(Darkened military machete), Private(Flimsy Military Machete).

The Knight: The Knight is a killer that wields a broadsword and charges up his shield charge. He can only preform a shield charge for 10 seconds but one hits his victims and immediately picks them up after a successful charge is hit. His outfits are Black Knight, Red knight, White Knight and Holy Knight.

The Reaper: The reaper wields his great battle ax and throws knives. He is a cross between a viking and a barbarian. Armor made of dark steel. Different outfits are samurai(Katana weapon) and Executioner(Executioner ax weapon)

Other peoples Ideas:


The Krampus. Has a rope and a sack. Can do a special lunge attack where he can put 'Naughty' and wounded Survivors in the sack. Survivors in the sack can't be saved by stunning or blinding the killer. Survivors can gain a 'Naughty' status by stunning, blinding, destroying totems and hooks and by taking items from chests. While Naughty the Survivor will glow and their aura will be visible to the killer.

The Scarecrow. Has a scythe. Can place decoys of himself based on the number of unfinished generators. Decoys give big debuffs to survivors and have the terror radius and red stain of the killer, the killer also has a smaller terror radius than normal. Survivors can remove them. However performing that removal action on the killer will mean you get grabbed. Can teleport to decoys to trade places based on a long cooldown and an alert sound.

The Angel. Has claws. Looking at the Angel within 8 meters with unobstructed vision stops her from moving. However looking at her also rapidly decreases your range of vision, eventually giving you several seconds of not being able to see anything. Has an active to scream which blind all survivors within 8 meters for several seconds and which also turns her invisible for the duration.

The Poacher. Has a chain. Can grab the hook from hooks and attach it to his chain, sabotaging the hook. He can use his special attack to throw his chain with hook. If it hits a survivor the hook is stuck in them and he starts reeling them in. If he is stunned or blinded during reeling or when he is carrying a survivor then the survivor still has the hook stuck in them while they run away. They cannot be healed while it is stuck and it can only be removed by another survivor. Using the ranged chain attack without a hook can still be used to reel in a survivor with a hook stuck in them. Can hook survivors on sabotaged hooks if they have a hook stuck on them.


Post edited by DeBest2879 on


  • Piekenier
    Piekenier Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2018

    Also made quit some concepts myself, but to keep things short:

    The Krampus. Has a roe and a sack. Can do a special lunge attack where he can put 'Naughty' and wounded Survivors in the sack. Survivors in the sack can't be saved by stunning or blinding the killer. Survivors can gain a 'Naughty' status by stunning, blinding, destroying totems and hooks and by taking items from chests. While Naughty the Survivor will glow and their aura will be visible to the killer.

    The Scarecrow. Has a scythe. Can place decoys of himself based on the number of unfinished generators. Decoys give big debuffs to survivors and have the terror radius and red stain of the killer, the killer also has a smaller terror radius than normal. Survivors can remove them. However performing that removal action on the killer will mean you get grabbed. Can teleport to decoys to trade places based on a long cooldown and an alert sound.

    The Angel. Has claws. Looking at the Angel within 8 meters with unobstructed vision stops her from moving. However looking at her also rapidly decreases your range of vision, eventually giving you several seconds of not being able to see anything. Has an active to scream which blind all survivors within 8 meters for several seconds and which also turns her invisible for the duration.

    The Poacher. Has a chain. Can grab the hook from hooks and attach it to his chain, sabotaging the hook. He can use his special attack to trow his chain with hook. If it hits a survivor the hook is stuck in them and he starts reeling them in. If he is stunned or blinded during reeling or when he is carrying a survivor then the survivor still has the hook stuck in them while they run away. They cannot be healed while it is stuck and it can only be removed by another survivor. Using the ranged chain attack without a hook can still be used to reel in a survivor with a hook stuck in them. Can hook survivors on sabotaged hooks if they have a hook stuck on them.

    The Poacher I think would be the nicest addition of these. Having an interesting dynamic with hooks and a medium range skillshot attack with a high skillcap.

  • Jeff_is_my_God
    Jeff_is_my_God Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2019



    Post edited by Jeff_is_my_God on
  • Jeff_is_my_God
    Jeff_is_my_God Member Posts: 4

    Here are my ideas

    The Angel


    Killer based on Mothman. Normal terror radius but his red stain comes from his beaming red eyes instead of coming from his feet.



    The Angels power would be used to help track survivors down. The power let's the Mothman hover above the map for a short moment... It would not be op or really high up it would just work like this- Mothman screeches then flies up, he only goes as high as the height of the t-walls and when he's hovering he moves slightly faster, after the hover is complete he will be stunned like nurse after a blink. It will be called Moths Cry.



    His weapon would be his razor sharp talons for a two hit kill. I think it would be quite cool if he cleaned them off of the ground.



    White face, beaming red eyes, huge wings and a black body... I think the outfits would make them have their wings coloured like birds... There could be like a parrot skin and maybe like a magpie skin.



    (I remembered to take into account how all killers have to be able to get a use from the perks so I tried to keep that in mind)

    1. Shiny light - For the first 2/3/5 seconds when a survivor enters your terror radius they are completely immobilised, this can only be used 3 times.

    2. Unforgettable eyes - You become obsessed with one survivor. You can see this survivors aura whenever they go on a generator. When you hit the survivor the perk is used up.

    3. Hex-You're mine - Every survivor that has been hooked gets skill checks for just walking around. The skill checks are incredibly easy and will rarely show up like maybe one every two minutes and no other perks or add-ons can effect its difficulty. This perk is disabled during chases and will be disabled for good when the totem is destroyed.

    The Angels perks are supposed to halt survivor movement and make them useless for short periods of time... Another theme as all of these perks can be used up. Skilled players will choose to save their obsession untill later on when their are less gens and they can track down their obsession without difficulty.


    The Hazard


    Killer based on people with hazmats who work with terrible nuclear radiation... This hazmat workers helmet came off just not long enough to kill him... But enough to mutate him forever.

    Also the red stain could be green because of the radiation or something.



    The Hazard has a power up of sorts. His power is called Waste. He opens up a small jar of hazardous waste and downs it in one gulp. This waste gives him a temporary speed boost. He will only be able to carry one at a time ( if they have no add ons selected ) and will refill them with special green glowing crates scattered across the map, much like the Huntress and lockers.



    His weapon will be a glowing case with sawblades sticking from it. He will clean his weapon by spraying it with a small water squirter (It won't take any longer than any other cleanings.)



    A bulky tall man in a large yellow hazmat suit with a cracked foggy screen. His hands will not be protected with gloves and they will be horribly mutated and reddish like Freddy's skin.



    1. I don't see - Any bright item such as flashlights or party starters don't affect you at all but pallets stun you 3x/2x/1.5x longer

    2. Hex - Don't stop - Every time the killer is hit by a pallet they get a stack. Once they get to stack 3 every stack from then on increases your movement speed in chases right after being stunned in any way by 5% with a maximum of 20% speed increase after stunned. This effect lasts until the hex totem is destroyed.

    3. Endgame - When a survivor is in the killers terror radius after the exit gates are powered that survivors terror radius is shown to you.

    The Hazards perks and power are all about chasing... The Hazard loves to chase his victims for short periods of time so he has time to deal with other survivors. His map could be a nuclear power plant.

    Yours sincerely Rhoan MacDonald.

  • Seb2go13
    Seb2go13 Member Posts: 1

    The swarm

    Uses a bee smoker as a weapon.

    Power: Hive

    Spawns with 5 hives. When a survivor is within 16 metres of a hive, they will suffer the stung status, similar to deep wounds, but with a twist; if the survivor lingers near the hive they will continue getting stung, but if they leave the radius of the hive, they will gradually recover over time.

    Survivors can dismantle the hives but at the cost of getting stung 75% faster. If a survivor lingers near a hive for too long they will be put into the injured state, and eventually, the dying state. 1 min 15 sec for survivors to be fully stung.

    The swarm requires 30 seconds until they can spawn another hive. Spawning a 6th hive instantly removes the oldest hive.


    - Hex: cauterize

    If a survivor attempts to heal within 32 metres of the hex totem, their healing speed is reduced by 15/30/45%

    - Sweet scent

    Become obsessed with 1 survivor. When other survivors are within 3/5/7 metres of your obsession is outside of your terror radius, they will be revealed to you. Distortion negates this perk completely.


    Everytime a survivor is unhooked you gain a token, up to a maximum of 4. When hitting a healthy survivor with maximum number of tokens, instantly put them into the fying state. However, hitting injured survivors results in in a loss of 3/2/1 tokens.

  • Branden
    Branden Member Posts: 1

    I've always loved the idea of a voodoo type killer, they hold a doll and it morphs into The image of whatever survivor they use it on, I'm not that creative tho so if someone wants to polish this idea that would be awesome

  • LordSchitkunt
    LordSchitkunt Member Posts: 1

    Joesph Stalin.

    Weapons would be Hammer and Sickle.

    Perks - Straight to Gulag, Hunger Trouble, Uncertain history, Sees everything. Double Trouble.

    Straight to Gulag - When hitting a person in a 5-10 M range of a Generator, one hit takes them down. When down dying speed increased by 20-50%.

    Hunger Trouble - After hooking a player, instantly injure players outside a 20 M radius. (Players can heal selves without kit, like unbreakable once you get hit).

    Uncertain History - Within 10-15 seconds of hooking a player, the hooked players aura is hidden to all un hooked survivors.

    Sees Everything - Scratch Marks and blood marks appear for 3 seconds longer, then within a 5 -10 M radius of a Survivor, see his aura for 3 Seconds (but in 5 - 10 M radius hidden scratch marks of survivor).

    Double Trouble - When survivors get “reunited” with someone see their aura for 3-6 seconds.

    Survivors Could be like Leon Trotsky idk. Let me know what you guys think

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I've made a few concepts myself. I'll just put their links here, since each page goes in depth on their abilities and perks. Most of these have a survivor with them.

    The Fixer:

    The Slender (Slenderman Chapter):

    The Angel:

    The Pirate:

    The Knight (Mine also has a shield bash, but also a lunge... but that was before Demo came out):

    And for a bonus, I have a solo Survivor, Charlotte:

    I have more, but they're not on this site yet, and until these others are given feedback, I won't bother quite yet.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited November 2019

    The power is passive. This would be a weaker killer in practice (an M1 killer like Micheal or Wraith). If they had the ability to control the bees, maybe send them to attack survivors in a chase to distract them... then maybe this would work. idk.

    Hex: Cauterize shouldn't be a hex perk. It's too weak, like Huntress' Lullaby or Thrill of the Hunt.

    Sweet Scent: I like the concept, but I think a better way to word it would be this:

    • Become obsessed with one survivor. When other survivors enter a 3/5/7 meter radius of the obsession, their aura is revealed to the killer. Distortion and Sole Survivor negates this perk.

    That would make it more clear. I like the concept a lot, and encourages perks that are barely used... rather like how Stridor counters Iron Will.

    Enraged: Seems like a worse Make Your Choice. One that doesn't really work. It's impossible to get all 4 tokens because there is no one shot ability with this killer (with exception of the hives, but that's passive and preventable). I would change this to an obsession perk.

    • Become obsessed with one survivor. When a survivor is unhooked, you gain a token. At the maximum of 4, the next survivor to be hit by you will be put in the dying state. Hitting your obsession makes you lose 3/2/1 tokens.

    That would be better, imo, and would synergize with Save The Best For Last and Dying Light.

    I like the concept a lot, and this is my opinion on it.

  • AceupAsleeve
    AceupAsleeve Member Posts: 20

    Maybe Springtrap from the five nights at Freddy's series

    of course they will have to get scotts permission first

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    The T-1000 Terminator

    Ok cause it is machine it will have alot of passive changes.

    Passives: As the T-1000 is not a living organism, it emits not terror radius, but its heavy mechanical footsteps and mechanical grinding can be heard from at maximum 10 meters away.

    The T-1000's steel body is strong and is thus resistant to Stuns, thus it recovers 50% faster from any for of stun and breaks pallets and doors 50% faster but it's clumsy and slow body makes it traverse awkward terrain harder and the T-1000 Vaults windows 50% slower and is slowed down by 20% for 2 seconds if it falls from a high platform.

    Activate Ability: Organic Life Form Detection UAV. The T-1000 calls upon a UAV that follows the machine from directly above it for 10 seconds. During this time, any survivor that is within 10 meters from the T-1000 will be highlighted to the killer.This ability has a cool down of 30 seconds.

    2de Ability: Termination: If all Generators are completed, the T-1000 can "Terminate" the obsession outright if they are downed.

  • Usaucyboi
    Usaucyboi Member Posts: 1

    Here are my ideas i want to be seen by behavior.


    The Cardinal- a medieval catholic priest killed for having thoughts of reform.

    Weapon------ a candlelabra or a lantern with a cross themed dagger

    Ability 1- this ability is called lights out. The priest uses his candlelabra or lantern and blows out thelight causing complete darkness for 15 seconds. The only thing heard being footsteps.

    2. Offering- after a sacrifice to the entity the killer can request an offering of another player for the sparing of the other for the time being. If the offered sacrifice of the trade he /she becomes the obsession and is given a deafened status effect until the obsession ends or a new offering is given

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    solider sounds the same as clown

    knight sounds like pyramidhead

    reaper sounds like huntress

    krampus: like forvever? all of those things give the killer permant perfect information on the survivor? sounds op

    scarecrow: much more information needed to say anything about it

    angel: needs refining but easily the best idea on here by a mile

    poacher: sounds one addon away from being deathslinger

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Here’s mine, any critiques are welcomed:

    Chapter Title:

    The Consequences of Conquest


    The Priestess

    Name: Anacaona



    Anacaona was born in a small village outside a large sprawling city. She was Aztec and was born a younger twin sister Apozanolotl. During the birth, her mother died leaving her father, sister, and self to continue on. Life was tough for them, especially, when it came to money. They lived without food for very length periods while making the most of every single object. Almost to the point where they would had to share clothes, all three of them. Eventually, her father sold Anacaona at the age of thirteen to a local priest to help both his daughters survive. In the end, Anacaona would resent him for that decision for the rest of her life. However, she adapted. Slowly climbing her way through the temple life to her freedom, education, and power. At the age of sixteen, she officially freed herself from slavery and became an apprentice priestess that would assist in sacrifices. Anacaona was, at first, disguised by the mutilation of people. Yet, she started to take pleasure in the pain and torture she afflicted. Even, proud when she can prolong their suffering for extend durations of time. When she turned eighteen, just before her official indoctrination as a full-fledge priestess, a group of Spanish explorers invaded the city and massacred its inhabitants. Anacaona escapes the city and tried to hide in her childhood home, with her father. Yet, when she arrived, she found her father beheaded and hung from the door by other Spanish men. Anacaona scared of what do next uses her apprentice’s arthana to cut out her father’s heart in the hope to bring him to rest after the invasion. She eventually returned to the temple to find everyone slaughtered and the building desecrated. The sight saddened her immensely, she climbed up the cracked stairs to the massive alter at its peak. Anacaona laid down on its cold surface and stabbed her knife into her chest, clutching her father’s in the right hand. Her sacrifice was ultimately unheard, except by one being. Who drew Anacaona into the mist and began giving her unlimited sacrifices. So that maybe, after enough blood is spilled, her home will be restored.


    Ability: Father’s Heart

    The very heart of the man that sold her. It radiates fear and despair. The vessel seems to attune itself to those who are feeling the same fear and agony that he once felt. 

    +When holding the ability button, the ability will charge for 5 seconds then reveal the auras of all survivors outside a given radius, the range is determined by the percentage of blood collected: 1-20% 60 meters, 21-40% 50 meters, 41-60% 40 meters, 61-80% 30 meters, 81-100% 20 meters.

    -When activated the blood collected will drain as long as the ability button remains pressed.

    -When using the ability, The Priestess’s movement speed will be moderately (-20%) decreased and will be stunned or blinded significantly (+50%) longer.

    +When holding the melee attack button, The Priestess will charge her arthana then proceed to stab herself after both the melee attack button is released and the attack is fully charged. When this occurs every survivor within a given radius is damaged by only one heath state, the range is determined by the percentage of blood collected: the percentage of blood collected multiplied by .5 meters.

    -All blood collected will be drained after the attack is used.

    -The Priestess will be stunned for 7 seconds and hindered for 3 seconds after the stun.



    The Blackened Arthana

    A gold-handled ritual knife that was used to cut the hearts out of the sacrificed and slit the throats of the damned. It craves blood and thrusts for pain. Its once ivory blade has tarnished from its sins. 


    Teachable Perks:

    +Grand Sacrifice=You are obsessed with one survivor. If you hook your obsession, you will receive a 10/20/30% increase in action and recovery speed. If your obsession dies on hook, gain the ability to kill one survivor. The killer can only be obsessed with one survivor.

    -Your meticulous selection and devotion to sacrificing has caught the entity’s attention, granting you more power if you succeed.

    -“Only the best blood will appease the gods” -Anacaona 

    +Hex: Broken Promise= At the start of the match, your aura will be revealed to all survivors closer than 30 meters until they complete their 4th/3rd/2nd generator. When your aura is hidden, all survivors receive the exposed status effect for 45 seconds. This effect is reapplied each time a generator is completed, when the 5th generator is completed all survivors also gain a considerable (-25%) decrease in all action speed.

    -The entity allows you to make a special deal before that match that you don’t plan on keeping.

    -“The promise of good will can easily be soured.” -Anacaona 

    +Precise=When using a melee attack, if successful, apply the hemorrhage and hindered status effect until fully healed.

    -Your years of training to maximize pain and agony amongst your sacrifices have taught you where to hit for the most dramatic results.

    -“Even the smallest prick can cause the greatest harm.” -Anacaona 



    +Cracked Icon [common]

    -slightly (+3 meters) increase effective range of abilities.

    +Worn Icon [uncommon]

    -moderately (+6 meters) increase effective range of abilities.

    +Dark Icon [rare]

    -considerably (+9 meters) increase effective range of abilities.

    +Polished Icon [very rare]

    -drastically (+12 meters) increase effective range of abilities.

    +Corrupted Icon [Ultra-rare]

    -drastically (+12 meters) increase effective range of abilities.

    -moderately (-1.5 seconds) decrease to charge time of abilities.

    +Dirty Hilt [uncommon]

    -slightly (-.5 seconds) decrease charged melee attack charge time.

    +Dark Hilt [rare]

    -moderately (-1.5 seconds) decrease charged melee attack charge time.

    +Black Hilt [very rare]

    -considerably (-3 seconds) decrease charged melee attack charge time.

    +Diluted Blood Wine [uncommon]

    -Any action that gives blood (i.e. successful melee attacks, successful charged attacks, and bleeding survivors) will provide 50% more blood.

    +Used Blood Wine [rare]

    -Any action that gives blood (i.e. successful melee attacks, successful charged attacks, and bleeding survivors) will provide 100% more blood.

    +Pungent Blood Wine [very rare]

    -Any action that gives blood (i.e. successful melee attacks, successful charged attacks, and bleeding survivors) will provide 200% more blood.

    +Dark Sutures [very rare]

    -Considerably (30%) decrease the amount of blood that Father’s Heart can hold.

    -Slightly (+2 meters) increase the range of the aura reading ability.

    +Father’s ring [ultra-rare]

    -When using your aura reading ability, be able to lock your ability to reveal only one survivor’s aura for an twice as long with no distance restrictions. The aura reading ability will go into a 15 second cool-down and no abilities including the charged melee attack will be useable during that period. Blood will be unable to be collected as well.

    +Mother’s Placenta [ultra-rare]

    -You are able to disregard any negative effects of using your aura reading ability, however, you are unable to use your charged melee attack and the duration of the ability is halved.

    +A Rotten Heart [ultra-rare]

    -When using the charged melee attack, anyone outside it’s range will have to complete a difficult skill check. If failed, their aura will be revealed for 10 seconds and be inflicted with the exposed status effect. You are unable to use your aura reading ability while using this add-on.

    +Sister’s doll [ultra-rare]

    -Any survivor that harmed by the charged melee attack is given deep wound and mangled status effect if they were not put into the dying state by it. 


    Other stats:

    Height: Average

    Speed: 120 | 4.8m/s

    Race/Ethnicity: Native American, Aztec

    Terror Radius: 30 meters



    A girl of average height covered in ceremonial scars and markings. She has a normal face but a large stab wound over her heart.

    Basic= Torn, traditional priestess clothes and the black blade arthana

    Prestige= Fully mended traditional priestess clothes and a ivory arthana



    Please give any criticisms.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    These are my ideas. I’m just gonna give the names. I have lots of ideas. If u find the name of the killer interesting u can feel free to look at my profile and look at the powers.

    The Stretch. The Wrestler. The Ophthalmologist. The Drag Queen. The Spear-Shooter. The Coronavirus.

    And these are my Chapters that I have made.

    The Surgeon. New Survivor. Georgia Griffin. A Surgery Gone Wrong.

    The Link. New Survivor. Lucy Thomson. Linked together forever.

    The Dentist. New Survivor. Dennis Went-Worth. Tooth Fairy From Hell.

    The Witch. New Survivor. Taylor Williams. The Cauldron Creation.

    The Ghost. New Survivor. Amy Wexler. A Haunting To Remember.

    The Agent. New Survivor. Agatha Riley. A Futuristic Present.

    The Goop. New Survivor. Carla Winter-ton. Once Upon A Slime.

    The Crow. New Survivor. Piper Lockwood. A Flying Darkness.

    The Mummy. New Survivor Jessica Smith. The Collapsed Of The Hidden Tomb.

    The Time-Warper. New Survivor. Callum Phillips. A Mischievous Time.

    The Starver. New Survivor. Tony Lockhart. Death Of A Hateful Hunger.

    The Farmer. New Survivor. Samantha Bales. Deadly Tales Of The Bales.

    The MegaTotem. New Survivor. Ryan Ford. Bones Of The Unforgiven.

    The Mannequin. New Survivor. Barbara Middleton. Mannequins Of Human Flesh.

    The Crawler. New Survivor. Jack Reynolds. Mines Of Terror.

    The Clone. New Survivor. Rhia Taylor. Cloned For The Better.

    The Bride. New Survivor. Joseph Stevens. The Wedding Disaster.

    The Glitch. New Survivor. Hero (A Robot). The Spread Of A Virus.

    I have been making chapters for over a year. These are all of my creations. Some don’t even have any comments on. Please let me know what u think! I put so much effort into them.

  • Rammos
    Rammos Member Posts: 5

    This is my Killer Concept, The Mistress (Succubus-like Killer)

  • JoeFox
    JoeFox Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2020

    1) The Alien, has the power to transport quickly around the map at predetermed random locations using a technologically advanced wrist computer, It claws at it's enemies and also is able to abduct it's victims. Adbuction is a sort of trap that may be placed in the gamer area by the Alien and will yank a survivors off the ground and holds them a couple feet off the ground. Only one of the 2-3 traps the Alien can place may be triggered at one time and another survivor must rescue the abducted survivor by deactivating the trap.

    New Map: Area 51 or an Abandoned Airforce Base

    2) The Swagman, Australlian outback drifer, (think Wolfs Creek) has a .22 rifle that he can use to shoot at people from a distance. However, it can only be used to injure them. A blow from the Swagman's machete must be used to finally down them. He also has a keen sight and can see better than most in the dark.

    New Map: The lodge in the Australian Outback.

    3) The Werewolf, has a sprint mode where the beast can run on all fours at great speed, however the beast can only attack once it has moved into a bipeadal position on two legs, this takes a second or two. Also has a blood curtling howl that can effect survivors in different ways depending on distance, causing them to have a skill check activate, scream out in terror, stop them from exiting a locker out of terror or even reveal themselves with an aura. (The effect is randomized but certain add ons cause effects to more likely happen over others)

    New Map, Transylvania Forest

  • HuntressRulesLegion
    HuntressRulesLegion Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021

    Okay the name The Player

    Selena was training to become the best college basketball player ever. Her parents pressured her to be the best with unfair rules regarding sports and friends. She was very agreeable although the pressure she was in. If she failed she was beaten. One day the building they practiced at caught on fire and her teammates, sister and parents left her to burn. She suffered severe burns making it almost impossible for her to live. Her extreme hatred turned to her friends and family who left her to die. When she returned home she murdered her mother and father, but her sister ran out the back door. She uses a axe and small dagger. The police came and found her missing. Now she takes her anger out on all the survivors especially when they work as a team.

    power: like the clown she has ashes which when used the survivors can’t see for 5 seconds but a perk can make it longer. After they are hit once if they aren’t healed they’ll die edventually.

    Looks: Burns cover most of her body and her blonde hair is burnt.A blue burnt jacket and black leggings. She is faster then most killers and can jump pallets and vault windows.

    Perks: When survivors work on gems together she can see there location for 2 seconds. She was given the powers to burn generators and damage them completely making survivors start over no matter the progress. One perk makes her faster, and the other makes the time the survivors can’t see longer. Also if they are unhooking she can see the twos presence.

    Map: The burnt sport center and storage area. It has the basement near the workout part of the sport center. There is an upstairs and has many cars.

    Survivor: (this one is random) Andrew is the younger brother or Selena’s friend and left her to die. He is small and agile. He has brown hair and light skin, and is pretty fast. He has empathy perks and can find injured survivors. He is wearing a basketball team sweatshirt of Selena’s old team and black leggings.

    Post edited by HuntressRulesLegion on
  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    For me, I hate the dev's "only humanoid" killer plan.

    It's reductive to creativity, and if they're worried about how that kind of killer would work in a setting the art and design teams'll carry them because they're disgustingly good at coming up with things people like, and the team that codes them into the game is good at taking that work away and making them dull.

    My dream killers would either be a hulking eldritch type, that floats across the map. To attack it would open itself to reveal writhing, screaming people trapped inside that claw at the survivor the killer is attacking. (NO idea what it would actually do but it'd be kinda spooky)

    a monster that is essentially a lumbering human with a giant mouth, with stretchy arms that can travel without limit, that drags the survivors kicking and screaming to bite them, while the survivors can grab onto terrain to hold themselves back (Deathslinger but more tense and spooky, fun but probably not effective)

    A blob monster filled with writhing screaming faces, that can remove all progress from a generator, block windows, and destroy pallets before they're thrown, at the hefty cost of low speed.

    Or a monster with the ability to leap from pieces of terrain, and tackle survivors in place, tearing at them before lifting them up. (Essentially a pounce killer that can down in one hit, is really fast, but really difficult to control and moves slowly when not hopping around)

    If these types of killers were to be implemented, I guarantee they'd be fun, but everyone would complain about them being underpowered and go back to playing spirit, freddy and nurse. as the cycle has always been

  • Paintingexpress
    Paintingexpress Member Posts: 13

    I have so many ideas for mechanics or so for the game. here is a killer I thought up of.

    Killer: The Demon

    Tall - 4.4 m/s


    In the Shadows: Your malevolence creates distrust among your victims. After hitting your obsession with a basic attack, that survivor is affected by In the Shadows. The next skill check the obsession faces while healing another survivor will instantly be failed, but present no regression. The survivor being healed will reveal their location for 6 seconds. In the Shadows has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds/ Cooldown doesn't begin until the obsession's skill check activates.

    Hex: Fight or Flight: A hex rooting its power on cowardice. After a survivor remains in your terror radius for 20/15/10 seconds without entering a chase, that survivor will scream if they are within 16 meters of you. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

    Occupying Thrillers: Your emanation is enough to disturb those who are unbeknownst to you. While in a chase, all other survivors will suffer from a 10/15/20% action speed penalty to repairing and healing speeds.

    -Power: Evil Incarnate

    Press the active ability button to hold Transposition. While holding transposition, you move incredibly slower, but you can aim at a survivor. Press the M1 button to activate Possess. When pressed, you will be launched forward through all objects (only on the Z access) in a straight line of 12 meters. If missed, you will be sent back to the area of origin. If you successfully run into another survivor during possess, you take control of the survivor for 45 seconds.

    While Possessed. The Survivor is unable to be directly harmed. You emit no terror radius. You see killer instinct of survivors within 32 meters. Survivor moves at normal survivor movement speed. You may move the survivor wherever you please. YOU ARE ONLY ABLE TO VAULT AND MOVE the survivor. At any point during possession, you may perform Release. When you Release a survivor near another survivor, regardless of direction, all survivors within 4 meters of the Possessed will become injured/dying except for the survivor Possessed. After release, you will be removed from the survivor's body right next to the possessed survivor, and enter a 5 second fatigue.

  • Jimshoebob_jaZ
    Jimshoebob_jaZ Member Posts: 2

    New Killer Idea (Critique Me)


    Justice is often described as blind, and in the case of Officer Lex, this saying couldn't be farther from the truth. Lex was an Officer in Uniform by day and a hardened criminal by night. He found no harm in betraying those who trusted him, taking bribes and looking the other way becoming a lifestyle. But one bribe Lex lived to regret. Indirectly, Lex's relaxed attitude to the nature of his work left a killer scot-free, and led to the death of an entire family.

    Fearing what he had done, Lex turned his back on his life as an officer, just as he had turned his back to the deadly assailant. He fled from his old life, attempting to escape the horrors he had indirectly caused. However, there was one thing that he could not outrun. Aroused by Lex's heartless demeanor and corrupted conscience, the entity decided to show him the life of the killers he had once let lose.

    Although Lex was corrupt in his line of work, he was never one to hurt the innocent directly. But slowly the entity corrupted his mind, brought him down to the killers he had set free. Now the forlorn officer is forever forced to repay his betrayal time and time again as the judge, the jury, and the executioner. (Story not cannon cuz I'm bad at writing)

    Take a look at these perks, I tried to be original w/o making them op

    Special:: Judge, Jury, Executioner:

    Every successful-basic melee hit on a survivor that changes their health state grants a token to the survivor.

    Missing an attack will result in the chased survivor losing a token.

    Every token grants a 1% increase in attack, hooking, vaulting, breaking, and movement speeds

    Once a survivor reaches five tokens they are able to be killed by your hand.

    Tokens are capped at 5

    Perk:: Evading Justice:

    Nothing angers you more than a criminal running from the law, however, you still can’t help but find enjoyment in chasing your prey.

    -When a survivor stuns you with a pallet or activates the entity to block the window, they are exposed for ten seconds.

    -If a chase lasts longer than 60 seconds the survivor becomes exposed until either escaping the chase or being hit.

    -80/70/60 second cool down

    Perk:: Interrogator:

    Few suspects have received your judgement and lived to see another day, your hardened voice alone is enough to instill great fear.

    -When a survivor is working on a generator within your terror radius they receive an extremely difficult skill check.

    -Difficult skill checks have a cool down of 20 seconds.

    -The likelihood of skill checks afterward increases by 30/40/50%

    -If a skill check is failed within your terror radius the generator automatically regresses by 15%.

    Perk:: Judicial Imperative:

    Your years of experience working for the force have fine-tuned your senses in judging one’s conscience.

    -After 15 seconds of chase, the chased survivor receives the revealed status effect for 30 seconds.

    -If the revealed survivor comes within 10/15/20 meters of another survivor, that survivor also becomes revealed for 15 seconds.

    -After 15 seconds of chase, every extra 5 seconds in chase increases the reveal time by a further 2 seconds.

    -A survivor that is not in chase can not be revealed twice by the same revealed survivor.

  • ninjapants22
    ninjapants22 Member Posts: 5

    "The Dark Lord" - Darth Vader, with an underpowered lightsaber, a short range force choke, the ability to slice through a pallete, but also walks really slowly while force choking, and can not go through windows at all.